Source code for MocDown

#! /usr/bin/env python3

__author__ = 'Jeffrey Seifried';
__email__ = '';
__version__ = '1.0';
__year__ = '2014';

### Imports

# Standard library
from argparse import ArgumentParser;
from concurrent import futures as Futures;
from csv import reader as CsvReader,\
                writer as CsvWriter;
from glob import glob as Glob;
from gzip import open as GzipOpen;
from numpy import array as Array,\
                  concatenate as Concatenate,\
                  diff as Difference,\
                  empty as Empty,\
                  exp as Exponent,\
                  interp as LinearInterpolate,\
                  log as NaturalLogarithm,\
                  logspace as LogSpace,\
                  nan_to_num as Nan2Num,\
                  nonzero as NonZero,\
                  seterr as SetNumpyError,\
                  zeros as Zeros;
SetNumpyError(invalid = 'ignore', divide = 'ignore');
from os import getcwd as GetCurrentWorkingDirectory,\
               mkdir as LibMakeDirectory,\
               remove as LibRemoveFile,\
               rmdir as LibRemoveDirectory,\
               stat as FileStatus,\
               symlink as LibSymbolicLink,\
               system as SystemCall;
from os.path import exists as Exists,\
                    getmtime as GetModificationTime;
from pickle import dump as Pickle,\
                   dumps as PickleString,\
                   load as UnPickle,\
from random import randint as RandomInteger;
from re import compile as ReCompile;
from shutil import copyfile as LibCopyFile,\
                   move as LibMoveFile,\
                   rmtree as LibRemoveTree;
from sys import modules as Modules,\
                stdout as StdOut;
from tempfile import mkdtemp as LibMakeTemporaryDirectory;
from time import sleep as Sleep;
# Physical constants
from scipy.constants import day as secondsPerDay,\
                            eV as joulePerEv,\
                            Julian_year as secondsPerYear,\
                            k as boltzmannsConstant,\
                            m_u as kgPerAmu,\
                            m_n as neutronMass,\
                            N_A as avogadrosNumber,\
                            pi as pi;
avogadrosNumber /= 1e24;
neutronMass /= kgPerAmu;
del kgPerAmu;
joulePerMev = joulePerEv / 1e6;
mevPerJoule = 1. / joulePerMev;
kelvinPerMev = 1. / boltzmannsConstant / mevPerJoule;
daysPerYear = secondsPerYear / secondsPerDay;
del(secondsPerDay, secondsPerYear);

### Constants

# Computer epsilon
epsilon = 1e-9;
# ORIGEN2.2 input file template
### # FIXME absorption rate (19) and fission rate (21) now; radioactivity (7) and ingestion hazard (15) later?
origenInputFileTemplate = '''\
 LIP    1 1 0
 LIB    0 1 2 3 -{xsLibs[0]:d} -{xsLibs[1]:d} -{xsLibs[2]:d} 9 50 0 4 0
 OPTL   8 8 8 8 8  8 8 8 8 8  8 8 8 8 8  8 8 8 5 8  5 8 8 8
 OPTA   8 8 8 8 8  8 8 8 8 8  8 8 8 8 8  8 8 8 5 8  5 8 8 8
 OPTF   8 8 8 8 8  8 8 8 8 8  8 8 8 8 8  8 8 8 5 8  5 8 8 8
 CUT    3 1.0E-24 28 1.0E-75 -1
 INP    1 -2 0 0 1 1
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[0]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E}  1  2 4 2
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[1]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E}  2  3 4 0
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[2]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E}  3  4 4 0
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[3]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E}  4  5 4 0
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[4]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E}  5  6 4 0
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[5]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E}  6  7 4 0
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[6]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E}  7  8 4 0
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[7]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E}  8  9 4 0
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[8]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E}  9 10 4 0
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[9]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E} 10 11 4 0
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[10]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E} 11  1 4 0
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[11]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E}  1  2 4 0
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[12]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E}  2  3 4 0
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[13]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E}  3  4 4 0
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[14]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E}  4  5 4 0
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[15]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E}  5  6 4 0
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[16]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E}  6  7 4 0
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[17]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E}  7  8 4 0
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[18]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E}  8  9 4 0
 {burnMode}    {timeEnds[19]:.5E} {cellBurnRate:.5E}  9 10 4 0
 PCH    10 10 10
 OUT    10 1 0 0
 STP    4
# ORIGEN2.2 punch card template
origenPunchCardTemplate = '''\
{lib:d} {zam:d} {moles:.9E} 0 0 0 0 0 0''';
# ORIGEN2.2 cross-section library template
origenXsLibraryTemplate = '''\
{lib:>3d} {zam:>7d} {sigma[0]:.4E} {sigma[1]:.4E} {sigma[2]:.4E} {sigma[3]:.4E} {sigma[4]:.4E} {sigma[5]:.4E} -1''';
# Regular expression for numeric strings
reNumber = ReCompile(r'[0-9]+', 2 | 8);

### Custom classes

[docs]class Coordinate: '''Contain an abscissa and ordinate.'''; def __init__(self, x, y): '''Construct a new instance.'''; self.x = x; self.y = y; ### return; ###
[docs] def GetX(self): '''Return abscissa.'''; return self.x; ###
[docs] def GetY(self): '''Return ordinate.'''; return self.y; ### # Empty Class ###
[docs]class Class: '''Empty class.'''; pass; ### # Depletion calculation ###
[docs]class DepletionCalculation: '''Depletion calculation, held in memory during operation.'''; def __init__(self, arguments, isPickleTransmute = False): '''Construct a new instance.'''; ### # Set argument attributes ### self.arguments = arguments; ### # Set isPickleTransmute ### self.isPickleTransmute = isPickleTransmute; ### # Parse transport file ### self.originalTransportFile = ReadTransportFile(arguments.transportFileName); ### # Maybe populate depletion steps ### self.PopulateDepletionSteps(); ### # Run depletion calculation ### self.Deplete(); ### # Collate pickles ### self.depletionCalculationPickle = DepletionCalculationPickle(self); ### return; ### def __len__(self): '''Return number of depletion steps.'''; return len(mocDownInputFile); ### # Generic getter methods ###
[docs] def GetArguments(self): '''Return input arguments.'''; return self.arguments; ###
[docs] def GetBurnCells(self): '''Return cells which are depleted.'''; return self.GetParameter('burnCells'); ###
[docs] def GetBurnMode(self): '''Return ORIGEN2 string for flux or power mode.'''; return ['IRF', 'IRP'][self.GetParameter('isPowerMode')]; ###
[docs] def GetBurnRate(self): '''Return system total flux or power for current depletion step.'''; if self.GetParameter('isPowerMode'): return self.GetDepletionStepPower(); else: return self.GetDepletionStepFlux(); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberBurnRate(self, cellNumber): '''Return cell flux or power for current depletion step.'''; return self.GetCellNumber2BurnRate()[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumber2BurnRate(self): '''Return dictionary mapping cell to flux or power for current depletion step.'''; return self.cellNumber2BurnRate; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberDecayPower(self, cellNumber, offset = 0): '''Return cell decay power for current depletion step.'''; try: return self.depletionStep2CellNumber2DecayPower[self.GetDepletionStep(offset)][cellNumber]; except KeyError: return 0; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberThermalPower(self, transportOutputFile, cellNumber, includeDecayHeat = True): '''Return cell thermal power for current depletion step.'''; if transportOutputFile.GetIsCoupled(): ### # This is a coupled neutron/photon transport calculation; # F6:np tallies are a good estimate for thermal power ### thermalPower = float(transportOutputFile.GetCellNumberParticlePower(cellNumber, mnemonic = 'f6')); else: ### # This is a neuton-only transport calculation; # A Q-value estimate must be made for thermal power ### thermalPower = float(transportOutputFile.GetCellNumberQPower(cellNumber, mocDownInputFile.GetParameter('qValueMethod'))); ### # If requested, add decay heat ### if includeDecayHeat: thermalPower += self.GetCellNumberDecayPower(cellNumber); ### return thermalPower; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumber2Micros(self): '''Return dictionary mapping cell to one-group microscopic cross-sections for current depletion step.'''; return self.cellNumber2Micros; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumber2OrigenCalculation(self): '''Return cell ORIGEN calculuation for current depletion step.'''; return self.cellNumber2OrigenCalculation; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumber2Zam2Moles(self): '''Return dictionary mapping cell to isotope to moles for current depletion step.'''; return self.cellNumber2Zam2Moles; ###
[docs] def GetCoolantDensityCalculations(self): '''Return cell coolant density calculuations for current depletion step.'''; return self.coolantDensityCalculations; ###
[docs] def GetDefaultDecayLibrary(self): '''Return ORIGEN2 default decay library.'''; return self.defaultDecayLibrary; ###
[docs] def GetDefaultPhotonLibrary(self): '''Return ORIGEN2 default photon library.'''; return self.defaultPhotonLibrary; ###
[docs] def GetDefaultXsLibrary(self): '''Return ORIGEN2 default one-group microscopic cross-section library.'''; return self.defaultXsLibrary; ###
[docs] def GetDepletionCalculationPickle(self): '''Return depletion I/O object for entire calculation.'''; return self.depletionCalculationPickle; ###
[docs] def GetDepletionStepFlux(self): '''Return system total flux for current depletion step.'''; return self.GetParameter('depletionStepFluxes')[self.GetDepletionStep()]; ###
[docs] def GetDepletionStepPickle(self, offset = 0): '''Return depletion I/O object for current step.'''; try: return self.depletionStep2DepletionStepPickle[self.GetDepletionStep(offset)]; except KeyError: return None; ###
[docs] def GetDepletionStepPower(self): '''Return system total power for current depletion step.'''; return self.GetParameter('depletionStepPowers')[self.GetDepletionStep()]; ###
[docs] def GetDepletionStepTimeInterval(self): '''Return time duration of current depletion step.'''; return self.GetParameter('depletionStepTimeIntervals')[self.GetDepletionStep()]; ###
[docs] def GetDepletionStep(self, offset = 0): '''Return index of current depletion step.'''; return self.depletionStep + offset; ###
[docs] def GetDepletionString(self): '''Return string for current depletion step.'''; return 'DS #{:d} of {:d}'.format(self.GetDepletionStep(), len(self)); ###
[docs] def GetEitherUpdate(self): '''Return if coolant densities or fuel temperatures are coupled.'''; return self.GetParameter('updateCoolantDensities') or self.GetParameter('updateFuelTemperatures'); ###
[docs] def GetFileName(self, extension = None, withoutTH = False): '''Return MCNP input filename for current depletion step.'''; fileName = self.GetOriginalTransportFile().GetNewputFileName(self.GetDepletionStep()); if self.GetEitherUpdate() and not withoutTH: fileName += '-{:d}'.format(self.GetTransportIteration()); ### if extension is not None: fileName += '.{}'.format(extension); ### return fileName; ###
[docs] def GetFuelTemperatureCalculations(self): '''Return cell fuel temperature calculuations for current depletion step.'''; return self.fuelTemperatureCalculations; ###
[docs] def GetDisplayFiles(self): '''Return if file operations are verbose.'''; return not bool(self.GetArguments().isQuiet); ###
[docs] def GetForceDecayTransport(self): '''Return if transport is to be performed even when it is not needed for transmutation.'''; return self.GetParameter('forceDecayTransport'); ###
[docs] def GetIncludeDecayHeat(self): '''Return if decay heat is to be considered.'''; return self.GetParameter('includeDecayHeat'); ###
[docs] def GetIsDecayStep(self): '''Return if current depletion step entails decay.'''; return (self.GetParameter('isPowerMode') and 0 == self.GetDepletionStepPower()) or (not self.GetParameter('isPowerMode') and 0 == self.GetDepletionStepFlux()); ###
[docs] def GetIsLesserMcnp(self): '''Return if MCNP version is 5.1.51 or earlier.'''; ### # This is specific to the and clusters (circa November, 2012)! ### return all(dir not in self.GetParameter('mcnpExecutablePath') for dir in ('MCNP5-1.60', 'MCNP6', 'MCNPX', 'm1537')); ###
[docs] def GetIsOrigen2(self): '''Return if ORIGEN version is 2.2.'''; return any(executable in self.GetParameter('origenExecutablePath') for executable in ('o2_fast', 'o2_thermal')); ###
[docs] def GetIsPickleTransmute(self): '''Return if current depletion step is to be transmuted using pickles.'''; return self.isPickleTransmute; ###
[docs] def GetIsRestart(self): '''Return if current depletion step is in restart mode.'''; return bool(self.GetArguments().isRestart); ###
[docs] def GetIsVerbose(self): '''Return if warnings are verbose.'''; return bool(self.GetArguments().isVerbose); ###
[docs] def GetLibZams(self, lib): '''Return isotopes present in a ORIGEN2 sub-library.'''; return self.GetLib2Zams()[lib]; ###
[docs] def GetLib2Zams(self): '''Return dictionary mapping ORIGEN2 sub-library to its isotopes present.'''; return self.lib2Zams; ###
[docs] def GetLibZamExcite(self, lib, zam): '''Return excited fraction states for isotope of a ORIGEN2 sublibrary.'''; return self.lib2Zam2Excite[lib][zam]; ###
[docs] def GetMaterialNumberZaid(self, materialNumber): '''Return isotope for a single-isotope material.'''; return self.GetMaterialNumber2Zaid()[materialNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetMaterialNumber2Zaid(self): '''Return dictionary mapping single-isotope material to isotope.'''; return self.materialNumber2Zaid; ###
[docs] def GetTransmuteTallyNumber(self): '''Return MCNP tally number used for transmutation constants.'''; return self.transmuteTallyNumber; ###
[docs] def GetOrigen2LibMts(self, lib): '''Return ORIGEN2 sub-library MT #s.'''; return self.GetOrigen2Lib2Mts()[lib % 10]; ###
[docs] def GetOrigen2Lib2Mts(self): '''Return dictionary mapping ORIGEN2 sub-library to MT #s.'''; return self.origen2Lib2Mts; ###
[docs] def GetOriginalTransportFile(self): '''Return object for initial MCNP input file.'''; return self.originalTransportFile; ###
[docs] def GetParameter(self, key): '''Return mocdown input file parameter for a key.'''; return self.GetParameters()[key]; ###
[docs] def GetParameters(self): '''Return mocdown input file parameters.'''; return mocDownInputFile.GetParameters(); ###
[docs] def GetPreviousCoolantDensityCalculations(self): '''Return previously performed coolant density calculations.'''; return self.previousCoolantDensityCalculations; ###
[docs] def GetPreviousFuelTemperatureCalculations(self): '''Return previously performed fuel temperature calculations.'''; return self.previousFuelTemperatureCalculations; ###
[docs] def GetTransportIteration(self): '''Return index of transport iterations.'''; if not hasattr(self, 'transportIteration'): self.transportIteration = 0; ### return self.transportIteration; ###
[docs] def GetXsDirZaids(self): '''Return list of isotopes present in MCNP xsdir.'''; return self.xsDirZaids; ###
[docs] def GetZa2WattsPerMole(self): '''Return dictionarty mapping isotope to its decay heat per mole.'''; return self.za2WattsPerMole; ### # Depletion methods ###
[docs] def PopulateDepletionSteps(self): '''Populate derived depletion parameters.'''; ### # Populate depletion step time intervals, fluxes, and powers if the total depletion time is provided ### if self.GetParameter('depletionTime') is not None: ### if self.GetParameter('depletionFlux') is not None: if self.GetParameter('depletionFlux') and self.GetParameter('depletionTime'): ### # Determine days -> fluence conversion ### days2Fluence = self.GetParameter('depletionFlux'); fluenceLeft = self.GetParameter('depletionTime') * days2Fluence; ### # Populate fluence steps ### fluenceStep = self.GetParameter('minimumFluenceStep'); depletionStepFluences = []; while fluenceLeft: ### # Don't burn beyond what is left! ### fluenceStep = min(fluenceStep, fluenceLeft); ### # Append fluenceStep ### depletionStepFluences.append(fluenceStep); fluenceLeft -= fluenceStep; ### # Double fluenceStep # Limit to maximumFluenceStep ### fluenceStep *= 2; fluenceStep = min(fluenceStep, self.GetParameter('maximumFluenceStep')); ### # Convert fluence steps -> time steps ### mocDownInputFile.parameters['depletionStepTimeIntervals'] = [SafeDivide(depletionStepFluence, days2Fluence) for depletionStepFluence in depletionStepFluences]; else: ### # Decay step or transport-only ### mocDownInputFile.parameters['depletionStepTimeIntervals'] = [self.GetParameter('depletionTime')]; ### # Repeat the power for each time step ### mocDownInputFile.parameters['depletionStepFluxes'] = [self.GetParameter('depletionFlux')] * len(self); elif self.GetParameter('depletionPower') is not None: if self.GetParameter('depletionPower') and self.GetParameter('depletionTime'): ### # Determine days -> BU conversion ### days2Burnup = SafeDivide(self.GetParameter('depletionPower'), self.GetOriginalTransportFile().GetHeavyMetalMT()); burnupLeft = self.GetParameter('depletionTime') * days2Burnup; ### # Populate burnup steps ### burnupStep = self.GetParameter('minimumBurnupStep'); depletionStepBurnups = []; while burnupLeft: ### # Don't burn beyond what is left! ### burnupStep = min(burnupStep, burnupLeft); ### # Append burnupStep ### depletionStepBurnups.append(burnupStep); burnupLeft -= burnupStep; ### # Double burnupStep; # Limit it to maximumBurnupStep ### burnupStep *= 2; burnupStep = min(burnupStep, self.GetParameter('maximumBurnupStep')); ### # Convert burnup steps -> time steps ### mocDownInputFile.parameters['depletionStepTimeIntervals'] = [SafeDivide(depletionStepBurnup, days2Burnup) for depletionStepBurnup in depletionStepBurnups]; else: ### # Decay step or transport-only ### mocDownInputFile.parameters['depletionStepTimeIntervals'] = [self.GetParameter('depletionTime')]; ### # Repeat the power for each time step ### mocDownInputFile.parameters['depletionStepPowers'] = [self.GetParameter('depletionPower')] * len(self); ### # Erase depletion time; # For iteration purposes, this can be modified and the depletion steps will be regenerated ### mocDownInputFile.parameters['depletionTime'] = None; ### # Maybe append decay step ### if bool(self.GetParameter('depletionTerminalDecayTime')): ### # Decay time ### mocDownInputFile.parameters['depletionStepTimeIntervals'].append(self.GetParameter('depletionTerminalDecayTime') * daysPerYear); ### # Power or flux ### if self.GetParameter('isPowerMode'): mocDownInputFile.parameters['depletionStepPowers'].append(0); else: mocDownInputFile.parameters['depletionStepFluxes'].append(0); ### # Calculate depletion step time ends ### mocDownInputFile.parameters['depletionStepTimeEnds'] = [sum(self.GetParameter('depletionStepTimeIntervals')[ : index]) for index in range(len(self) + 1)]; ### return; ###
[docs] def Deplete(self): '''Execute MocDown depletion.'''; PrintNow('> {} will perform {} depletion step(s)'.format(__file__, len(self))); ### # Prepare depletion ### self.PrepareDepletion(); ### # Iterate over depletion steps ### while self.GetDepletionStep() < len(self): ### # Try to unpickle depletion step ### self.TryUnpickle(); ### # If this is a restart step, unpickle files and skip ### if self.GetIsRestart() and self.GetDepletionStepPickle() is not None: PrintNow('> This is a restart step ... skipping {}'.format(self.GetDepletionString())); depletionStepPickle = self.GetDepletionStepPickle(); ### # Maybe write the unpickled transport input ### if not Exists(self.GetFileName('i')) and depletionStepPickle.GetTransportInputRaw() is not None: WriteFile(self.GetFileName('i', withoutTH = True), depletionStepPickle.GetTransportInputRaw(), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### # Maybe write the unpickled transport output ### if not Exists(self.GetFileName('o')) and depletionStepPickle.GetTransportOutputRaw() is not None: WriteFile(self.GetFileName('o', withoutTH = True), depletionStepPickle.GetTransportOutputRaw(), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### # Grab the pickle'd ORIGEN calculations and decay powers ### self.cellNumber2OrigenCalculation = {cellNumber : depletionStepPickle.GetCellNumberOrigenCalculation(cellNumber) for cellNumber in depletionStepPickle.GetBurnCells()}; self.depletionStep2CellNumber2DecayPower[self.GetDepletionStep(offset = +1)] = depletionStepPickle.GetCellNumber2NextDecayPower(); ### # Increment depletion step ### self.IncrementDepletionStep(); ### # Kick out of depletion step ### continue; ### # Transport calculation with possible iterations on densities or temperatures ### transportFile = self.TransportConvergence(); ### # Transmute calculation ### self.TransmuteThreads(transportFile, GetCurrentWorkingDirectory() + '/'); ### # Pickle depletion object after every depletion step for restarts, recycles, and plotting ### self.PickleDepletionStep(transportFile); ### # Increment depletion step ### self.IncrementDepletionStep(); ### # Prepare end-of-depletion transport input ### self.PrepareTransport(); ### # Pickle depletion object -- post-transmute, but pre-transport ### self.PickleDepletionStep(McnpInputFile(self.GetFileName('i', withoutTH = (self.GetDepletionStep() >= len(self))))); ### PrintNow('> {} has completed all {} depletion step(s)'.format(__file__, len(self))); ### return; ###
[docs] def PrepareDepletion(self): '''Populate default depletion parameters.'''; ### # Set depletion step ### self.depletionStep = 0; ### # Set coolant density / fuel temperature calculations ### self.coolantDensityCalculations = []; self.previousCoolantDensityCalculations = []; self.fuelTemperatureCalculations = []; self.previousFuelTemperatureCalculations = []; ### # Set DS -> pickle ### self.depletionStep2DepletionStepPickle = {}; ### # Define MT #'s for each ORIGEN library group (1 = Activation products, 2 = Actinides, and 3 = Fission Products) ### self.origen2Lib2Mts = { 1 : (102, 16, 107, 103), 2 : (102, 16, 17, -6), 3 : (102, 16, 107, 103), }; ### # Read default decay, photon, and cross-section libraries ### for defaultLibrary in ('defaultDecayLibrary', 'defaultPhotonLibrary', 'defaultXsLibrary'): setattr(self, defaultLibrary, ReadFile(self.GetParameter('origenLibraryPathTemplate').format(self.GetParameter(defaultLibrary)), display = self.GetDisplayFiles())); ### # Maybe populate molar decay heat conversions ### self.za2WattsPerMole = {}; if self.GetIncludeDecayHeat(): iuConversion = { '1' : 1, '2' : 1 / 60, '3' : 1 / 60 / 60, '4' : 1 / 60 / 60 / 24, '5' : 1 / 60 / 60 / 24 / daysPerYear, '6' : 0, '7' : 1 / 60 / 60 / 24 / daysPerYear / 1e3, '8' : 1 / 60 / 60 / 24 / daysPerYear / 1e6, '9' : 1 / 60 / 60 / 24 / daysPerYear / 1e9, }; logOfTwo = NaturalLogarithm(2); ### for match in ReCompile(r'^ *\d {2,3}([\d]{5,7}) +(\d) +([\d\.e+\- ]{9}).+\n[\d ]{20}([\d\.e+\- ]{9} ){3}', 2 | 8).finditer(self.GetDefaultDecayLibrary()): zam, iu, thalf, qrec = match.groups(); ### self.za2WattsPerMole[Zaid2Za(Zam2Zaid(int(float(zam)), ''))] = logOfTwo * SafeDivide(iuConversion[iu], float(thalf.replace(' ', ''))) * float(qrec.replace(' ', '')) * joulePerMev * (avogadrosNumber * 1e24); ### # Initiate cell # -> decay powers (delayed β's and γ's); # Assume that only burn cells have appreciable decay heat ### self.depletionStep2CellNumber2DecayPower = {self.GetDepletionStep(offset = 0) : {cellNumber : self.GetOriginalTransportFile().GetCellNumberDecayPower(cellNumber, self.GetZa2WattsPerMole()) for cellNumber in self.GetBurnCells()}}; ### # Populate cross-section library metastable fractions ### def HelperExcited(*args): return SafeDivide(args[2], args[0] + args[2]), SafeDivide(args[3], args[1] + args[3]); ### libs = set(int(float(lib)) for lib in ReCompile(r'^ *(\d{1,3}) +', 2 | 8).findall(self.GetDefaultXsLibrary())); ### self.lib2Zams = {}; self.lib2Zam2Excite = {}; for lib in libs: self.lib2Zams[lib] = []; self.lib2Zam2Excite[lib] = {}; for match in ReCompile(r'^ *{} +(\d{{5,7}}) +([\d\.e+\-]+) +([\d\.e+\-]+) +[\d\.e+\-]+ +[\d\.e+\-]+ +([\d\.e+\-]+) +([\d\.e+\-]+) + [\d\.e+\-]+ *$'.format(lib), 2 | 8).finditer(self.GetDefaultXsLibrary()): zam = int(float(; self.lib2Zams[lib].append(zam); self.lib2Zam2Excite[lib][zam] = HelperExcited(*(float(group.replace(' ', '')) for group in match.groups()[1 : ])); ### # Populate xsdir cross-section zaids ### self.xsDirZaids = sorted( for m in ReCompile(r'\d{4,6}\.\d{2}c', 2 | 8).finditer(xsDir)); ### # Maybe remove transport and trasmute log files ### if not self.GetIsRestart(): for logFileName in ('transport.log', 'transmute.log'): RemoveFile(logFileName, display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### # Set transmutation results to None ### self.cellNumber2OrigenCalculation = self.cellNumber2Zam2Moles = self.cellNumber2Micros = None; ### # Set transmutation constant tally number ### self.transmuteTallyNumber = 4; ### return; ###
[docs] def TryUnpickle(self): '''Attempt to read a pickle file for current depletion step.'''; ### # If a restart is requested, attempt to load the depletion step pickle; # If the pickle doesn't exist, fail to as if the restart was not requested (for that depletion step) ### self.depletionStep2DepletionStepPickle[self.GetDepletionStep()] = None; ### if self.GetIsRestart() or self.GetIsPickleTransmute(): ### extension = 'pkl'; if self.GetParameter('compressPickles'): extension += '.gz'; ### if Exists('{}.{}'.format(self.GetFileName(withoutTH = True), extension)): self.depletionStep2DepletionStepPickle[self.GetDepletionStep()] = self.UnpickleDepletionStep(); ### if self.GetDepletionStepPickle().GetParameters() != self.GetParameters(): Warning('{} input parameters do not match that of the pickle'.format(__file__)); ### return; ###
[docs] def TransportConvergence(self): '''Iterate transport calculations until convergence for current depletion step.'''; transportFile = None; ### # Archive the most relevant coolant density calculation: # First, for restarts, during the first non-pickle step (before any have been performed), unpickle the most recent one; # Second, for recycles, during transmute-only cycles (when none are performed), unpickle the current one # Third, if any have been performed, archive the most recent one; ### if self.GetIsRestart() and self.GetDepletionStepPickle(offset = -1) is not None and any(self.GetDepletionStepPickle(offset = -1).GetCoolantDensityCalculations()): self.previousCoolantDensityCalculations = [coolantDensityCalculation for coolantDensityCalculation in self.GetDepletionStepPickle(offset = -1).GetCoolantDensityCalculations() if coolantDensityCalculation is not None]; ### if self.GetIsPickleTransmute() and self.GetDepletionStepPickle(offset = +0) is not None and any(self.GetDepletionStepPickle(offset = +0).GetCoolantDensityCalculations()): self.previousCoolantDensityCalculations = [coolantDensityCalculation for coolantDensityCalculation in self.GetDepletionStepPickle(offset = +0).GetCoolantDensityCalculations() if coolantDensityCalculation is not None]; ### if any(self.GetCoolantDensityCalculations()): self.previousCoolantDensityCalculations = [coolantDensityCalculation for coolantDensityCalculation in self.GetCoolantDensityCalculations() if coolantDensityCalculation is not None]; ### self.coolantDensityCalculations = []; ### # Archive the most relevant fuel temperature calculation: # First, for restarts, during the first non-pickle step (before any have been performed), unpickle the most recent one; # Second, for recycles, during transmute-only cycles (when none are performed), unpickle the current one # Third, if any have been performed, archive the most recent one; ### if self.GetIsRestart() and self.GetDepletionStepPickle(offset = -1) is not None and any(self.GetDepletionStepPickle(offset = -1).GetFuelTemperatureCalculations()): self.previousFuelTemperatureCalculations = [fuelTemperatureCalculation for fuelTemperatureCalculation in self.GetDepletionStepPickle(offset = -1).GetFuelTemperatureCalculations() if fuelTemperatureCalculation is not None]; ### if self.GetIsPickleTransmute() and self.GetDepletionStepPickle(offset = +0) is not None and any(self.GetDepletionStepPickle(offset = +0).GetFuelTemperatureCalculations()): self.previousFuelTemperatureCalculations = [fuelTemperatureCalculation for fuelTemperatureCalculation in self.GetDepletionStepPickle(offset = +0).GetFuelTemperatureCalculations() if fuelTemperatureCalculation is not None]; ### if any(self.GetFuelTemperatureCalculations()): self.previousFuelTemperatureCalculations = [fuelTemperatureCalculation for fuelTemperatureCalculation in self.GetFuelTemperatureCalculations() if fuelTemperatureCalculation is not None]; ### self.fuelTemperatureCalculations = []; ### # Fixed-point iteration, rotating between transport, coolant density updates, and fuel temperature updates; # Convergence is signified by transportFile's input file not having a newputRaw ### while transportFile is None or transportFile.GetIsUpdated(): ### # Write transport input with necessary tallies ### self.PrepareTransport(transportFile); ### # Run tranport calculation; # Parse results ### transportFile = self.Transport(); ### # Clean up files ### self.CleanUpFiles(); ### # Maybe update material densities; ### self.coolantDensityCalculations.append(self.UpdateCoolantDensitys(transportFile)); ### # Maybe update material temperatures ### self.fuelTemperatureCalculations.append(self.UpdateFuelTemperatures(transportFile)); ### # Increment transport iteration ### self.IncrementTransportIteration(); ### # Transport iterations are complete! ### self.ResetTransportIteration(); ### return transportFile; ###
[docs] def PrepareTransport(self, transportFile = None): '''Write MCNP input file for current depletion step.'''; PrintNow('> Writing MCNP input for {}{}'.format(self.GetDepletionString(), ['', '; transport iteration #{:d}'.format(self.GetTransportIteration())][self.GetTransportIteration() > 0])); ### # If this is the first transport iteration, then grab the original transport input file; # Otherwise, the correct tallies and burned cell densities ### if 0 == self.GetTransportIteration(): transportFile = self.GetOriginalTransportFile(); ### # We want a clean input file to work with ### transportFile.ResetNewput(); ### # Determine zaids; # Maybe replace burned cells and materials ### if self.GetCellNumber2OrigenCalculation() is None: ### # This is the first depletion step ### zaids = {zaid for cellNumber in self.GetBurnCells() for zaid in transportFile.FindCellMaterial(cellNumber).GetZaids()}; elif isinstance(self.GetCellNumber2OrigenCalculation(), dict): ### # This is the nth depletion step ### zaids = set(); for cellNumber, origenCalculation in self.GetCellNumber2OrigenCalculation().items(): ### # Kick out insignificant zaids and zaids without xsdir entries ### minimumIsotopeCutoff = self.GetParameter('minimumIsotopeCutoff'); zaid2AbsorptionFraction = {zaid : absorptionFraction for zaid, absorptionFraction in origenCalculation.GetZaid2AbsorptionFraction().items() if absorptionFraction > minimumIsotopeCutoff if zaid in self.GetXsDirZaids()}; zaid2AtomFraction = {zaid : atomFraction for zaid, atomFraction in origenCalculation.GetZaid2AtomFraction().items() if atomFraction > minimumIsotopeCutoff if zaid in self.GetXsDirZaids()}; zaid2FissionFraction = {zaid : fissionFraction for zaid, fissionFraction in origenCalculation.GetZaid2FissionFraction().items() if fissionFraction > minimumIsotopeCutoff if zaid in self.GetXsDirZaids()}; zaid2WeightFraction = {zaid : weightFraction for zaid, weightFraction in origenCalculation.GetZaid2WeightFraction().items() if weightFraction > minimumIsotopeCutoff if zaid in self.GetXsDirZaids()}; ### # Take the union of absorption-, atom-, fission-, and weight-fraction-sufficient zaids ### for zaid2Fraction in (zaid2AbsorptionFraction, zaid2FissionFraction, zaid2WeightFraction): zaid2AtomFraction.update({zaid : origenCalculation.GetZaid2AtomFraction()[zaid] for zaid in set(zaid2Fraction) - set(zaid2AtomFraction)}); ### # Update zaids set ### zaids.update(zaid2AtomFraction); ### # Replace original cell with burned cell ### cell = transportFile.FindCell(cellNumber); cellCard = cell.GetMaterialDensityRegex().sub('{:+10.7f}'.format(origenCalculation.GetNumberDensity()), cell.GetRaw()); transportFile.ReplaceNewputCard(cell, cellCard); ### # Replace original material with burned material ### material = transportFile.FindCellMaterial(cellNumber); materialCard = WordArrange(words = ('{:>10} {:+.5E}'.format(zaid, atomFraction) for zaid, atomFraction in sorted(zaid2AtomFraction.items(), key = lambda item: (item[1], item[0]), reverse = True)), prefix = '\nm{:<6d}'.format(material.GetNumber()), indent = 8); transportFile.ReplaceNewputCard(material, materialCard); ### # If this is not the last depletion step, attach single-zaid materials and tallys ### if self.GetDepletionStep() < len(self): ### # Determine existing (and therefore unavailable) material and tally numbers ### unavailable = {mnemonic : set() for mnemonic in ('f1', 'f2', 'f4', 'fm4', 'f5', 'f6', 'f7', 'f8')}; unavailable['m'] = {material.GetNumber() for material in transportFile.GetMaterials()}; unavailable['m'].update((0, )); ### for tally in transportFile.GetTallys(): tallyNumber = tally.GetNumber(); unavailable['f{}'.format(tallyNumber % 10)].update((tallyNumber // 10, )); ### mnemonic2NewLines = {}; ### # Single-za materials; # Find unique material number for each zaid; # Material numbers limits in MCNP5-1.51 are 5-digits; those of later versions are 8-digits ### mnemonic = 'm'; numberOfDigits = [8, 4][self.GetIsLesserMcnp()]; zaid2MaterialNumber = {}; ### for zaid in zaids: za = Zaid2Za(zaid); if za not in unavailable[mnemonic] and NaturalLogarithm(za) < NaturalLogarithm(10) * numberOfDigits: materialNumber = za; else: materialNumber = UniqueDigits(numberOfDigits, unavailable[mnemonic]); ### unavailable[mnemonic].update((materialNumber, )); ### zaid2MaterialNumber[zaid] = materialNumber; mnemonic2NewLines[mnemonic] = ('m{:<6} {:>10} +1.0'.format(materialNumber, zaid) for zaid, materialNumber in sorted(zaid2MaterialNumber.items(), key = lambda item: NumericStringKey(item[0]))); ### # Invert and attach zaid -> material # ### self.materialNumber2Zaid = {materialNumber : zaid for zaid, materialNumber in zaid2MaterialNumber.items()}; ### # Burn cell flux and reaction rate tallies; # Find unique tally number # Tally numbers limits in MCNP5-1.51 are 3-digits; those of later versions are 4-digits ### mnemonic = 'f4'; numberOfDigits = [3, 4][self.GetIsLesserMcnp()]; for tallyNumber in range(100): if tallyNumber not in unavailable[mnemonic]: break; tallyNumber = None; if tallyNumber is None: tallyNumber = UniqueDigits(numberOfDigits, unavailable[mnemonic]); ### self.transmuteTallyNumber = 10 * tallyNumber + 4; ### unavailable[mnemonic].update((tallyNumber, )); ### # Tally cards ### mnemonic2NewLines[mnemonic] = [WordArrange(words = sorted(self.GetBurnCells()), prefix = 'f{}:n'.format(10 * tallyNumber + int(float(mnemonic[-1]))))]; ### mnemonic = 'fm4'; ### def Zaid2Mts(zaid): zam = Zaid2Zam(zaid); mts = {mt for lib, zams in self.GetLib2Zams().items() if zam in zams for mt in self.GetOrigen2LibMts(lib)}; ### if mts: return sorted(mts); ### return self.GetOrigen2LibMts(1); ### bins = ['(1)'] + ['(1 {} ({}))'.format(materialNumber, ') ('.join(str(reactionNumber) for reactionNumber in Zaid2Mts(zaid))) for zaid, materialNumber in sorted(zaid2MaterialNumber.items(), key = lambda item: NumericStringKey(item[0]))]; mnemonic2NewLines[mnemonic] = [WordArrange(words = bins, prefix = 'fm{}:n'.format(10 * tallyNumber + int(float(mnemonic[-1]))))]; ### # Thermal power tallies; # Only include them when coupled neutron/photon transport is performed ### if transportFile.GetIsCoupled(): mnemonic = 'f6'; mnemonic2NewLines[mnemonic] = [WordArrange(words = transportFile.GetPowerCells(), prefix = 'f{}:{}'.format(10 * tallyNumber + int(float(mnemonic[-1])), transportFile.GetMode()))]; ### # Append new lines to input raw ### if mnemonic2NewLines: transportFile.AppendNewputCard('\n'.join('\n'.join(newLines) for mnemonic, newLines in sorted(mnemonic2NewLines.items()))); ### # Grab the most relevant coolant density calculation ### coolantDensityCalculation = None; ### if any(self.GetPreviousCoolantDensityCalculations()): coolantDensityCalculation = [coolantDensityCalculation for coolantDensityCalculation in self.GetPreviousCoolantDensityCalculations() if coolantDensityCalculation is not None][-1]; ### if any(self.GetCoolantDensityCalculations()): coolantDensityCalculation = [coolantDensityCalculation for coolantDensityCalculation in self.GetCoolantDensityCalculations() if coolantDensityCalculation is not None][-1]; ### # If a coolant density update exist, implement it ### if coolantDensityCalculation is not None: ### # Iterate over assemblies ### for assemblyCalculation in coolantDensityCalculation.values(): ### # Iterate over coolant cells ### for cellNumber in assemblyCalculation.GetUpdateCellNumbers(): ### # Replace original cell with transport-updated cell ### cell = transportFile.FindCell(cellNumber); cellCard = cell.GetMaterialDensityRegex().sub('{:+10.7f}'.format(-abs(assemblyCalculation.GetCellNumberMassDensity(cellNumber))), cell.GetRaw()); transportFile.ReplaceNewputCard(cell, cellCard); ### # Grab the most relevant coolant density calculation ### fuelTemperatureCalculation = None; ### if any(self.GetPreviousFuelTemperatureCalculations()): fuelTemperatureCalculation = [fuelTemperatureCalculation for fuelTemperatureCalculation in self.GetPreviousFuelTemperatureCalculations() if fuelTemperatureCalculation is not None][-1]; ### if any(self.GetFuelTemperatureCalculations()): fuelTemperatureCalculation = [fuelTemperatureCalculation for fuelTemperatureCalculation in self.GetFuelTemperatureCalculations() if fuelTemperatureCalculation is not None][-1]; ### # If a fuel temperature update exist, implement it ### if fuelTemperatureCalculation is not None: # FIXME Implement this pass; ### # Write new input ### WriteFile(self.GetFileName('i', withoutTH = (self.GetDepletionStep() >= len(self))), transportFile.GetNewputRaw(), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### return; ###
[docs] def Transport(self): '''Execute transport.'''; ### # Ensure necessary files do/don't exist ### AssertFileExists(self.GetFileName('i')); for extension in ('o', 'src', 'tpe'): RemoveFile(self.GetFileName(extension), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### # Maybe copy MCNP source to .src ### sourceFileName = self.GetParameter('mcnpSourceFileName'); if Exists(sourceFileName): CopyFile(sourceFileName, self.GetFileName('src'), display = GetDisplayFiles()); ### if self.GetIsDecayStep() or self.GetIsPickleTransmute(): ### # Transport is not requested; # Return the input file ### return McnpInputFile(self.GetFileName('i')); else: ### if 0: SystemCall('tar -xvf {}'.format(self.GetFileName('tar'))); else: PrintNow('> Executing MCNP for {}{}'.format(self.GetDepletionString(), ['', '; transport iteration #{:d}'.format(self.GetTransportIteration())][self.GetTransportIteration() > 0])); ### # Transport is requested; # Execute MCNP ### SystemCall(self.GetParameter('mcnpRunCommand').format(executable = self.GetParameter('mcnpExecutablePath'), baseName = self.GetFileName(), xsdir = self.GetParameter('mcnpXsdirPath'))); ### # Parse transport output file ### PrintNow('> Parsing MCNP output for {}{}'.format(self.GetDepletionString(), ['', '; transport iteration #{:d}'.format(self.GetTransportIteration())][self.GetTransportIteration() > 0])); ### transportOutputFile = McnpOutputFile(self.GetFileName('o')); ### # Populate transport source rate ### if self.GetParameter('isPowerMode'): ### # Pth = Pd + Tth * S -> S = (Pth - Pd) / Tth ### totalThermalPower = self.GetBurnRate() * 1e6; delayedThermalPower = sum(self.GetCellNumberDecayPower(cellNumber) for cellNumber in self.GetBurnCells()); promptThermalPower = sum(float(self.GetCellNumberThermalPower(transportOutputFile, cellNumber, includeDecayHeat = False)) for cellNumber in transportOutputFile.GetPowerCells()); ### sourceRate = (totalThermalPower - delayedThermalPower) / promptThermalPower; else: trackLengthVolumes = zip(*{cellNumber : self.GetCellNumberTrackLengthVolume(cellNumber) for cellNumber in self.GetTallyIndices('f4')}.values()); ### sourceRate = SafeDivide(SafeDivide(*(float(sum(trackLengthVolume)) for trackLengthVolume in trackLengthVolumes)), self.GetBurnRate()); ### transportOutputFile.PopulateSourceRate(sourceRate); ### # Maybe print transport output report ### if self.GetIsVerbose(): PrintNow(transportOutputFile); ### return transportOutputFile; ###
[docs] def UpdateCoolantDensitys(self, transportOutputFile): '''Dummy coolant density calculation.'''; ### # Kick out if density updates are not requested ### if not self.GetParameter('updateCoolantDensities'): return; ### # Kick out if decay step or transmute-only ### if self.GetIsDecayStep() or self.GetIsPickleTransmute(): return; ### return; ###
[docs] def UpdateFuelTemperatures(self, transportOutputFile): '''Dummy fuel temperature calculation.'''; ### # Kick out if temperatures updates are not requested ### if not self.GetParameter('updateFuelTemperatures'): return; ### # Kick out if decay step or transmute-only ### if self.GetIsDecayStep() or self.GetIsPickleTransmute(): return; ### return; ###
[docs] def IncrementTransportIteration(self): '''Increment index of transport iterations.'''; self.transportIteration += 1; ### return; ###
[docs] def ResetTransportIteration(self): '''Reset index of transport iterations.'''; ### if self.GetEitherUpdate(): PrintNow('> Transport converged after {:d} iterations {}'.format(self.GetTransportIteration(), self.GetDepletionString())); ### # Link base file names to final iterations ### self.transportIteration -= 1; ### SymbolicLink(self.GetFileName('i'), self.GetFileName('i', withoutTH = True), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### # Transport is not performed for decay steps or pickle transmute ### if not self.GetIsDecayStep() and not self.GetIsPickleTransmute(): SymbolicLink(self.GetFileName('o'), self.GetFileName('o', withoutTH = True), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### # Reset transport iteration number ### self.transportIteration = 0; ### return; ###
[docs] def TransmuteThreads(self, transportOutputFile, currentDir): '''Execute transmute concurrently for each cell.'''; ### # Kick out, if this is a transport-only simulation ### if self.GetDepletionStepTimeInterval() == 0: ### # Null the cell # -> burnRate, micros, zam2Moles ### self.cellNumber2BurnRate = self.cellNumber2Zam2Moles = self.cellNumber2Micros = {cellNumber : None for cellNumber in self.GetBurnCells()}; ### # Populate decay heat (delayed β's and γ's) ### self.depletionStep2CellNumber2DecayPower[self.GetDepletionStep(offset = +1)] = self.depletionStep2CellNumber2DecayPower[self.GetDepletionStep(offset = +0)]; ### return; ### PrintNow('> Executing {:d} concurrent ORIGEN thread(s) for {}'.format(self.GetParameter('numberOfOrigenThreads'), self.GetDepletionString())); ### # Multiple concurrent ORIGEN threads for each burn cell ### self.cellNumber2BurnRate = {}; ### thread = 0; threads = len(self.GetBurnCells()); with Futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = self.GetParameter('numberOfOrigenThreads')) as executor: future2CellNumber = {executor.submit(self.TransmuteThread, cellNumber, transportOutputFile, currentDir) : cellNumber for cellNumber in self.GetBurnCells()}; ### for future in Futures.as_completed(future2CellNumber): if future.exception() is not None: raise(future.exception()); else: thread += 1; PrintNow('> Completed burning cell #{:d} (thread {:d} of {:d})'.format(future2CellNumber[future], thread, threads)); ### # Extract and attach cell # -> Origen calculation, ZAm -> moles, micros ### cellNumber2Transmute = {cellNumber : future.result() for future, cellNumber in future2CellNumber.items()}; self.cellNumber2OrigenCalculation, self.cellNumber2Zam2Moles, self.cellNumber2Micros = [{cellNumber : transmute[index] for cellNumber, transmute in cellNumber2Transmute.items()} for index in range(3)]; ### # Populate decay heat (delayed β's and γ's) ### self.depletionStep2CellNumber2DecayPower[self.GetDepletionStep(offset = +1)] = {cellNumber : origenCalculation.GetDecayPower(self.GetZa2WattsPerMole()) for cellNumber, origenCalculation in self.GetCellNumber2OrigenCalculation().items()}; ### return; ###
[docs] def TransmuteThread(self, cellNumber, transportOutputFile, currentDir): '''Execute transmute concurrently for a cell.'''; ### # Find cell ### cell = transportOutputFile.FindCell(cellNumber); ### # Move to temporary directory ### tmpDir = MakeTemporaryDirectory(display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### # Write transmutation inputs; ### zam2Moles, micros = self.PrepareTransmute(transportOutputFile, cell, tmpDir); ### # Run transmutation calculation; # Parse transport results ### origenCalculation = self.Transmute(cell, tmpDir, currentDir); ### # Attach micros to origenCalculation ### origenCalculation.AttachMicros(micros); ### # Clean up files ### self.CleanUpFiles(tmpDir); ### return origenCalculation, zam2Moles, micros; ###
[docs] def PrepareTransmute(self, transportOutputFile, cell, tmpDir = './'): '''Prepare transmute calculation.'''; PrintNow('> Writing transmute input for cell #{:d}'.format(cell.GetNumber())); ### # Extract cell # ### cellNumber = cell.GetNumber(); ### # origen (ORIGEN executable) ### SymbolicLink(self.GetParameter('origenExecutablePath'), '{}origen'.format(tmpDir), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### # TAPE10.INP (default photon library): ### if self.GetIsPickleTransmute(): ### # This is a pickle transmute cycle, so grab the unpickled TAPE10 ### WriteFile('{}TAPE10.INP'.format(tmpDir), self.GetDepletionStepPickle().GetCellNumberTAPE10(cellNumber), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); else: WriteFile('{}TAPE10.INP'.format(tmpDir), self.GetDefaultPhotonLibrary(), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### # TAPE4.INP (.pch punch card): # Cell moles ### try: ### # If TAPE7.OUT exists from a previous ORIGEN calculation, # grab zam2Moles from there ### zam2Moles = {Zaid2Zam(zaid) : moles for zaid, moles in self.GetCellNumber2OrigenCalculation()[cellNumber].GetZaid2Moles().items()}; except (KeyError, TypeError): ### # No ORIGEN calculation is performed either for this depletion step, or for this cell ### zam2Moles = {Za2Zam(za) : moles for za, moles in cell.GetZa2Moles().items()}; ### WriteFile('{}TAPE4.INP'.format(tmpDir), '\n'.join(origenPunchCardTemplate.format(lib = lib % 10, zam = zam, moles = zam2Moles[zam]) for lib, zams in sorted(self.GetLib2Zams().items()) for zam in zams if zam in zam2Moles) + '\n0 0 0 0', display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### # TAPE9.INP (default decay and modified cross-section library): # Cell microscopic cross-sections # Cell zams # Cross-section library ### if self.GetIsDecayStep(): ### # No transport is done, so default libraries are used ### micros = {}; ### WriteFile('{}TAPE9.INP'.format(tmpDir), self.GetDefaultDecayLibrary() + self.GetDefaultXsLibrary(), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); else: if self.GetIsPickleTransmute(): ### # This is a pickle transmute cycle, so grab the unpickled micros and TAPE9 ### micros = self.GetDepletionStepPickle().GetCellNumberMicros(cellNumber); ### WriteFile('{}TAPE9.INP'.format(tmpDir), self.GetDepletionStepPickle().GetCellNumberTAPE9(cellNumber), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); else: ### # Transport-update cross-sections are required; # Calculate them from transport results ### def HelperMicros(zam, micros, mts, excites): ### multipliers = [excite for excite in excites] + [1 - excite for excite in excites] + [1] * 2; ### return [multipliers[index] * micros[(zam, mts[index])] for index in range(-4, 2)]; ### # Extract transmutation cross-sections ### tallyNumber = self.GetTransmuteTallyNumber(); tally = next(tally for tally in transportOutputFile.GetTallys('fm4') if tallyNumber == tally.GetNumber()); micros = {(Zaid2Zam(self.GetMaterialNumberZaid(materialNumber)), reactionNumber) : transportOutputFile.GetCellNumberMicroscopicCrossSection(cellNumber, materialNumber, reactionNumber) for materialNumber, reactionNumber in (tallyBin[2 : ] for tallyBin in tally.GetMultiplierBins() if cellNumber == tallyBin[0]) if materialNumber}; ### cellZams = set(zam for zam, reactionNumber in micros); ### reXs = ReCompile(r'^ *(\d+) +(\d+)'); xsLibraryLines = []; for line in self.GetDefaultXsLibrary().split('\n'): match =; ### # Kick out if format line ### if match is None: xsLibraryLines.append(line); ### continue; ### lib, zam = match.groups(); ### zam = int(float(zam)); if zam in cellZams: lib = int(float(lib)); mts = self.GetOrigen2LibMts(lib); ### line = origenXsLibraryTemplate.format(lib = lib, zam = zam, sigma = HelperMicros(zam, micros, mts, self.GetLibZamExcite(lib, zam))); ### xsLibraryLines.append(line); ### WriteFile('{}TAPE9.INP'.format(tmpDir), self.GetDefaultDecayLibrary() + '\n'.join(xsLibraryLines), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### # TAPE5.INP (.inp instructions): # Cross-section library numbers # Flux or power mode # Inner depletion timestep endtimes ### if self.GetIsPickleTransmute(): ### # This is a pickle transmute cycle, so grab the unpickled cell burn rate and TAPE5 ### cellBurnRate = self.GetDepletionStepPickle().GetCellNumberBurnRate(cellNumber); ### WriteFile('{}TAPE5.INP'.format(tmpDir), self.GetDepletionStepPickle().GetCellNumberTAPE5(cellNumber), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); else: xsLibs = sorted(self.GetLib2Zams().keys()); ### burnMode = self.GetBurnMode(); if self.GetIsDecayStep(): ### # Decay cell ### cellBurnRate = 0; else: ### # Burn cell ### if self.GetParameter('isPowerMode'): ### # Extract ORIGEN power that matches flux magnitudes ### cellBurnRate = transportOutputFile.GetCellNumberOrigenPower(cellNumber, isOrigen2 = self.GetIsOrigen2()); ### # Convert powers Wth -> MWth ### cellBurnRate *= 1e-6; else: cellBurnRate = float(transportOutputFile.GetCellNumberScalarFlux(cellNumber)); ### timeLapse = self.GetDepletionStepTimeInterval(); timeSteps = len([line for line in origenInputFileTemplate.split('\n') if 'timeEnds' in line]); timeEnds = [timeLapse * (index + 1) / timeSteps for index in range(timeSteps)]; ### WriteFile('{}TAPE5.INP'.format(tmpDir), origenInputFileTemplate.format(xsLibs = xsLibs, burnMode = burnMode, timeEnds = timeEnds, cellBurnRate = cellBurnRate), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### self.cellNumber2BurnRate[cellNumber] = cellBurnRate; ### return zam2Moles, micros; ###
[docs] def Transmute(self, cell, tmpDir = './', currentDir = ''): '''Execute ORIGEN2.'''; PrintNow('> Burning cell #{:d} at {:10.5E} {:s} in `{:s}\''.format(cell.GetNumber(), self.GetCellNumberBurnRate(cell.GetNumber()), self.GetParameter('burnUnits'), tmpDir)); ### # Ensure necessary files do/don't exist ### for tapeNumber in (4, 5, 9, 10): AssertFileExists('{}TAPE{:d}.INP'.format(tmpDir, tapeNumber)); ### # Execute ORIGEN ### SystemCall(self.GetParameter('origenRunCommand').format(tmpDir, currentDir)); ### # Parse transmute results ### return OrigenCalculation(cell.GetSuffix(), cell.GetVolume(), tmpDir); ###
[docs] def PickleDepletionStep(self, transportOutputFile): '''Serialized current depletion step.'''; PrintNow('> Pickling {}'.format(self.GetDepletionString())); ### self.depletionStep2DepletionStepPickle[self.GetDepletionStep()] = DepletionStepPickle('{}.{}'.format(self.GetFileName(withoutTH = True), 'pkl'), transportOutputFile, self); ### return; ###
[docs] def UnpickleDepletionStep(self): '''Un-serialized current depletion step.'''; PrintNow('> Unpickling {}'.format(self.GetDepletionString())); ### extension = 'pkl'; if self.GetParameter('compressPickles'): extension += '.gz'; ### return DepletionStepPickle('{}.{}'.format(self.GetFileName(withoutTH = True), extension)); ###
[docs] def CleanUpFiles(self, tmpDir = None): '''Remove transmute files.'''; if tmpDir is None: ### # Transport files ### for extension in ('src', 'tpe'): RemoveFile(self.GetFileName(extension), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); else: ### # Transmute files ### for tapeNumber in (3, 4, 5, 9, 10): RemoveFile('{}TAPE{:d}.INP'.format(tmpDir, tapeNumber), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### for tapeNumber in (6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 50): RemoveFile('{}TAPE{:d}.OUT'.format(tmpDir, tapeNumber), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### RemoveFile('{}origen'.format(tmpDir), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); RemoveDirectory(tmpDir, display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### return; ###
[docs] def IncrementDepletionStep(self): '''Increment index for depletion step.'''; self.depletionStep += 1; ### return; ###
[docs] def ProcessFuel(self): '''Dummy fuel processing.'''; return None; ###
[docs] def MultiplicationFactor(self): '''Return characteristic multiplication factor.'''; return [multiplicationFactor for multiplicationFactor in self.GetDepletionCalculationPickle().multiplicationFactors if multiplicationFactor is not None][-1]; ###
[docs] def MultiplicationFactorSigma(self): '''Return characteristic multiplication factor standard deviation.'''; return [multiplicationFactorSigma for multiplicationFactorSigma in self.GetDepletionCalculationPickle().multiplicationFactorSigmas if multiplicationFactorSigma is not None][-1]; ### # Depletion calculation pickle ###
[docs]class DepletionCalculationPickle: '''Pickle for depletion calculation.'''; def __init__(self, args): '''Construct a new instance.'''; if isinstance(args, str): PrintNow('> Unpickling depletion calculation'); ### fileName = args; ### # Maybe gunzip; # Unpickle ### PrintNow('{} >>'.format(fileName)); try: with open(fileName, 'rb') as f: ### pickle = UnPickle(f); except UnpicklingError: with GzipOpen(fileName, 'rb') as f: ### pickle = UnPickle(f); ### # Transfer pickle attributes to instance ### for attribute in ('cellNumber2BurnRates', 'cellNumber2DecayPowers', 'cellNumber2FissionPowers', 'cellNumber2Micros', 'cellNumber2OrigenFluxes', 'cellNumber2OrigenPowers', 'cellNumber2PromptPowers', 'cellNumber2ScalarFluxes', 'cellNumber2ThermalPowers', 'cellNumber2Volume', 'cellNumber2Zaid2MassDensitys', 'cellNumber2Zaid2NumberDensitys', 'cellNumber2Zam2Moles', 'coolantDensityCalculations', 'fuelTemperatureCalculations', 'mevPerFissions', 'multiplicationFactorSigmas', 'multiplicationFactors', 'neutronsPerFissions', 'parameters', 'powerCells', 'sourceRates'): try: setattr(self, attribute, getattr(pickle, attribute)); except AttributeError: Warning('The depletion calculation pickle was created with an older version of {}'.format(__file__)); ### else: PrintNow('> Pickling depletion calculation'); ### depletionCalculation = args; ### # Input parameters ### self.parameters = depletionCalculation.GetParameters(); ### # Transport ### self.cellNumber2Zaid2NumberDensitys = {}; self.cellNumber2Zaid2MassDensitys = {}; ### self.multiplicationFactors = []; self.multiplicationFactorSigmas = []; self.neutronsPerFissions = []; self.mevPerFissions = []; self.sourceRates = []; ### self.cellNumber2DecayPowers = {}; self.cellNumber2FissionPowers = {}; self.cellNumber2PromptPowers = {}; self.cellNumber2ScalarFluxes = {}; self.cellNumber2ThermalPowers = {}; ### # Transport convergence ### self.coolantDensityCalculations = []; self.fuelTemperatureCalculations = []; ### # Transmute ### self.cellNumber2BurnRates = {}; self.cellNumber2Micros = {}; self.cellNumber2OrigenFluxes = {}; self.cellNumber2OrigenPowers = {}; self.cellNumber2Zam2Moles = {}; ### # Iterate over depletion steps ### depletionCalculation.depletionStep = 0; while depletionCalculation.GetDepletionStep() <= len(depletionCalculation): ### # Extract depletion step pickle; # Parse transport input file; # Maybe parse transport output file ### depletionStepPickle = depletionCalculation.GetDepletionStepPickle(); ### # Transport ### self.multiplicationFactors.append(depletionStepPickle.GetMultiplicationFactor()); self.multiplicationFactorSigmas.append(depletionStepPickle.GetMultiplicationFactorSigma()); self.neutronsPerFissions.append(depletionStepPickle.GetNeutronsPerFission()); self.mevPerFissions.append(depletionStepPickle.GetMevPerFission()); self.sourceRates.append(depletionStepPickle.GetSourceRate()); ### # Transport convergence ### self.coolantDensityCalculations.append(depletionStepPickle.GetCoolantDensityCalculations()); self.fuelTemperatureCalculations.append(depletionStepPickle.GetFuelTemperatureCalculations()); ### # Iterate over power cells for transport results ### for cellNumber in depletionStepPickle.GetPowerCells(): ### # Instantiate cell lists ### if 0 == depletionCalculation.GetDepletionStep(): self.cellNumber2Zaid2NumberDensitys[cellNumber] = []; self.cellNumber2Zaid2MassDensitys[cellNumber] = []; ### self.cellNumber2DecayPowers[cellNumber] = []; self.cellNumber2FissionPowers[cellNumber] = []; self.cellNumber2PromptPowers[cellNumber] = []; self.cellNumber2ScalarFluxes[cellNumber] = []; self.cellNumber2ThermalPowers[cellNumber] = []; ### self.cellNumber2Zaid2NumberDensitys[cellNumber].append(depletionStepPickle.GetCellNumberZaid2NumberDensity(cellNumber)); self.cellNumber2Zaid2MassDensitys[cellNumber].append(depletionStepPickle.GetCellNumberZaid2MassDensity(cellNumber)); ### self.cellNumber2DecayPowers[cellNumber].append(depletionStepPickle.GetCellNumberDecayPower(cellNumber)); self.cellNumber2FissionPowers[cellNumber].append(depletionStepPickle.GetCellNumberFissionPower(cellNumber)); self.cellNumber2PromptPowers[cellNumber].append(depletionStepPickle.GetCellNumberPromptPower(cellNumber)); self.cellNumber2ScalarFluxes[cellNumber].append(depletionStepPickle.GetCellNumberScalarFlux(cellNumber)); self.cellNumber2ThermalPowers[cellNumber].append(depletionStepPickle.GetCellNumberThermalPower(cellNumber)); ### # Iterate over burn cells for transmute results ### for cellNumber in self.GetBurnCells(): ### # Instantiate cell lists ### if 0 == depletionCalculation.GetDepletionStep(): self.cellNumber2BurnRates[cellNumber] = []; self.cellNumber2Micros[cellNumber] = []; self.cellNumber2OrigenFluxes[cellNumber] = []; self.cellNumber2OrigenPowers[cellNumber] = []; self.cellNumber2Zam2Moles[cellNumber] = []; ### if depletionCalculation.GetDepletionStep() == len(depletionCalculation): burnRate = micros = None; else: burnRate = depletionStepPickle.GetCellNumberBurnRate(cellNumber); micros = depletionStepPickle.GetCellNumberMicros(cellNumber); ### if depletionCalculation.GetDepletionStep() == len(depletionCalculation) or depletionCalculation.GetDepletionStepTimeInterval() == 0: origenFlux = origenPower = None; else: origenFlux = depletionStepPickle.GetCellNumberOrigenFlux(cellNumber); origenPower = depletionStepPickle.GetCellNumberOrigenPower(cellNumber); zam2Moles = depletionStepPickle.GetCellNumberZam2Moles(cellNumber); ### self.cellNumber2BurnRates[cellNumber].append(burnRate); self.cellNumber2Micros[cellNumber].append(micros); self.cellNumber2OrigenFluxes[cellNumber].append(origenFlux); self.cellNumber2OrigenPowers[cellNumber].append(origenPower); self.cellNumber2Zam2Moles[cellNumber].append(zam2Moles); ### # Increment depletion step ### depletionCalculation.IncrementDepletionStep(); ### self.powerCells = depletionStepPickle.GetPowerCells(); self.cellNumber2Volume = {cellNumber : depletionStepPickle.GetCellNumberVolume(cellNumber) for cellNumber in self.GetPowerCells()}; ### # Pickle ### self.Save(baseName = depletionCalculation.GetOriginalTransportFile().GetFileName(), display = depletionCalculation.GetDisplayFiles()); ### # Return depletion step counter to end ### depletionCalculation.depletionStep -= 1; ### return; ### def __len__(self): '''Return number of depletion steps.'''; return len(self.GetParameter('depletionStepTimeIntervals')) + 1; ###
[docs] def Save(self, baseName, display): '''Save to file.'''; ### # Pickle; # Maybe gzip ### extension = 'pkl'; if self.GetParameter('compressPickles'): extension += '.gz'; fileName = '{}.{}'.format(baseName, extension); ### RemoveFile(fileName, display = display); PrintNow('{} <<'.format(fileName)); if self.GetParameter('compressPickles'): with GzipOpen(fileName, 'wb', compresslevel = 5) as f: f.write(PickleString(self)); else: with open(fileName, 'wb') as f: Pickle(self, f); ### return; ### # Generic getter methods ###
[docs] def GetBurnCells(self): '''Return cells which are depleted.'''; return self.GetParameter('burnCells'); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberVolume(self, cellNumber): '''Return volume of a cell.'''; return self.cellNumber2Volume[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetDecayPowers(self): '''Return list of system total decay powers.'''; return [sum(decayPower for decayPowers in self.cellNumber2DecayPowers.values() for decayPower in [decayPowers[depletionStep]] if decayPower is not None) for depletionStep in range(len(self))]; ###
[docs] def GetDepletionStepTimeEnds(self): '''Return start and end points of depletion steps.'''; return self.GetParameter('depletionStepTimeEnds'); ###
[docs] def GetDepletionStepTimeIntervals(self): '''Return durations of depletion steps.'''; return self.GetParameter('depletionStepTimeIntervals'); ###
[docs] def GetFileName(self): '''Return filename.'''; return self.fileName; ###
[docs] def GetFIMAs(self): '''Return list of FIMAs.'''; heavyMetalMoles = [sum(moles for cellNumber in self.GetBurnCells() for zam, moles in self.cellNumber2Zam2Moles[cellNumber][depletionStep].items() if ZaIsActinide(Zam2Za(zam))) for depletionStep in range(len(self))]; ### return [1 - moles / heavyMetalMoles[0] for moles in heavyMetalMoles]; ###
[docs] def GetFissionPowers(self): '''Return list of system total fission powers.'''; return [sum(fissionPower for fissionPowers in self.cellNumber2FissionPowers.values() for fissionPower in [fissionPowers[depletionStep]] if fissionPower is not None) for depletionStep in range(len(self))]; ###
[docs] def GetMultiplicationFactors(self): '''Return list of multiplication factors.'''; return self.multiplicationFactors; ###
[docs] def GetMultiplicationFactorSigmas(self): '''Return list of multiplication factors standard deviations.'''; return self.multiplicationFactorSigmas; ###
[docs] def GetOrigenFluxes(self): '''Return list of system total ORIGEN fluxes.'''; cellNumber2Volume = self.cellNumber2Volume; return [sum(origenFlux * cellNumber2Volume[cellNumber] for cellNumber, origenFluxes in self.cellNumber2OrigenFluxes.items() for origenFlux in [origenFluxes[depletionStep]] if origenFlux is not None) / sum(cellNumber2Volume.values()) for depletionStep in range(len(self))]; ###
[docs] def GetOrigenPowers(self): '''Return list of system total ORIGEN powers.'''; return [sum(origenPower for origenPowers in self.cellNumber2OrigenPowers.values() for origenPower in [origenPowers[depletionStep]] if origenPower is not None) for depletionStep in range(len(self))]; ###
[docs] def GetPromptPowers(self): '''Return list of system total prompt powers.'''; return [sum(promptPower for promptPowers in self.cellNumber2PromptPowers.values() for promptPower in [promptPowers[depletionStep]] if promptPower is not None) for depletionStep in range(len(self))]; ###
[docs] def GetParameter(self, key): '''Return mocdown input file parameter for a key.'''; return self.GetParameters()[key]; ###
[docs] def GetParameters(self): '''Return mocdown input file parameters.'''; return self.parameters; ###
[docs] def GetPowerCells(self): '''Return list of cells which are dense enough to provide power.'''; return self.powerCells; ###
[docs] def GetScalarFluxes(self): '''Return list of cells which might provide power.'''; cellNumber2Volume = self.cellNumber2Volume; return [sum(scalarFlux * cellNumber2Volume[cellNumber] for cellNumber, scalarFluxes in self.cellNumber2ScalarFluxes.items() for scalarFlux in [scalarFluxes[depletionStep]] if scalarFlux is not None) / sum(cellNumber2Volume.values()) for depletionStep in range(len(self))]; ###
[docs] def GetSourceRates(self): '''Return list of system total neutron source rates.'''; return self.sourceRates; ###
[docs] def GetThermalPowers(self): '''Return list of system total thermal powers.'''; return [sum(thermalPower for thermalPowers in self.cellNumber2ThermalPowers.values() for thermalPower in [thermalPowers[depletionStep]] if thermalPower is not None) for depletionStep in range(len(self))]; ###
[docs] def GetZa2Masses(self): '''Get list of dictionaries mapping isotope to mass.'''; za2Masses = []; for depletionStep in range(len(self)): za2Masses.append({}); for cellNumber in self.GetBurnCells(): volume = self.GetCellNumberVolume(cellNumber); for zaid, massDensity in self.cellNumber2Zaid2MassDensitys[cellNumber][depletionStep].items(): try: za2Masses[depletionStep][Zaid2Za(zaid)] += massDensity * volume; except KeyError: za2Masses[depletionStep][Zaid2Za(zaid)] = massDensity * volume; ### return za2Masses; ###
[docs] def GetZa2Moles(self): '''Get list of dictionaries mapping isotope to mole.'''; za2Moles = []; for depletionStep in range(len(self)): za2Moles.append({}); for cellNumber in self.GetBurnCells(): for zam, moles in self.cellNumber2Zam2Moles[cellNumber][depletionStep].items(): try: za2Moles[depletionStep][Zam2Za(zam)] += moles; except KeyError: za2Moles[depletionStep][Zam2Za(zam)] = moles; ### return za2Moles; ### # Depletion step dump ###
[docs]class DepletionStepPickle: '''Pickle for depletion step.'''; def __init__(self, *args): '''Construct a new instance.'''; if 3 == len(args): ### # Pickle data ### fileName, transportFile, depletionCalculation = args; ### # General ### if depletionCalculation.GetParameter('compressPickles'): fileName += '.gz'; self.fileName = fileName; self.powerCells = transportFile.GetPowerCells(); self.cellNumber2Volume = {cellNumber : transportFile.FindCell(cellNumber).GetVolume() for cellNumber in self.GetPowerCells()}; self.parameters = depletionCalculation.GetParameters(); self.xsDirZaids = depletionCalculation.GetXsDirZaids(); ### # Transport convergence ### self.coolantDensityCalculations = depletionCalculation.GetCoolantDensityCalculations(); self.fuelTemperatureCalculations = depletionCalculation.GetFuelTemperatureCalculations(); ### # Transmute ### cellNumber2BurnRate = depletionCalculation.GetCellNumber2BurnRate(); cellNumber2OrigenCalculation = depletionCalculation.GetCellNumber2OrigenCalculation(); cellNumber2Micros = depletionCalculation.GetCellNumber2Micros(); cellNumber2Zam2Moles = depletionCalculation.GetCellNumber2Zam2Moles(); ### if depletionCalculation.GetDepletionStep() == len(depletionCalculation) and cellNumber2OrigenCalculation is not None: cellNumber2Zam2Moles = {cellNumber : {Zaid2Zam(zaid) : moles for zaid, moles in origenCalculation.GetZaid2Moles().items()} for cellNumber, origenCalculation in cellNumber2OrigenCalculation.items()}; ### self.cellNumber2BurnRate = cellNumber2BurnRate; self.cellNumber2OrigenCalculation = cellNumber2OrigenCalculation; self.cellNumber2Micros = cellNumber2Micros; self.cellNumber2Zam2Moles = cellNumber2Zam2Moles; ### # Transport input ### self.transportInputRaw = transportFile.GetInputRaw(); ### self.cellNumber2Zaid2NumberDensity = {cellNumber : transportFile.FindCell(cellNumber).GetZaid2NumberDensity() for cellNumber in self.GetPowerCells()}; self.cellNumber2Zaid2MassDensity = {cellNumber : transportFile.FindCell(cellNumber).GetZaid2MassDensity() for cellNumber in self.GetPowerCells()}; ### # Transport output ### if depletionCalculation.GetDepletionStep() == len(depletionCalculation) or depletionCalculation.GetIsDecayStep() or depletionCalculation.GetIsPickleTransmute(): self.transportOutputRaw = None; ### self.multiplicationFactor = self.multiplicationFactorSigma = self.neutronsPerFission = self.mevPerFission = self.sourceRate = None; ### self.cellNumber2DecayPower = self.cellNumber2FissionPower = self.cellNumber2NextDecayPower = self.cellNumber2ScalarFlux = self.cellNumber2PromptPower = self.cellNumber2ThermalPower = {cellNumber : None for cellNumber in self.GetPowerCells()}; else: self.transportOutputRaw = transportFile.GetOutputRaw(); ### self.multiplicationFactor = transportFile.GetMultiplicationFactor(); self.multiplicationFactorSigma = transportFile.GetMultiplicationFactorSigma(); self.neutronsPerFission = transportFile.GetNeutronsPerFission(); self.mevPerFission = transportFile.GetMevPerFission(); self.sourceRate = transportFile.GetSourceRate(realSourceRate = True); ### self.cellNumber2DecayPower = {cellNumber : depletionCalculation.GetCellNumberDecayPower(cellNumber, offset = +0) for cellNumber in self.GetPowerCells()}; self.cellNumber2NextDecayPower = {cellNumber : depletionCalculation.GetCellNumberDecayPower(cellNumber, offset = +1) for cellNumber in self.GetPowerCells()}; self.cellNumber2FissionPower = {cellNumber : float(transportFile.GetCellNumberFissionPower(cellNumber)) for cellNumber in self.GetPowerCells()}; self.cellNumber2ScalarFlux = {cellNumber : float(transportFile.GetCellNumberScalarFlux(cellNumber)) for cellNumber in self.GetPowerCells()}; self.cellNumber2PromptPower = {cellNumber : depletionCalculation.GetCellNumberThermalPower(transportFile, cellNumber, includeDecayHeat = False) for cellNumber in self.GetPowerCells()}; self.cellNumber2ThermalPower = {cellNumber : depletionCalculation.GetCellNumberThermalPower(transportFile, cellNumber, includeDecayHeat = True) for cellNumber in self.GetPowerCells()}; ### # Pickle; # Maybe gzip ### RemoveFile(fileName, display = depletionCalculation.GetDisplayFiles()); PrintNow('{} <<'.format(fileName)); if depletionCalculation.GetParameter('compressPickles'): with GzipOpen(fileName, 'wb', compresslevel = 5) as f: f.write(PickleString(self)); else: with open(fileName, 'wb') as f: Pickle(self, f); ### elif 1 == len(args): ### # Unpickle data ### fileName, = args; ### # Maybe gunzip; # Unpickle ### PrintNow('{} >>'.format(fileName)); try: with open(fileName, 'rb') as f: ### pickle = UnPickle(f); except UnpicklingError: with GzipOpen(fileName, 'rb') as f: ### pickle = UnPickle(f); ### # Transfer pickle attributes to instance ### for attribute in ('cellNumber2BurnRate', 'cellNumber2DecayPower', 'cellNumber2FissionPower', 'cellNumber2NextDecayPower', 'cellNumber2Micros', 'cellNumber2OrigenCalculation', 'cellNumber2PromptPower', 'cellNumber2ScalarFlux', 'cellNumber2ThermalPower', 'cellNumber2Volume', 'cellNumber2Zaid2NumberDensity', 'cellNumber2Zaid2MassDensity', 'cellNumber2Zam2Moles', 'coolantDensityCalculations', 'fileName', 'fuelTemperatureCalculations', 'parameters', 'mevPerFission', 'multiplicationFactor', 'multiplicationFactorSigma', 'neutronsPerFission', 'powerCells', 'sourceRate', 'transportInputRaw', 'transportOutputRaw', 'xsDirZaids'): try: setattr(self, attribute, getattr(pickle, attribute)); except AttributeError: Warning('The depletion step pickle was created with an older version of {}'.format(__file__)); ### return; ### # Generic getter methods ###
[docs] def GetBurnCells(self): '''Return cells which are depleted.'''; return self.GetParameter('burnCells'); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberBurnRate(self, cellNumber): '''Return cell flux or power for this depletion step.'''; return self.cellNumber2BurnRate[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberDecayPower(self, cellNumber): '''Return cell decay power for this depletion step.'''; return self.GetCellNumber2DecayPower()[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumber2DecayPower(self): '''Return dictionary mapping cell to decay power for this depletion step.'''; return self.cellNumber2DecayPower; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberFissionPower(self, cellNumber): '''Return cell fission power for this depletion step.'''; return self.cellNumber2FissionPower[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumber2NextDecayPower(self): '''Return dictionary mapping cell to decay power for next depletion step.'''; return self.cellNumber2NextDecayPower; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberOrigenCalculation(self, cellNumber): '''Return cell ORIGEN calculuation for this depletion step.'''; return self.cellNumber2OrigenCalculation[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberOrigenFlux(self, cellNumber): '''Return cell ORIGEN flux for this depletion step.'''; return self.GetCellNumberOrigenCalculation(cellNumber).GetFlux(); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberOrigenPower(self, cellNumber): '''Return cell ORIGEN power for this depletion step.'''; return self.GetCellNumberOrigenCalculation(cellNumber).GetPower(); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberPromptPower(self, cellNumber): '''Return cell prompt power for this depletion step.'''; return self.cellNumber2PromptPower[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberMicros(self, cellNumber): '''Return one-group microscopic cross-sections of a cell for this depletion step.'''; return self.cellNumber2Micros[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberScalarFlux(self, cellNumber): '''Return cell MCNP flux for this depletion step.'''; return self.cellNumber2ScalarFlux[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberTAPE4(self, cellNumber): '''Return ORIGEN TAPE4 of a cell for this depletion step.'''; return self.GetCellNumberOrigenCalculation(cellNumber).GetTAPE4(); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberTAPE5(self, cellNumber): '''Return ORIGEN TAPE5 of a cell for this depletion step.'''; return self.GetCellNumberOrigenCalculation(cellNumber).GetTAPE5(); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberTAPE6(self, cellNumber): '''Return ORIGEN TAPE6 of a cell for this depletion step.'''; return self.GetCellNumberOrigenCalculation(cellNumber).GetTAPE6(); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberTAPE7(self, cellNumber): '''Return ORIGEN TAPE7 of a cell for this depletion step.'''; return self.GetCellNumberOrigenCalculation(cellNumber).GetTAPE7(); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberTAPE9(self, cellNumber): '''Return ORIGEN TAPE9 of a cell for this depletion step.'''; return self.GetCellNumberOrigenCalculation(cellNumber).GetTAPE9(); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberTAPE10(self, cellNumber): '''Return ORIGEN TAPE10 of a cell for the depletion step.'''; return self.GetCellNumberOrigenCalculation(cellNumber).GetTAPE10(); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberThermalPower(self, cellNumber): '''Return cell thermal power for this depletion step.'''; return self.cellNumber2ThermalPower[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberVolume(self, cellNumber): '''Return cell volume.'''; return self.cellNumber2Volume[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberZaid2NumberDensity(self, cellNumber): '''Return dictionary mapping isotope to number density of a cell for this depletion step.'''; return self.cellNumber2Zaid2NumberDensity[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberZaid2MassDensity(self, cellNumber): '''Return dictionary mapping isotope to mass density of a cell for this depletion step.'''; return self.cellNumber2Zaid2MassDensity[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberZam2Moles(self, cellNumber): '''Return dictionary mapping isotope to moles of a cell for this depletion step.'''; return self.cellNumber2Zam2Moles[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCoolantDensityCalculations(self): '''Return cell coolant density calculuations for this depletion step.'''; return self.coolantDensityCalculations; ###
[docs] def GetDepletionStepTimeEnds(self): '''Return start and end points of depletion steps.'''; return self.GetParameter('depletionStepTimeEnds'); ###
[docs] def GetDepletionStepTimeIntervals(self): '''Return durations of depletion steps.'''; return self.GetParameter('depletionStepTimeIntervals'); ###
[docs] def GetFileName(self): '''Return filename.'''; return self.fileName; ###
[docs] def GetFuelTemperatureCalculations(self): '''Return cell fuel temperature calculuations for this depletion step.'''; return self.fuelTemperatureCalculations; ###
[docs] def GetParameter(self, key): '''Return mocdown input file parameter for a key.'''; return self.GetParameters()[key]; ###
[docs] def GetParameters(self): '''Return mocdown input file parameters.'''; return self.parameters; ###
[docs] def GetMevPerFission(self): '''Return effective MeV per fission for this depletion step.'''; return self.mevPerFission; ###
[docs] def GetMultiplicationFactor(self): '''Return multiplication factor for this depletion step.'''; return self.multiplicationFactor; ###
[docs] def GetMultiplicationFactorSigma(self): '''Return multiplication factor standard deviation for this depletion step.'''; return self.multiplicationFactorSigma; ###
[docs] def GetNeutronsPerFission(self): '''Return effective neutrons per fission for this depletion step.'''; return self.neutronsPerFission; ###
[docs] def GetPowerCells(self): '''Return list of cells which are dense enough to provide power.'''; return self.powerCells; ###
[docs] def GetTransportInputRaw(self): '''Return text from MCNP output file for this depletion step.'''; return self.transportInputRaw; ###
[docs] def GetTransportOutputRaw(self): '''Return text from MCNP input file for this depletion step.'''; return self.transportOutputRaw; ###
[docs] def GetSourceRate(self): '''Return system total neutron source rate for this depletion step.'''; return self.sourceRate; ### # Material composition ###
[docs]class MaterialComposition: '''Derive compositions from arbitary isotopic mixtures.'''; def __init__(self, materialDensity, isotope2Fraction): '''Construct a new instance.'''; fractionSum = sum(isotope2Fraction.values()); ### # Determine if isotopes are expressed as isotope's or za's for molar mass lookup # Extract ZAs # Determine most frequent library suffix ### isotope = next(iter(isotope2Fraction)); if isinstance(isotope, str): MolarMass = Zaid2MolarMass; ### self.zas = sorted(Zaid2Za(zaid) for zaid in isotope2Fraction); ### suffixes = [isotope.split('.')[-1] for isotope in isotope2Fraction]; count2Suff = {suffixes.count(suffix) : suffix for suffix in set(suffixes)}; self.suffix = count2Suff[max(count2Suff)]; elif isinstance(isotope, int): MolarMass = lambda za: za2MolarMass[za]; ### self.zas = sorted(isotope2Fraction); ### self.suffix = None; ### # Calculate isotope -> a, w ### self.isotope2AtomFraction = {}; self.isotope2WeightFraction = {}; ### if all(fraction > 0 for fraction in isotope2Fraction.values()): ### # Atom fractions are provided ### mix = sum(atomFraction * MolarMass(isotope) for isotope, atomFraction in isotope2Fraction.items()) / fractionSum; for isotope, atomFraction in isotope2Fraction.items(): ### # Atom fraction ### atomFraction /= fractionSum; self.isotope2AtomFraction[isotope] = atomFraction; ### # Weight fraction ### molarMass = MolarMass(isotope); weightFraction = atomFraction * molarMass / mix; self.isotope2WeightFraction[isotope] = weightFraction; ### # Cell molar mass ### self.cellMolarMass = atomFraction * molarMass / weightFraction; elif all(fraction < 0 for fraction in isotope2Fraction.values()): ### # Weight fractions are provided ### for isotope, weightFraction in isotope2Fraction.items(): ### # Weight fraction ### weightFraction /= fractionSum; self.isotope2WeightFraction[isotope] = weightFraction; fractionSum = abs(fractionSum); ### # Cell molar mass ### self.cellMolarMass = fractionSum / sum(weightFraction / MolarMass(isotope) for isotope, weightFraction in self.isotope2WeightFraction.items()); ### for isotope, weightFraction in self.isotope2WeightFraction.items(): weightFraction = weightFraction; ### # Atom fraction ### molarMass = MolarMass(isotope); atomFraction = weightFraction / fractionSum * self.cellMolarMass / molarMass; self.isotope2AtomFraction[isotope] = atomFraction; ### # Calculate ρ [g/cm³], N [a/b·cm], isotope -> ρ, N ### self.isotope2MassDensity = {}; self.isotope2NumberDensity = {}; ### if materialDensity > 0: ### # Given cell number density ### self.numberDensity = abs(materialDensity); for isotope in isotope2Fraction: atomFraction = self.isotope2AtomFraction[isotope]; ### # Number density ### numberDensity = atomFraction * self.numberDensity; self.isotope2NumberDensity[isotope] = numberDensity; ### # Mass density ### molarMass = MolarMass(isotope); massDensity = numberDensity * molarMass / avogadrosNumber; self.isotope2MassDensity[isotope] = massDensity; ### # Cell mass density ### self.massDensity = sum(self.isotope2MassDensity.values()); elif materialDensity < 0: ### # Given cell mass density ### self.massDensity = abs(materialDensity); for isotope in isotope2Fraction: weightFraction = self.isotope2WeightFraction[isotope]; ### # Mass density ### massDensity = weightFraction * self.massDensity; self.isotope2MassDensity[isotope] = massDensity; ### # Number density ### molarMass = MolarMass(isotope); numberDensity = massDensity * avogadrosNumber / molarMass; self.isotope2NumberDensity[isotope] = numberDensity; ### # Cell number density ### self.numberDensity = sum(self.isotope2NumberDensity.values()); ### return; ### # MocDown input file ###
[docs]class MocDownInputFile: '''Parser for mocdown input file.'''; def __init__(self, arguments): '''Construct a new instance.'''; self.fileName = None or hasattr(arguments, 'mocDownInputFileName') and arguments.mocDownInputFileName; ### # Maybe read file ### try: AssertFileExists(self.GetFileName()); ### self.inputRaw = ReadFile(self.GetFileName(), display = not bool(arguments.isQuiet)); except IOError: self.inputRaw = ''; ### return; ### def __len__(self): '''Return number of depletion steps.'''; if self.GetParameter('isPredictorMode'): return self.GetParameter('depletionStepTimeIntervals') * (self.GetParameter('numberOfPredictorSteps') + self.GetParameter('numberOfCorrectorSteps')); ### return len(self.GetParameter('depletionStepTimeIntervals')); ### def __str__(self): '''Return summary string of parameters.'''; lines = ['< MocDown input summary for `{}\' >'.format(self.GetFileName())]; ### for key, value in sorted(self.GetParameters().items()): lines.append('{:<38s} = {:>38}'.format(key, repr(value))); ### return '\n'.join('{:^89}'.format(line) for line in lines); ### # Generic getter methods ###
[docs] def GetConverter(self, key): '''Return parameter parser for a key.'''; return self.GetConverters()[key]; ###
[docs] def GetConverters(self): '''Return custom parameter parsers.'''; return self.converters; ###
[docs] def GetFileName(self): '''Return filename.'''; return self.fileName; ###
[docs] def GetInputRaw(self): '''Return text from file.'''; return self.inputRaw; ###
[docs] def GetKeyValueValues(self): '''Parse and return key value pairs.'''; reComments = ReCompile(r'\s*#.*', 2 | 8); for line in self.GetInputRaw().split('\n'): line = line.strip(); ### # Remove comments ### line = reComments.sub('', line); ### # Kick out blank and commented lines ### if not line: continue; ### # Extract key and value(s) ### key, *value = line.split('='); key = ''.join(word.lower().capitalize() for word in key.split()); key = key[0].lower() + key[1 : ]; ### value = '='.join(value); values = [value.strip('[,];') for value in value.split() for value in value.split(',')]; ### yield key, value, values; ###
[docs] def GetParameter(self, key): '''Return mocdown input file parameter for a key.'''; return self.GetParameters()[key]; ###
[docs] def GetParameters(self): '''Return mocdown input file parameters.'''; return self.parameters; ### # Population methods ###
[docs] def Populate(self): '''Construct parameter mapping.'''; ### # Default parameter values ### self.parameters = { # T/F 'compressPickles' : True, 'forceDecayTransport' : False, 'includeDecayHeat' : True, 'recycleToEquilibrium' : False, 'updateCoolantDensities' : False, 'updateFuelTemperatures' : False, # # 'numberOfPredictorSteps' : 0, 'numberOfCorrectorSteps' : 0, 'numberOfOrigenThreads' : 1, # #.# 'depletionTerminalDecayTime' : None, # [years] 'depletionFlux' : None, # [n/cm²·s] 'depletionPower' : None, # [MWth] 'depletionTime' : None, # [days] 'isotopicsConvergenceTolerance' : 1e-5, 'maximumBurnupStep' : 5e3, # [MWd/MTHM] 'maximumFluenceStep' : 8e21, # [n/cm²] # FIXME Pick reasonable numbers! 'minimumBurnupStep' : 2e2, # [MWd/MTHM] 'minimumCellMassDensityCutoff' : 1e-3, # [g/cm³] 'minimumFluenceStep' : 3e20, # [n/cm²] # FIXME Pick reasonable numbers! 'minimumIsotopeCutoff' : 1e-8, 'multiplicationFactorConvergenceTolerance' : 100e-5, # ''.lower() 'isotopicsConvergenceNormType' : 'inf', # '' 'defaultDecayLibrary' : 'decay', 'defaultPhotonLibrary' : 'gxuo2brm', 'defaultXsLibrary' : 'pwru50', 'mcnpExecutablePath' : '/usr/local/LANL/MCNP6/bin/mcnp6.mpi', 'mcnpSourceFileName' : 'source', 'mcnpXsdirPath' : '/usr/local/LANL/MCNP_BINDATA/xsdir', 'origenExecutablePath' : '/usr/local/ORIGEN/bin/o2_fast', 'origenLibraryPathTemplate' : '/usr/local/ORIGEN/libs/{}.lib', 'qValueMethod' : 'origens', # [#] 'burnCells' : [], # [#.#] 'depletionStepFluxes' : [], # [n/cm²·s] 'depletionStepPowers' : [], # [MWth] 'depletionStepTimeIntervals' : [], # [days] # [''] 'supplementaryMocdownLibrary' : [], # / 'mcnpRunCommand' : 'DATAPATH="" ; srun {executable} tasks 6 i={baseName}.i me={baseName}.mesh o={baseName}.o r={baseName}.tpe s={baseName}.src x={xsdir} >> transport.log 2>&1 ;', 'origenRunCommand' : 'cd {} ; ./origen >> {}transmute.log 2>&1', }; ### # Default converters ### Bool = lambda value, values: bool(int(value)); Float = lambda value, values: float(value); Int = lambda value, values: int(float(value)); ### def ListInt(value, values): out = []; for index in range(len(values)): if '..' in values[index]: lo, hi = values[index].split('.')[0 : 3 : 2]; out.extend(range(int(float(lo)), int(float(hi)) + 1)); else: out.append(int(float(values[index].strip(',')))); return out; ### def ListFloat(value, values): out = []; for index in range(len(values)): if 'r' in values[index]: repeat, number = values[index].split('r'); out.extend([float(number)] * int(float(repeat))); else: out.append(float(values[index].strip(','))); return out; ### ListReturn = lambda value, values: [value for value in values]; Lower = lambda value, values: value.strip().lower(); Return = lambda value, values: value.strip(); Path = lambda value, values: value.strip(' ;') + ' ;'; ### self.converters = { # T/F 'compressPickles' : Bool, 'forceDecayTransport' : Bool, 'includeDecayHeat' : Bool, 'recycleToEquilibrium' : Bool, 'updateCoolantDensities' : Bool, 'updateFuelTemperatures' : Bool, # # 'numberOfPredictorSteps' : Int, 'numberOfCorrectorSteps' : Int, 'numberOfOrigenThreads' : Int, # #.# 'depletionTerminalDecayTime' : Float, 'depletionFlux' : Float, 'depletionPower' : Float, 'depletionTime' : Float, 'isotopicsConvergenceTolerance' : Float, 'maximumBurnupStep' : Float, 'maximumFluenceStep' : Float, 'minimumBurnupStep' : Float, 'minimumCellMassDensityCutoff' : Float, 'minimumFluenceStep' : Float, 'minimumIsotopeCutoff' : Float, 'multiplicationFactorConvergenceTolerance' : Float, # ''.lower() 'isotopicsConvergenceNormType' : Lower, # '' 'defaultDecayLibrary' : Return, 'defaultPhotonLibrary' : Return, 'defaultXsLibrary' : Return, 'mcnpExecutablePath' : Return, 'mcnpSourceFileName' : Return, 'mcnpXsdirPath' : Return, 'origenExecutablePath' : Return, 'origenLibraryPathTemplate' : Return, 'qValueMethod' : Return, # [#] 'burnCells' : ListInt, # [#.#] 'depletionStepFluxes' : ListFloat, 'depletionStepPowers' : ListFloat, 'depletionStepTimeIntervals' : ListFloat, # [''] 'supplementaryMocdownLibrary' : ListReturn, # / 'mcnpRunCommand' : Path, 'origenRunCommand' : Path, }; ### # Import library parameters ### parameters, converters = self.GetLibraryParametersConverters(); ### self.parameters.update(parameters); self.converters.update(converters); ### # Custom parameter values ### for key, value, values in self.GetKeyValueValues(): ### # Only allow for defined parameters ### assert(key in self.GetParameters()); parameter = self.GetParameter(key); ### assert(key in self.GetConverters()); converter = self.GetConverter(key); ### if isinstance(parameter, list): self.parameters[key].extend(converter(value, values)); else: self.parameters[key] = converter(value, values); ### # Determine isPredictorMode ### self.parameters['isPredictorMode'] = bool(self.GetParameter('numberOfPredictorSteps')) and bool(self.GetParameter('numberOfCorrectorSteps')); ### # Error checking for depletion step times and powers/fluxes ### if self.GetParameter('depletionStepTimeIntervals'): ### # Time intervals are provided; ### assert(self.GetParameter('depletionTime') is None); ### if bool(self.GetParameter('depletionStepFluxes')): ### # Fluxes are provided # Error check ### assert(not(self.GetParameter('depletionStepPowers')) and self.GetParameter('depletionFlux') is None and self.GetParameter('depletionPower') is None); ### assert(len(self) == len(self.GetParameter('depletionStepPowers'))); elif bool(self.GetParameter('depletionStepPowers')): ### # Powers are provided; # Error check ### assert(not(self.GetParameter('depletionStepFluxes')) and self.GetParameter('depletionFlux') is None and self.GetParameter('depletionPower') is None); ### assert(len(self) == len(self.GetParameter('depletionStepPowers'))); elif self.GetParameter('depletionFlux') is not None: ### # Single flux is provided; # Error check and populate ### assert(self.GetParameter('depletionPower') is None); ### self.parameters['depletionStepFluxes'] = [self.GetParameter('depletionFlux')] * len(self); elif self.GetParameter('depletionPower') is not None: ### # Single power is provided; # Error check and populate ### assert(self.GetParameter('depletionFlux') is None); ### self.parameters['depletionStepPowers'] = [self.GetParameter('depletionPower')] * len(self); ### # Maybe append decay step ### if bool(self.GetParameter('depletionTerminalDecayTime')): ### # Decay time ### self.parameters['depletionStepTimeIntervals'].append(self.GetParameter('depletionTerminalDecayTime') * daysPerYear); ### # Power or flux ### if bool(self.GetParameter('depletionStepPowers')) or bool(self.GetParameter('depletionPower')): self.parameters['depletionStepPowers'].append(0); else: self.parameters['depletionStepFluxes'].append(0); elif bool(self.GetParameter('depletionTime')): ### # Only total depletion time is provided; # Depletion step powers/fluxes will be populated within the DepletionCalculation ### if bool(self.GetParameter('depletionFlux')): ### # Single flux is provided ### assert(not(self.GetParameter('depletionStepFluxes')) and not(self.GetParameter('depletionStepPowers')) and self.GetParameter('depletionPower') is None); elif bool(self.GetParameter('depletionPower')): ### # Single power is provided ### assert(not(self.GetParameter('depletionStepFluxes')) and not(self.GetParameter('depletionStepPowers')) and self.GetParameter('depletionFlux') is None); ### # Determine isPowerMode ### self.parameters['isPowerMode'] = (self.GetParameter('depletionStepPowers') is not None) or (self.GetParameter('depletionPower') is not None); ### # Determine burnUnits ### self.parameters['burnUnits'] = ['n/cm²·s', 'MWth'][self.GetParameter('isPowerMode')]; ### if bool(arguments.isVerbose): PrintNow(self); ### return; ###
[docs] def GetLibraryParametersConverters(self): '''Return default values and parsing functions for custom parameters.'''; return {}, {}; ### # MCNP card ###
[docs]class McnpCard: '''A single card in an MCNP input file.'''; def __init__(self, raw): '''Construct a new instance.'''; self.raw = raw; ### self.Populate(); return; ### def __hash__(self): '''Return number.'''; return self.GetNumber(); ### def __lt__(self, other): '''Quantitatively compare similar instances.'''; assert(isinstance(other, self.__class__)); return self.GetNumber() < other.GetNumber(); ### def __str__(self): '''Return text.'''; return self.GetRaw(); ### # Generic getter methods ###
[docs] def GetRaw(self): '''Return text.'''; return self.raw; ###
[docs] def GetNumber(self): '''Return number.'''; return self.number; ### # Regular expression builder ###
[docs] def GetRegex(self): '''Return compiled regular expression for this instance.'''; output = '\n' + self.GetRaw(); ### # Escape special regex characters ### for character in r'().+-*?': output = output.replace(character, r'\{}'.format(character)); ### # Clean up spaces ### output = ReCompile(r' +').sub(r'[\s&]+', output); ### return ReCompile(output); ### # Population methods ###
[docs] def Populate(self): '''Dummy method.'''; return; ### # MCNP cell ###
[docs]class McnpCell(McnpCard): '''MCNP celsurface card.'''; ### # Generic getter methods ###
[docs] def GetFillUniverse(self): '''Return universe which fills.'''; return self.fillUniverse; ###
[docs] def GetHeavyMetalMT(self): '''Return metric tonnes of heavy metal.'''; return self.GetMass() / 1e6 * sum(weightFraction for zaid, weightFraction in self.GetZaid2WeightFraction().items() if ZaIsActinide(Zaid2Za(zaid))); ###
[docs] def GetImportance(self): '''Return importance.'''; return self.importance; ###
[docs] def GetLatticeType(self): '''Return lattice type.'''; return self.latticeType; ###
[docs] def GetMass(self): '''Return grams.'''; return self.GetMassDensity() * self.GetVolume(); ###
[docs] def GetMassDensity(self): '''Return grams per cubic centimeter.'''; return self.massDensity; ###
[docs] def GetMaterialDensity(self): '''Return grams per cubic centimeter or atoms per barn centimeter.'''; return self.materialDensity; ###
[docs] def GetMaterialDensityRegex(self): '''Return compiled material density regular expression.'''; return self.materialDensityRegex; ###
[docs] def GetMaterialNumber(self): '''Return material number.'''; return self.materialNumber; ###
[docs] def GetMoles(self): '''Return moles.'''; return self.numberDensity * self.GetVolume() / avogadrosNumber; ###
[docs] def GetNumberDensity(self): '''Return atoms per barn centimeter.'''; return self.numberDensity; ###
[docs] def GetSuffix(self): '''Return most prominent nuclear library suffix.'''; return self.suffix; ###
[docs] def GetSurfaceNumbers(self): '''Return list of surface numbers.'''; return self.surfaceNumbers; ###
[docs] def GetTemperature(self): '''Return MeV.'''; return self.temperature; ###
[docs] def GetTemperatureRegex(self): '''Return compiled temperature regular expression.'''; return self.temperatureRegex; ###
[docs] def GetUniverse(self): '''Return universe.'''; return self.universe; ###
[docs] def GetVolume(self): '''Return cubic centimeters.'''; return self.volume; ###
[docs] def GetZa2Moles(self): '''Return dictionary mapping isotope to moles.'''; volume = self.GetVolume(); za2Moles = {}; for zaid, numberDensity in self.GetZaid2NumberDensity().items(): za = Zaid2Za(zaid); moles = numberDensity * volume / avogadrosNumber; ### try: za2Moles[za] += moles; except KeyError: za2Moles[za] = moles; ### return za2Moles; ###
[docs] def GetZaid2AtomFraction(self): '''Return dictionary mapping isotope to atom fraction.'''; return self.zaid2AtomFraction; ###
[docs] def GetZaidMass(self, zaid): '''Return grams for an isotope.'''; return self.GetZaidMassDensity(zaid) * self.GetVolume(); ###
[docs] def GetZaidMassDensity(self, zaid): '''Return grams per cubic centimeter for an isotope.'''; return self.GetZaid2MassDensity()[zaid]; ###
[docs] def GetZaid2MassDensity(self): '''Return dictionary mapping isotope to grams per cubic centimeter.'''; return self.zaid2MassDensity; ###
[docs] def GetZaidMoles(self, zaid): '''Return moles for an isotope.'''; return self.GetZaidNumberDensity(zaid) * self.GetVolume() / avogadrosNumber; ###
[docs] def GetZaidNumberDensity(self, zaid): '''Return atoms per barn centimeter for an isotope.'''; return self.GetZaid2NumberDensity()[zaid]; ###
[docs] def GetZaid2NumberDensity(self): '''Return dictionary mapping isotope to atoms per barn centimeter.'''; return self.zaid2NumberDensity; ###
[docs] def GetZaid2WeightFraction(self): '''Return dictionary mapping isotope to weight fraction.'''; return self.zaid2WeightFraction; ###
[docs] def GetZaids(self): '''Return list of isotopes.'''; return sorted(self.zaid2AtomFraction); ### # Population methods ###
[docs] def Populate(self): '''Populate.'''; cellNumber, materialNumber, materialDensity, surfaceNumbers, junk, parameters, junk = ReCompile(r'^(\d{1,8}\s+)(\d{1,8}\s+)([\d\.e+\-]+\s+)?((:?[+\-]?\d{1,8}\s*)*)((.|\n)+)$', 2 | 8).search(self.GetRaw()).groups(); ### # cell number, material number, material density, surface numbers, material density regex ### self.number = int(float(cellNumber)); self.materialNumber = int(float(materialNumber)); ### if not self.GetMaterialNumber() and materialDensity is not None: ### # Material density stole a surface! # When the material number is null, the density is absent, so the first surface is grabbed by the material density ### surfaceNumbers = '{} {}'.format(materialDensity, surfaceNumbers); materialDensity = None; ### if materialDensity is not None: regex = materialDensity.replace(' ', ''); ### # Escape special regex characters ### for character in r'.+-': regex = regex.replace(character, r'\{}'.format(character)); self.materialDensityRegex = ReCompile(regex); ### materialDensity = float(materialDensity); ### self.materialDensity = materialDensity; self.surfaceNumbers = [int(float(surface)) for surface in surfaceNumbers.replace(':', ' ').split()]; ### # Optional parameters ### parameters = ReCompile(r'(imp|vol|pwt|ext|fcl|wwn|dxc|nonu|pd|tmp|u|trcl|lat|fill)', 2 | 8).split(parameters)[1 : ]; parameters = {parameters[index].lower() : parameters[index + 1] for index in range(0, len(parameters) - 1, 2)}; ### # importance, volume, temperature, temperature regex, universe, lattice type, fill universe ### self.importance = 1; self.volume = 0; self.temperature = 0; regex = ''; self.universe = None; self.latticeType = None; self.fillUniverse = None; ### for key, value in parameters.items(): keyValue = key + value; value = value.replace('=', ' '); if 'imp' == key: self.importance = float(value.split()[-1]); elif 'vol' == key: self.volume = float(value); elif 'tmp' == key: regex = keyValue; self.temperature = float(value); elif 'u' == key: self.universe = int(float(value)); elif 'lat' == key: self.latticeType = int(float(value)); # elif 'fill' == key: # FIXME # self.fillUniverse = int(float(value)); # FIXME ### # Escape special regex characters ### for character in r'.+-': regex = regex.replace(character, r'\{}'.format(character)); self.temperatureRegex = ReCompile(regex); ### return; ### # MCNP surface ###
[docs]class McnpSurface(McnpCard): '''MCNP surface card.'''; ### # Generic getter methods ###
[docs] def GetMnemonic(self): '''Return surface type mnemonic.'''; return self.mnemonic; ### # Population methods ###
[docs] def Populate(self): '''Populate.'''; surfaceNumber, transformationNumber, mnemonic, parameters = ReCompile(r'^[+\*]?(\d{1,8}\s+)([+\-]?\d{1,3}\s+)?([psckgthr][ep/]?[oxyzqp]?\s+)(.+)$', 2 | 8).search(self.GetRaw()).groups(); ### # surface number, transformation number, mnemonic ### self.number = int(float(surfaceNumber)); if transformationNumber != None: transformationNumber = int(float(transformationNumber)); self.transformationNumber = transformationNumber; self.mnemonic = mnemonic.strip().lower(); ### # geometric parameters ### self.parameters = [float(parameter) for parameter in parameters.split()]; return; ### # MCNP material ###
[docs]class McnpMaterial(McnpCard): '''MCNP material card.'''; def __len__(self): '''Return number of isotopes.'''; return len(self.GetZaid2Fraction()); ### # Generic getter methods ###
[docs] def GetIsSingleIsotope(self): '''Return if only one isotope is contained.'''; return len(self) == 1; ###
[docs] def GetZa(self, index = 0): '''Return first isotope.'''; return self.GetZas()[index]; ###
[docs] def GetZas(self): '''Return list of isotopes.'''; return self.zas; ###
[docs] def GetZaids(self): '''Return list of isotopes.'''; return self.GetZaid2Fraction().keys(); ###
[docs] def GetZaid2Fraction(self): '''Return dictionary mapping isotope to abundance.'''; return self.zaid2Fraction; ### # Population methods ###
[docs] def Populate(self): '''Populate.'''; card = [word for word in self.GetRaw().split()]; materialNumber = card[0].lower().strip('m'); self.number = int(float(materialNumber)); self.zaid2Fraction = {card[index] : float(card[index + 1]) for index in range(1, len(card) - 1, 2)}; self.zas = sorted({Zaid2Za(zaid) for zaid in self.GetZaid2Fraction().keys()}); ### return; ### # MCNP tally ###
[docs]class McnpTally(McnpCard): '''MCNP generic tally card.'''; def __contains__(self, other): '''Return if particle, tally tag, or space is contained.'''; if isinstance(other, str): return any(particle in other for particle in self.GetParticles()); ### elif isinstance(other, float): return hasattr(self, 'tallyTags') and other in self.tallyTags; ### elif isinstance(other, int): return other in self.GetSpaces(); ### return other.GetNumber() in self.GetSpaces(); ### def __len__(self): '''Return number of spaces.'''; return len(self.GetSpaces()); ### # Generic getter methods ###
[docs] def GetEnergys(self): '''Return energy bins.'''; return self.energys; ###
[docs] def GetParticles(self): '''Return particles.'''; return self.particles; ###
[docs] def GetResultString(self): '''Return result text.'''; return self.resultString; ###
[docs] def GetMnemonic(self): '''Return tally type mnemonic.'''; return self.mnemonic; ###
[docs] def GetSpaces(self): '''Return list of spaces.'''; return self.spaces; ###
[docs] def GetSpaceType(self): '''Return surface or cell, according to tally type mnemonic.'''; if self.GetMnemonic() in ('f1', 'f2'): return 'surface'; else: return 'cell'; ### # Physical quantity getter methods ###
[docs] def GetTallyResults(self, *args): '''Return an indexed tally result.'''; ### # Tally-type-specific indicies (space, angle, multiplier bin) ### if self.GetMnemonic() in ('f1', ): jndex = (0, 1); elif self.GetMnemonic() in ('f2', 'f4', 'f5', 'f6', 'f7', 'f8'): jndex = (0, ); elif self.GetMnemonic() in ('fm4', ): jndex = (0, 2); ### # Indices are none-valued unless specified ### index = [None] * 3; for kndex in range(len(args)): index[jndex[kndex]] = args[kndex]; index = tuple(index); ### return self.results[index]; ### # Population methods ###
[docs] def Populate(self): '''Populate input-related metrics.'''; self.PopulateGenerics(); ### return; ###
[docs] def PopulateAngles(self, angles): '''Attach angle bins.'''; self.angles = angles; ### return; ###
[docs] def PopulateGenerics(self): '''Generic population input-related metrics.'''; multiplier, tallyNumber, particleOne, particleTwo = ReCompile(r'f(m?)(\d{1,8})\s*:?\s*([np]?)\s*,?\s*([np]?)', 2 | 8).search(self.GetRaw()).groups(); self.number = int(float(tallyNumber)); self.mnemonic = 'f{}{}'.format(['', multiplier][multiplier != None], self.GetNumber() % 10); self.particles = ''.join((particleOne, particleTwo)); return; ###
[docs] def PopulateEnergys(self, energys): '''Attach energy bins.'''; self.energys = energys; ### return; ###
[docs] def PopulateResults(self, resultString): '''Parse and populate tally output text.'''; self.resultString = resultString; ### reSpaces = ReCompile(r' {2,}', 2 | 8); reSpace = ReCompile(r'^ {} ?(\d+)[(\d)<]* +$'.format(self.GetSpaceType()), 2 | 8); reAngle = ReCompile(r'^ [ca][on][sg][il][ne][e ] bin: ([ \-]\d\.[ \d]{5}E[+\-]\d{2}) to ([ \-]\d\.[ \d]{5}E[+\-]\d{2}) [m ][u ] +$', 2 | 8); reMultiplierBin = ReCompile(r'^ multiplier bin: [ \-]\d\.\d{5}E[+\-]\d{2} +(\d+)? +([ :\d\-]+)? +$', 2 | 8); reNumerics = ReCompile(r'^ {4}(\d\.\d{4}E[+\-]\d{2}| {2}total {3}| {10}) {3}(\d\.\d{5}E[+\-]\d{2}) (\d\.\d{4}$)', 2 | 8); ### # Energys ### try: energys = self.GetEnergys(); except AttributeError: energys = []; ### # Build empty results array ### self.results = {}; ### for block in iter(ReCompile('^ $', 2 | 8).split(self.GetResultString())[1 : ]): ### # Space ### space =; space = space and int(; ### # Angle ### angle =; angle = angle and (float(angle) for angle in (, 2))); ### # Multiplier bin ### multiplierBin =; ### if multiplierBin is not None: groups = multiplierBin.groups(); if all(group is not None for group in groups): try: multiplierBin = (int(float(groups[0])), int(float(groups[1]))); except ValueError: multiplierBin = (int(float(groups[0])), reSpaces.sub(' ', groups[1].strip()).replace(' : ', ':')); else: multiplierBin = None; ### if self.mnemonic not in ('fm4', 'fm5') and multiplierBin is not None and len(multiplierBin) > 1: continue; ### self.results[(space, angle, multiplierBin)] = TallyResult(reNumerics.finditer(block), len(energys)); ### return; ###
[docs] def PopulateSpaces(self): '''Attach spaces.'''; spaces = ' '.join(self.GetRaw().split()[1 : ]); ### if any(character in self.GetRaw() for character in '()'): startStop = []; level = 0; for index in range(len(spaces)): if '(' == spaces[index]: level += 1; if 1 == level: start = index; elif ')' == spaces[index]: level -= 1; if 0 == level: stop = index; startStop.append((start, stop)); ### spaces = [spaces[start + 1 : stop] for start, stop in startStop]; else: spaces = [word for word in spaces.split()]; ### self.spaces = [int(float(word)) for word in self.GetRaw().split()[1 : ] if all(character not in word for character in '()')]; ### return; ### # MCNP F1 surface current tally ###
[docs]class McnpSurfaceCurrentTally(McnpTally): '''MCNP surface current tally.'''; pass; ### # MCNP F2 surface flux tally ###
[docs]class McnpSurfaceFluxTally(McnpTally): '''MCNP surface flux tally.'''; pass; ### # MCNP F4 cell flux tally ###
[docs]class McnpCellFluxTally(McnpTally): '''MCNP cell flux tally.'''; pass; ### # MCNP FM4 cell flux multiplier tally ###
[docs]class McnpCellFluxMultiplierTally(McnpTally): '''MCNP cell flux tally with multiplier.'''; ### # Generic getter methods ###
[docs] def GetMultiplierBins(self): '''Return multiplier bins.'''; return self.multiplierBins; ### # Population methods ###
[docs] def CrackBin(self, tallyBin): '''Helper for parsing multiplier bins.'''; tallyBin = iter(tallyBin.split()); ### multiplier = next(tallyBin); multiplier = float(multiplier); ### try: materialNumber = int(float(next(tallyBin))); reactionNumbers = []; for reactionNumber in (reactionNumber.strip('()') for reactionNumber in ReCompile('\) +\(').split(' '.join(tallyBin))): try: reactionNumbers.append(int(float(reactionNumber))); except ValueError: reactionNumbers.append(reactionNumber); except StopIteration: materialNumber = None; reactionNumbers = [None]; ### return ((multiplier, materialNumber, reactionNumber) for reactionNumber in reactionNumbers); ###
[docs] def PopulateSpaces(self, tallys): '''Attach inherited particles and spaces.'''; for tally in tallys: if tally.GetMnemonic() in ('f4', 'f5') and tally.GetNumber() == self.GetNumber(): self.particles = tally.GetParticles(); self.spaces = tally.GetSpaces(); break; return; ###
[docs] def PopulateMultiplierBins(self, cells): '''Construct multiplier bins.'''; ### # Multiplier bins and particles ### particleOne, particleTwo, multiplierBins, junk = (group.strip() for group in ReCompile(r'fm\d{0,7}4:?\s*([np]?)\s*,?\s*([np]?)\s+((.|\n)+)', 2 | 8).search(self.GetRaw()).groups()); ### # Overwrite inherited particles from F4 tally ### self.particles = ''.join((particleOne, particleTwo)) or self.particles; ### # Segregate multiplier bins ### if ('(', ')') != (multiplierBins[0], multiplierBins[-1]): multiplierBins = [multiplierBins]; else: startStop = []; level = 0; for index in range(len(multiplierBins)): if '(' == multiplierBins[index]: level += 1; if 1 == level: start = index; elif ')' == multiplierBins[index]: level -= 1; if 0 == level: stop = index; startStop.append((start, stop)); ### multiplierBins = [multiplierBins[start + 1 : stop] for start, stop in startStop]; ### # Crack open bin string ### multiplierBins = [crackedBins for tallyBin in multiplierBins for crackedBins in self.CrackBin(tallyBin)]; ### # Check and normalize multiplier # attach multiplier bins ### cellNumber2MaterialNumber = {cell.GetNumber() : cell.GetMaterialNumber() for cell in cells}; self.multiplierBins = []; for cellNumber in self.GetSpaces(): for multiplier, materialNumber, reactionNumber in multiplierBins: if materialNumber == cellNumber2MaterialNumber[cellNumber] and not(multiplier > 1): ### # Real material tally ### multiplier = -1. * bool(multiplier); elif materialNumber not in cellNumber2MaterialNumber.values(): ### # Single-isotope tally ### multiplier = +1. * bool(multiplier); elif materialNumber is None and reactionNumber is None: ### # Only the flux is extracted ### pass; else: ### # Cell flux multiplier tally may have a multiplier of improper sign ### pass; ### self.multiplierBins.append((cellNumber, multiplier, materialNumber, reactionNumber)); ### return; ### # MCNP F5 detector tally ###
[docs]class McnpDetectorTally(McnpTally): '''MCNP detector tally.'''; pass; ### # MCNP FM5 detector multiplier tally ###
[docs]class McnpDetectorMultiplierTally(McnpCellFluxMultiplierTally): '''MCNP detector tally.'''; pass; ### # MCNP F6 cell energy deposition tally ###
[docs]class McnpCellEnergyDepositionTally(McnpTally): '''MCNP cell energy deposition tally.'''; pass; ### # MCNP F7 cell fission energy deposition tally ###
[docs]class McnpCellFissionEnergyDepositionTally(McnpTally): '''MCNP cell fission energy deposition tally.'''; pass; ### # MCNP F8 cell pulse height tally ###
[docs]class McnpCellPulseHeightTally(McnpTally): '''MCNP cell pulse height tally.'''; pass; ### # MCNP input file parser ###
[docs]class McnpInputFile: '''MCNP input file parser.'''; def __init__(self, fileName, outputRaw = None): '''Construct a new instance.'''; self.outputRaw = outputRaw; ### # Read input raw or extract it from the output raw ### if self.GetOutputRaw(): self.fileName = ReCompile(r'\.o$', 2 | 8).sub('', fileName); ### reInputRaw = ReCompile(r'(?<=\d- {7})[\S ]+', 2 | 8); inputRaw = '\n'.join( for block in ReCompile(r'^1', 8).split(self.GetOutputRaw()) if 'mcnp' == block[ : 4] for line in reInputRaw.finditer(block)); else: self.fileName = fileName; ### inputRaw = ReadFile(self.GetFileName(), display = not bool(arguments.isQuiet)); ### # Strip whitespace from the ends of lines ### self.inputRaw = '\n'.join(line.rstrip() for line in inputRaw.split('\n')).rstrip(); ### self.Populate(); ### return; ### # Mathematical operator overloaders ### def __sub__(self, other): '''Return fractional difference between system total isotopics.'''; if isinstance(other, self.__class__): ### # Sum isotopic moles over cells ### za2MolesOne = self.GetZa2Moles(); za2MolesTwo = other.GetZa2Moles(); ### # Zero-value missing za's ### za2MolesOne.update({za : 0 for za in set(za2MolesTwo) - set(za2MolesOne)}); za2MolesTwo.update({za : 0 for za in set(za2MolesOne) - set(za2MolesTwo)}); ### # Calculate fractional difference ### totalMoles = 0.5 * (sum(za2MolesOne.values()) + sum(za2MolesTwo.values())); ### relativeDifferences = Array([abs(za2MolesOne[za] - za2MolesTwo[za]) / totalMoles for za in za2MolesOne]); ### # Calculate convergence norm ### normType = mocDownInputFile.GetParameter('isotopicsConvergenceNormType'); if normType in ('1', 'one'): norm = relativeDifferences.mean(); elif normType in ('2', 'two'): norm = (relativeDifferences ** 2.).mean() ** 0.5; elif normType in ('inf', 'infinite', 'infinity'): norm = relativeDifferences.max(); ### return norm; ### def __rsub__(self, other): '''Return fractional difference between system total isotopics.'''; return -self.__sub__(other); ### # Generic getter methods ###
[docs] def GetAngles(self): '''Return angle cards.'''; return self.angles; ###
[docs] def GetCellBlock(self): '''Return block of cell cards.'''; return self.cellBlock; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberDecayPower(self, cellNumber, za2WattsPerMole): '''Return decay power for a cell.'''; cell = self.FindCell(cellNumber); ### return sum(moles * za2WattsPerMole[za] for za, moles in cell.GetZa2Moles().items() if za in za2WattsPerMole); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberPaths(self, cellNumber): '''Return hierarchical path for a cell.'''; return self.GetCellNumber2Paths()[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumber2Paths(self): '''Return dictionary mapping cell to hierarchical path.'''; return self.cellNumber2Paths; ###
[docs] def GetCells(self): '''Return list of cells.'''; return self.cells; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumbers(self): '''Return list of cell numbers.'''; return self.cellNumbers; ###
[docs] def GetDataBlock(self): '''Return block of data cards.'''; return self.dataBlock; ###
[docs] def GetEnergys(self): '''Return energy cards.'''; return self.energys; ###
[docs] def GetFileName(self): '''Return filename.'''; return self.fileName; ###
[docs] def GetFissionCells(self): '''Return list of cells which contain fissile isotopes.'''; fissionCells = []; for cellNumber in self.GetPowerCells(): material = self.FindCellMaterial(cellNumber); ### if any(ZaIsActinide(za) and za not in (89225, 89226, 99253) for za in material.GetZas()): fissionCells.append(cellNumber); ### return fissionCells; ###
[docs] def GetHeavyMetalMT(self): '''Return syystem total metric tonnes of heavy metal.'''; return sum(cell.GetHeavyMetalMT() for cell in self.GetCells() if cell.GetMaterialNumber()); ###
[docs] def GetInputRaw(self): '''Return text.'''; return self.inputRaw; ###
[docs] def GetIsKcode(self): '''Return if it is a criticality problem.'''; return self.GetNamedCard('kcode') is not None; ###
[docs] def GetInputRawWithoutComments(self): '''Return text without comments.'''; return self.inputRawWithoutComments; ###
[docs] def GetIsCoupled(self): '''Return if photons are considered.'''; return 'p' in self.GetMode(); ###
[docs] def GetIsMultiplyRootedLeafCell(self, leafCell): '''Return if a cell appears in multiple root cells.'''; return leafCell in self.GetMultiplyRootedLeafCells(); ###
[docs] def GetMultiplyRootedLeafCell(self, leafCell): '''Return path for a cell which appears in multiple root cells.'''; return self.GetMultiplyRootedLeafCells()[leafCell]; ###
[docs] def GetMultiplyRootedLeafCells(self): '''Return dictionary mapping cell to path for cells which appear in multiple root cells.'''; return self.multiplyRootedLeafCells; ###
[docs] def GetMaterials(self): '''Return list of materials.'''; return self.materials; ###
[docs] def GetMaterialNumbers(self): '''Return list of material numbers.'''; return self.materialNumbers; ###
[docs] def GetMode(self): '''Return particle mode (n, p, or np).'''; return ''.join(str(self.GetNamedCard('mode')).split()[1 : ]).lower(); ###
[docs] def GetNamedCard(self, cardName): '''Return list of named cards for a variety.'''; namedCards = self.GetNamedCards(); if cardName in namedCards: return namedCards[cardName]; ###
[docs] def GetNamedCards(self): '''Return dictionary of named cards.'''; return self.namedCards; ###
[docs] def GetOutputRaw(self): '''Return text for associated output.'''; return self.outputRaw; ###
[docs] def GetPowerCells(self): '''Return list of cells which are dense enough to provide power.'''; powerCells = []; for cell in self.GetCells(): ### # Kick out immaterial cells # Only cells with materials can contribute directly to heating ### if not cell.GetMaterialNumber(): continue; ### # Kick out low-density cells # Low-density cells are assumed to not contribute sufficiently to heating ### if cell.GetMaterialDensity() is not None and cell.GetMassDensity() < mocDownInputFile.GetParameter('minimumCellMassDensityCutoff'): continue; ### powerCells.append(cell.GetNumber()); ### return powerCells; ###
[docs] def GetSurfaces(self): '''Return list of surface cards.'''; return self.surfaces; ###
[docs] def GetSurfaceBlock(self): '''Return block of surface cards.'''; return self.surfaceBlock; ###
[docs] def GetTallyIndices(self, mnemonic): '''Return spaces for a tally type mnemonic.'''; return self.GetTallyType2Indices()[mnemonic.lower()]; ###
[docs] def GetTallyType2Indices(self): '''Return dictionary mapping tally type mnemonic to spaces.'''; return self.tallyType2Indices; ###
[docs] def GetTallys(self, mnemonic = None): '''Return list of tally cards.'''; if mnemonic is not None: return (tally for tally in self.GetTallys() if tally.GetMnemonic() == mnemonic); return self.tallys; ###
[docs] def GetZa2Moles(self): '''Return dictionary mapping isotope to system total moles.'''; za2Moles = {}; for cell in self.GetCells(): if cell.GetMaterialNumber(): for za, moles in cell.GetZa2Moles().items(): try: za2Moles[za] += moles; except KeyError: za2Moles[za] = moles; return za2Moles; ### # Constructed getter methods ###
[docs] def FindCell(self, cellNumber): '''Find a cell by cell number.'''; return self.GetCells()[self.GetCellNumbers().index(cellNumber)]; ###
[docs] def FindCellMaterial(self, cellNumber): '''Find a cell material by cell number.'''; cell = self.FindCell(cellNumber); if not cell: return; ### materialNumber = cell.GetMaterialNumber(); return self.FindMaterial(materialNumber); ###
[docs] def FindCellSurfaces(self, cellNumber): '''Find cell surfaces by cell number.'''; cell = self.FindCell(cellNumber); if not cell: return; ### surfaceNumbers = (abs(surfaceNumber) for surfaceNumber in cell.GetSurfaceNumbers()); return (surface for surface in self.GetSurfaces() if surface.GetNumber() in surfaceNumbers); ###
[docs] def FindLeafCells(self, cells): '''Find cells contained within a cell.'''; try: leafCells = []; ### # Accumulate leafcell tree ### for cell in cells: if cell.GetFillUniverse(): ### # Grab child nodes ### leafCells.extend(self.FindLeafCells(childCell for childCell in self.GetCells() if childCell.GetUniverse() == cell.GetFillUniverse())); else: ### # Grab current node ### leafCells.append(cell); return set(leafCells); except TypeError: if isinstance(cells, int): return self.FindLeafCells(self.FindCell(cells)); return self.FindLeafCells([cells]); ###
[docs] def FindMaterial(self, materialNumber): '''Find a material by material number.'''; if 0 != materialNumber: return self.GetMaterials()[self.GetMaterialNumbers().index(materialNumber)]; ###
[docs] def FindRootCells(self, cells): '''Find cells which contain a cell.'''; try: rootCells = []; ### # Accumulate rootcell tree ### for cell in cells: if cell.GetUniverse(): ### # Grab parent nodes ### rootCells.extend(self.FindRootCells(parentCell for parentCell in self.GetCells() if parentCell.GetFillUniverse() == cell.GetUniverse())); else: ### # Grab current nodes ### rootCells.append(cell); return set(rootCells); except TypeError: if isinstance(cells, int): return self.FindRootCells(self.FindCell(cells)); return self.FindRootCells([cells]); ###
[docs] def FindSingleZaidMaterialNumber(self, zaid): '''Find material number which contains a single isotope.'''; for material in self.GetMaterials(): if material.GetIsSingleIsotope(): if zaid in material.GetZaids(): return material.GetNumber(); ### # Input card stripping methods ###
[docs] def Block2SingleLineCards(self, raw): '''Return card blocks with newlines and continuations stripped.'''; reIndent = ReCompile(r'^( {5,}|\t)', 2 | 8); reAmpersand = ReCompile(r'&\s{1,}$', 2 | 8); ### cards = []; continuation = False; for line in raw.strip().split('\n'): line = line.rstrip(); ### continuation |= bool(; if continuation: cards[-1] += '\n' + line; else: cards.append(line); ### continuation = bool(; ### return cards; ###
[docs] def GetCellCards(self): '''Return list of cell cards.'''; return self.Block2SingleLineCards(self.GetCellBlock()); ###
[docs] def GetDataCards(self): '''Return list of data cards.'''; return self.Block2SingleLineCards(self.GetDataBlock()); ###
[docs] def GetSurfaceCards(self): '''Return list of surface cards.'''; return self.Block2SingleLineCards(self.GetSurfaceBlock()); ### # Population methods ###
[docs] def Populate(self): '''Populate.'''; ### # Populate input blocks ### self.PopulateInputBlocks(); ### # Populate cells ### self.cells = [McnpCell(cellCard) for cellCard in self.GetCellCards()[1 : ]]; self.cellNumbers = [cell.GetNumber() for cell in self.GetCells()]; ### # Populate cell heirarchy ### self.PopulateCellHeirarchy(); ### # Populate surfaces ### self.surfaces = [McnpSurface(surfaceCard) for surfaceCard in self.GetSurfaceCards()]; ### # Populate data cards ### self.PopulateDataCards(); ### # Populate cell material attributes ### self.PopulateCellMaterialAttributes(); ### # Populate tally energys, angles, and spaces and cell flux multiplier tally bins ### self.PopulateTallySpecifics(); ### # Populate cell -> tally indices ### self.PopulateTallyIndices(); ### return; ###
[docs] def PopulateInputBlocks(self): '''Extract cell, surface, and data blocks.'''; ### # cell block, surface block, data block ### self.inputRawWithoutComments = '\n'.join(line.split('$')[0].rstrip() for line in self.GetInputRaw().split('\n') if line[ : 2].lower() not in ('c', 'c ')).rstrip(); self.cellBlock, self.surfaceBlock, self.dataBlock = ReCompile(r'\n[ \t]*\n', 8).split(self.GetInputRawWithoutComments()); ### return; ###
[docs] def PopulateCellHeirarchy(self): '''Determine hierarchy of cells.'''; ### # Build childCell -> parentCells ### cell2ParentCells = {childCell : [parentCell for parentCell in self.GetCells() if childCell.GetUniverse() if parentCell.GetFillUniverse() == childCell.GetUniverse()] for childCell in self.GetCells()}; ### # Populated leafCell -> ... -> rootCell paths # Depth-first searches are performed, ascending from each leafCell ### paths = []; path = []; branches = [sorted([leafCell for leafCell in self.GetCells() if not leafCell.GetFillUniverse()], reverse = True)]; ### while branches: ### # New path based upon branch listing ### if not branches[-1]: ### # The current level has no branches ### if 1 == len(branches): ### # No more branch levels exist # Break ### break; ### # Descend a level ### path.pop(); branches.pop(); ### continue; else: ### # Move next branch to path ### path.append(branches[-1].pop()); ### parents = sorted(cell2ParentCells[path[-1]], reverse = True); while parents: ### # Acsend to root cell, while keeping track of branching cells ### path.append(parents.pop()); branches.append(parents); parents = sorted(cell2ParentCells[path[-1]], reverse = True); else: ### # Ascent is finished # Note if it connects a leafCell to a rootCell ### if not path[-1].GetUniverse(): paths.append(list(path)); path.pop(); ### # Convert cell paths -> cell number paths ### paths = [[cell.GetNumber() for cell in path] for path in paths]; ### # Match redundant paths ### matchSets = []; for index in range(len(paths)): for jndex in range(len(paths)): match = True; ### # Kick out paths of unequal length ### if len(paths[index]) != len(paths[jndex]): match = False; continue; ### previous = True; for kndex in range(len(paths[index])): current = paths[index][kndex] == paths[jndex][kndex]; ### # Kick out paths with non-matching leaf or root nodes ### if kndex in (0, len(paths[index]) - 1) and not current: match = False; break; ### # Kick out paths with two consecutive non-matching nodes ### if not (previous or current): match = False; break; ### previous = current; ### if match: ### # The two paths match # Add them to the set of matching paths or ... ### matchNoted = False; for matchSet in matchSets: if any(kndex in matchSet for kndex in (index, jndex)): matchNoted = True; matchSet.update((index, jndex)); ### # ... create a new set of matching paths ### if not matchNoted: matchSets.append({index, jndex}); ### # Merge redundant paths ### self.cellNumber2Paths = {}; for matchSet in matchSets: mergedPath = []; cellNumber = None; for index in matchSet: if cellNumber is None: cellNumber = paths[index][0]; for jndex in range(len(paths[index])): try: mergedPath[jndex].update((paths[index][jndex], )); except IndexError: mergedPath.append(set((paths[index][jndex], ))); mergedPath = [sorted(element) for element in mergedPath]; ### if len(mergedPath) > 1: mergedPath[-1][-1] *= -1; ### cellNumber = mergedPath[0][0]; try: self.cellNumber2Paths[cellNumber].append(mergedPath); except KeyError: self.cellNumber2Paths[cellNumber] = [mergedPath]; ### # Populate multiply-rooted leaf cells ### self.multiplyRootedLeafCells = {cellNumber : [path[-1][0] for path in paths] for cellNumber, paths in self.GetCellNumber2Paths().items() if len(paths) > 1}; ### return; ###
[docs] def PopulateDataCards(self): '''Populate the many named data card types.'''; ### # Populate defaults ### self.namedCards = { ### # title ### 'title' : McnpCard(self.GetInputRaw().split('\n')[0]), ### # Uncoupled neutron transport ### 'mode' : McnpCard('mode n'), }; ### # Initialize multi-card containers ### self.angles = {}; self.namedCards['angles'] = []; self.energys = {}; self.namedCards['energys'] = []; self.materials = []; self.materialNumbers = []; self.tallys = []; self.namedCards['tallyComments'] = []; self.namedCards['thermalScatters'] = []; ### # Define regex's for mnemonic and tally number ### reMnemonic = ReCompile(r'^[\*]?([a-z]{1,5})', 2 | 8); reTallyNumber = ReCompile(r'(\d{1,8})', 2 | 8); ### # Parse data cards ### for dataCard in self.GetDataCards(): mnemonic = [word for word in dataCard.split()][0]; mnemonicLetters =; ### # Problem type cards ### if mnemonicLetters in ('mode'): ### # mode ### if 'mode' == mnemonicLetters: self.namedCards['mode'] = McnpCard(dataCard); continue; ### # Geometry cards ### if mnemonicLetters in ('vol', 'area', 'u', 'trcl', 'lat', 'fill', 'tr', 'uran'): ### # volumes ### if 'vol' == mnemonicLetters: volumes = []; for volume in dataCard.split()[1 : ]: if 'j' in volume: number = int(float(volume.lower().replace('j', ''))); volumes.extend([0., ] * number); else: volumes.append(float(volume)); ### index = 0; for cell in self.GetCells(): cell.volume = volumes[index]; index += 1; continue; ### # Source specification cards ### if mnemonicLetters in ('sdef', 'si', 'sp', 'sb', 'ds', 'sc', 'ssw', 'ssr', 'kcode', 'ksrc', 'hsrc'): ### # sdef ### if 'sdef' == mnemonicLetters: self.namedCards['sdef'] = McnpCard(dataCard); continue; ### # kcode ### if 'kcode' == mnemonicLetters: self.namedCards['kcode'] = McnpCard(dataCard); continue; ### # ksrc ### if 'ksrc' == mnemonicLetters: self.namedCards['ksrc'] = McnpCard(dataCard); continue; ### # Tally specification cards ### if mnemonicLetters in ('f', 'fc', 'e', 't', 'c', 'fq', 'fm', 'de', 'df', 'em', 'tm', 'cm', 'cf', 'sf', 'fs', 'sd', 'fu', 'tf', 'dd', 'dxt', 'ft', 'fmesh', 'spdtl'): ### # tally ### if mnemonicLetters in ('f', 'fm'): tallyNumber =; tallyType = int(float(tallyNumber)) % 10; ### if 1 == tallyType: self.tallys.append(McnpSurfaceCurrentTally(dataCard)); continue; if 2 == tallyType: self.tallys.append(McnpSurfaceFluxTally(dataCard)); continue; if 4 == tallyType: if 'f' == mnemonicLetters: self.tallys.append(McnpCellFluxTally(dataCard)); elif 'fm' == mnemonicLetters: self.tallys.append(McnpCellFluxMultiplierTally(dataCard)); continue; if 5 == tallyType: if 'f' == mnemonicLetters: self.tallys.append(McnpDetectorTally(dataCard)); elif 'fm' == mnemonicLetters: self.tallys.append(McnpDetectorMultiplierTally(dataCard)); continue; if 6 == tallyType: self.tallys.append(McnpCellEnergyDepositionTally(dataCard)); continue; if 7 == tallyType: self.tallys.append(McnpCellFissionEnergyDepositionTally(dataCard)); continue; if 8 == tallyType: self.tallys.append(McnpCellPulseHeightTally(dataCard)); continue; ### # tally comment ### if 'fc' == mnemonicLetters: self.namedCards['tallyComments'].append(McnpCard(dataCard)); continue; ### # energys ### if 'e' == mnemonicLetters: energyNumber = int(float(mnemonic.lower().replace('e', '').replace(':', ''))); stringEnergys = dataCard.split()[1 : ]; energys = []; for index in range(len(stringEnergys)): if 'log' in stringEnergys[index]: energys.extend(LogSpace(NaturalLogarithm(float(stringEnergys[index - 1])) / NaturalLogarithm(10.), NaturalLogarithm(float(stringEnergys[index + 1])) / NaturalLogarithm(10.), float(stringEnergys[index].lower().replace('ilog', '')) + 2)[1 : -1]); else: energys.append(float(stringEnergys[index])); self.energys[energyNumber] = Array(energys); ### self.namedCards['energys'].append(McnpCard(dataCard)); continue; ### # angles ### if 'c' == mnemonicLetters: angleNumber = int(float(mnemonic.lower().replace('c', ''))); self.angles[angleNumber] = Array([float(angle) for angle in dataCard.split()[1 : ]]); ### self.namedCards['angles'].append(McnpCard(dataCard)); continue; ### # Material specification cards ### if mnemonicLetters in ('m', 'mpn', 'drxs', 'totnu', 'nonu', 'awtab', 'xs', 'void', 'pikmt', 'mgopt'): ### # materials ### if 'm' == mnemonicLetters: self.materials.append(McnpMaterial(dataCard)); self.materialNumbers.append(self.materials[-1].GetNumber()); continue; ### # Energy and thermal treatment specification cards ### if mnemonicLetters in ('phys', 'tmp', 'thyme', 'mt'): ### # thermal scatter library ### if 'mt' == mnemonicLetters: self.namedCards['thermalScatters'].append(McnpCard(dataCard)); continue; ### # Problem cutoff cards ### if mnemonicLetters in ('cut', 'elpt', 'notrn', 'nps', 'ctme'): ### # nps ### if 'nps' == mnemonicLetters: self.namedCards['nps'] = McnpCard(dataCard); continue; ### # User data arrays ### if mnemonicLetters in ('idum', 'rdum'): continue; ### # Peripheral cards ### if mnemonicLetters in ('prdmp', 'lost', 'rand', 'dbcn', 'files', 'print', 'talnp', 'mplot', 'ptrac', 'pert'): ### # print tables ### if 'print' == mnemonicLetters: self.namedCards['print'] = McnpCard(dataCard); continue; return; ###
[docs] def PopulateCellMaterialAttributes(self): '''Populate the many named data card types.'''; ### # Calculate cell number densities, regardless of material density / fraction provided ### for cell in self.GetCells(): material = self.FindCellMaterial(cell.GetNumber()); ### # Kick out immaterial cells ### if material is None: continue; ### composition = MaterialComposition(materialDensity = cell.GetMaterialDensity(), isotope2Fraction = material.GetZaid2Fraction()); ### for attribute in ('numberDensity', 'massDensity', 'cellMolarMass', 'isotope2AtomFraction', 'isotope2WeightFraction', 'isotope2NumberDensity', 'isotope2MassDensity', 'suffix', 'zas'): myAttribute = attribute.replace('isotope', 'zaid'); setattr(cell, myAttribute, getattr(composition, attribute)); ### return; ###
[docs] def PopulateTallySpecifics(self): '''Attach modifiers to tallys.'''; for tally in self.GetTallys(): ### # Attach energy bins ### for tallyNumber, energyBins in self.GetEnergys().items(): if 0 == tallyNumber or tallyNumber == tally.GetNumber(): tally.PopulateEnergys(energyBins); ### # Attach angle bins ### if tally.GetMnemonic() == 'f1': for tallyNumber, angleBins in self.GetAngles().items(): if 0 == tallyNumber or tallyNumber == tally.GetNumber(): tally.PopulateAngles(angleBins); ### # Attach multiplier bins ### if tally.GetMnemonic() in ('fm4', 'fm5'): ### # FM4 tallys inherit the particles and spaces of their sibling F4 tally ### tally.PopulateSpaces(self.GetTallys()); ### # Having the necessary information ### tally.PopulateMultiplierBins(self.GetCells()); else: tally.PopulateSpaces(); ### return; ###
[docs] def PopulateTallyIndices(self): '''Populate lists of spaces which are tallied.'''; tallyType2Indices = {mnemonic : [] for mnemonic in ('f1', 'f2', 'f4', 'f5', 'f6', 'f7', 'f8')}; tallyType2Indices['fm4'] = {}; ### for cell in self.GetCells(): ### # Kick out non-root and non-leaf (but not necessarily immaterial) cells # Leaf cells contain physical materials and can contribute to reaction rates # Root cells (redundantly) contain leaf cells but conveniently capture contributions from all their leaves ### if cell.GetUniverse() and cell.GetFillUniverse(): continue; ### # Straight cell tallys (F4, F6, F7) ### for mnemonic in ('f4', 'f6', 'f7'): ### # Consider cell and its leaves ### for leafCell in self.FindLeafCells(cell): for tally in self.GetTallys(mnemonic): if leafCell in tally: tallyType2Indices[mnemonic].append(cell.GetNumber()); ### # Straight surface tallys (F1, F2) ### for mnemonic in ('f1', 'f2'): ### # Kick out cells without cell flux tallys ### if cell.GetNumber() not in tallyType2Indices['f4']: continue; ### # Do not consider cell leaves ### for surface in self.FindCellSurfaces(cell.GetNumber()): for tally in self.GetTallys(mnemonic): if surface in tally: tallyType2Indices[mnemonic].append(cell.GetNumber()); ### # Cell multiplier tallys (FM4) ### mnemonic = 'fm4'; ### # Consider cell and its leaves ### for leafCell in self.FindLeafCells(cell): leafCellNumber = leafCell.GetNumber(); for tally in self.GetTallys(mnemonic): if leafCell in tally: indices = [tuple([bin, 0][bin is None] for bin in tallyBin[2 : ]) for tallyBin in tally.GetMultiplierBins() if leafCellNumber == tallyBin[0]]; try: tallyType2Indices[mnemonic][cell.GetNumber()].extend(indices); except KeyError: tallyType2Indices[mnemonic][cell.GetNumber()] = indices; ### # Unique sort indices ### for mnemonic in ('f1', 'f2', 'f4', 'fm4', 'f5', 'f6', 'f7', 'f8'): if 'fm4' == mnemonic: tallyType2Indices[mnemonic] = {key : sorted(set(value)) for key, value in tallyType2Indices[mnemonic].items()}; tallyType2Indices[mnemonic] = {key : tuple([value, None][value == 0] for value in values) for key, values in tallyType2Indices[mnemonic].items()}; else: tallyType2Indices[mnemonic] = sorted(set(tallyType2Indices[mnemonic])); ### self.tallyType2Indices = tallyType2Indices; return; ### # Report methods ###
[docs] def Report(self, arguments): '''Offer summary or diagnostic reports to stdout.'''; ### if arguments.reportCells: ### # Extract material cells ### cells = sorted(cell for cell in self.GetCells() if cell.GetMaterialDensity()); ### # cell # -> material number, number density, mass density, volume, atoms, mass, temperature ### PrintNow( '> Cell material numbers, number densities, mass densities, volumes, atoms, masses, and temperatures', '{:^8}{:^12}{:^14}{:^11}{:^14}{:^14}{:^14}{:^17}'.format('Cell #', 'Material #', 'N [a/b·cm]', 'ρ [g/cm³]', 'Volume [cm³]', 'Atoms [mol]', 'Mass [g]', 'Temperature [K]'), *('{0.number:^8}{0.materialNumber:^12}{0.numberDensity:^14.6G}{0.massDensity:^11.4G}{0.volume:^14.6E}{1:^14.6E}{2:^14.6E}{3:^17.0G}'.format(cell, cell.GetMoles(), cell.GetMass(), cell.GetTemperature() * kelvinPerMev) for cell in cells), sep = '\n' ); ### # cell # -> isotope, temperature id, temperature, number density, mass density, atoms, mass ### PrintNow( '> Cell isotopes, temperature ids, number densities, mass densities, atoms, and masses', '{:^8}{:^9}{:^17}{:^14}{:^11}{:^14}{:^14}'.format('Cell #', 'Isotope', 'Temperature [K]', 'N [a/b·cm]', 'ρ [g/cm³]', 'Atoms [mol]', 'Mass [g]'), *('{:^8}{:^9}{:^17}{:^14.6G}{:^11.4G}{:^14.6E}{:^14.6E}'.format(cell.GetNumber(), Zaid2Isotope(zaid), '.{} ({})'.format(Zaid2Id(zaid), int(round(zaid2Temperature[zaid] * kelvinPerMev / 15)) * 15), cell.GetZaidNumberDensity(zaid), cell.GetZaidMassDensity(zaid), cell.GetZaidMoles(zaid), cell.GetZaidMass(zaid)) for cell in cells for zaid in sorted(cell.GetZaids(), key = NumericStringKey)), sep = '\n' ); ### if arguments.reportIsotopes: ### # Union of isotopes ### PrintNow( '> All isotopes', *('{:>10}'.format(zaid) for zaid in sorted({zaid for material in self.GetMaterials() for zaid in material.GetZaids()}, key = NumericStringKey)), sep = '\n' ); ### if arguments.reportTallys: ### # tally # -> tally type, spaces ### PrintNow( '> Tally spaces', '{:^9}{:^6}{:^50}'.format('Tally #', 'Type', 'Surfaces or cells'), *('{0.number:^9}{0.mnemonic:^6}{1:^50}'.format(tally, ', '.join(str(space) for space in tally.GetSpaces())) for tally in self.GetTallys()), sep = '\n' ); ### return; ### # Automated input file methods ###
[docs] def AppendNewputCard(self, card): '''Append a card to input.'''; self.newputRaw += '\n{}'.format(str(card).strip()); ### return; ###
[docs] def GetIsUpdated(self): '''Return if input cards have been added or modified.'''; return hasattr(self, 'newputRaw'); ###
[docs] def GetNewputFileName(self, depletionStep): '''Return file name for new input.'''; fileName = self.GetFileName(); if '.' in fileName: fileName = '.'.join(fileName.split('.')[ : -1]); ### return '{}.{:03d}'.format(fileName, depletionStep); ###
[docs] def GetNewputRaw(self): '''Return new input text.'''; return self.newputRaw; ###
[docs] def ResetNewput(self): '''Revert new input text to original text.'''; self.newputRaw = self.GetInputRaw(); ### return; ###
[docs] def ReplaceNewputCard(self, oldCard, newCard): '''Modify an existing card.'''; if not hasattr(self, 'newputRaw'): self.ResetNewput(); ### if newCard: newCard = '\n{}'.format(str(newCard).strip()); ### self.newputRaw = oldCard.GetRegex().sub(newCard, self.GetNewputRaw()); ### return; ###
[docs] def ReplaceNamedNewputCard(self, oldCardName, newCard): '''Modify an existing named card.'''; oldCard = self.GetNamedCard(oldCardName); ### self.ReplaceNewputCard(oldCard, newCard); ### return; ### # MCNP output file parser ###
[docs]class McnpOutputFile: '''MCNP output file parser.'''; def __init__(self, fileName): '''Construct a new instance.'''; self.fileName = fileName; ### self.outputRaw = ReadFile(self.GetFileName(), display = not bool(arguments.isQuiet)); ### self.Populate(); ### return; ### def __str__(self): '''Return brief summary string.'''; lines = ['< Transport results summary for `{}\' >'.format(self.GetFileName())]; ### nameValue = ( ('keff', '{:.5f} ± {:.5f}'.format(self.GetMultiplicationFactor(), self.GetMultiplicationFactorSigma())), ('nu', '{:.3f} [n/fiss]'.format(self.GetNeutronsPerFission())), ('Q', '{:.2f} [MeV/fiss]'.format(self.GetMevPerFission())), ('src', '{:.5E} [n/s]'.format(self.GetSourceRate(realSourceRate = True))), ); ### for name, value in nameValue: lines.append('{:<9s} = {:>23s}'.format(name, value)); ### return '\n'.join('{:^59}'.format(line) for line in lines); ### # Generic getter methods ###
[docs] def GetFileName(self): '''Return filename.'''; return self.fileName; ###
[docs] def GetOutputRaw(self): '''Return text.'''; return self.outputRaw; ###
[docs] def GetMevPerFission(self): '''Return effective MeV per fission.'''; return self.mevPerFission; ###
[docs] def GetMcnpInputFile(self): '''Return MCNP input file derived from output text.'''; return self.mcnpInputFile; ###
[docs] def GetMultiplicationFactor(self): '''Return multiplication factor.'''; return self.multiplicationFactor; ###
[docs] def GetMultiplicationFactorRV(self): '''Return multiplication factor random variable.'''; return RandomVariable(self.GetMultiplicationFactor(), self.GetMultiplicationFactorSigma(), isStd = True); ###
[docs] def GetMultiplicationFactorSigma(self): '''Return multiplication factor standard deviation.'''; return self.multiplicationFactorSigma; ###
[docs] def GetNeutronsPerFission(self): '''Return effective neutrons per fission.'''; return self.neutronsPerFission; ###
[docs] def GetSourceRate(self, realSourceRate = False): '''Return system total neutron source rate.'''; try: multiplier = 1.; if realSourceRate: multiplier = self.GetMultiplicationFactor(); ### return self.sourceRate * multiplier; except AttributeError: return 1.; ### # Automated input file methods ###
[docs] def GetIsUpdated(self): '''Return if an update is warranted.'''; return hasattr(self.GetMcnpInputFile(), 'newputRaw'); ### # Physical quantity getter methods ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberFissionPower(self, cellNumber): '''Return fission power for a cell.'''; return self.GetCellNumberQPower(cellNumber, 'mcnp'); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberFissionRate(self, cellNumber, mnemonic = 'fm4'): '''Return fission rate for a cell.'''; ### # Accumulate fission rate from each leaf cell ### reactionNumber = -6; ### return sum(self.GetCellNumberReactionRate(leafCell.GetNumber(), self.FindSingleZaidMaterialNumber(zaid), reactionNumber, doFloat = True) for leafCell in self.FindLeafCells(cellNumber) for zaid in self.FindCellMaterial(cellNumber).GetZaids() if ZaIsActinide(Zaid2Za(zaid))); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberOrigenPower(self, cellNumber, isOrigen2): '''Return ORIGEN power for a cell.'''; return self.GetCellNumberQPower(cellNumber, qMethod = ['origens', 'origen2'][isOrigen2]); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberMicroscopicCrossSection(self, cellNumber, materialNumber, reactionNumber): '''Derive one-group microscopic cross-section for a cell, isotope, and reaction.'''; ### # reactionNumber = -6 is synonymous with reactionNumber = 18 ### if 18 == reactionNumber: reactionNumber = -6; ### # Ignore the possibility of leaf cells ### scalarFlux = 0; for tally in self.GetTallys('f4'): if cellNumber in tally: try: ### # [n/cm²·sn] ### scalarFlux = float(tally.GetTallyResults(cellNumber)); except KeyError: ### # Continue on fail ### continue; ### # Kick out after a single tally ### break; ### # Ignore the possibility of leaf cells ### reactionsPerN = 0; for tally in self.GetTallys('fm4'): ### # Kick out tallies that do not contain cell ### if cellNumber not in tally: continue; try: ### # Ignore the possibility of non-unity multipliers # [rxn/sn·N] ### reactionsPerN = float(tally.GetTallyResults(cellNumber, (materialNumber, reactionNumber))); except KeyError: ### # Perhaps another tally for this cell contains the multiplier bins we want ### continue; ### # Kick out after a single tally ### break; ### return SafeDivide(reactionsPerN, scalarFlux); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberParticlePower(self, cellNumber, mnemonic = 'f6'): '''Return prompt power for a cell.'''; power = 0; ### for tally in self.GetTallys(mnemonic): ### # Kick out tallies that do not contain cell ### if cellNumber not in tally: continue; ### multiplier = self.FindCell(cellNumber).GetMass() * joulePerMev; ### # [Jth/sn] ### power += tally.GetTallyResults(cellNumber) * multiplier; ### return power * self.GetSourceRate(); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberQPower(self, cellNumber, qMethod): '''Return power for a cell using a number of reaction Q-values.'''; if 'mcnp' == qMethod: ZRs = ((QFissionMCNP, -6), ); elif 'monteburns2' == qMethod: ZRs = ((QFissionMonteburns2, -6), ); elif 'origen2' == qMethod or 'mocup' == qMethod or 'imocup' == qMethod: ZRs = ((QFissionOrigen2, -6), ); elif 'origens' == qMethod: ZRs = ((QFissionOrigenS, -6), (QCaptureOrigenS, 102)); ### return joulePerMev * sum(sum(Za2Q(Zaid2Za(zaid)) * self.GetCellNumberReactionRate(cellNumber, self.FindSingleZaidMaterialNumber(zaid), reactionNumber, doFloat = True) for zaid in self.FindCellMaterial(cellNumber).GetZaids() if ZaIsActinide(Zaid2Za(zaid))) for Za2Q, reactionNumber in ZRs); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberReactionRate(self, cellNumber, materialNumber, reactionNumber, mnemonic = 'fm4', forMicro = False, doFloat = False): '''Derive reaction rate for a cell, isotope, and reaction.'''; ### # ### FloatHelper = float; if not doFloat: FloatHelper = lambda arg: arg; ### # reactionNumber = -6 is synonymous with reactionNumber = 18 ### if 18 == reactionNumber: reactionNumber = -6; ### # Accumulate reaction rate from each leaf cell ### totalReactionRatePerNumberDensity = totalVolume = 0; for leafCell in self.FindLeafCells(cellNumber): ### # Use leaf cell materials if no material number is given ### leafCellMaterialNumber = materialNumber or leafCell.GetMaterialNumber(); ### leafCellMaterial = self.FindMaterial(leafCellMaterialNumber); ### # Divide by the number of physical instantiations of leaf cell ### divisor = 1.; if self.GetIsMultiplyRootedLeafCell(leafCell.GetNumber()): divisor *= len(self.GetMultiplyRootedLeafCell(leafCell.GetNumber())); ### for tally in self.GetTallys(mnemonic): ### # Kick out tallies that do not contain leaf cell ### if leafCell not in tally: continue; ### for multiplierBin in tally.GetMultiplierBins(): ### # Kick out multiplier bins that do not contain leaf cell number, reaction number ### if (cellNumber, leafCellMaterialNumber, reactionNumber) != (multiplierBin[0], multiplierBin[2], multiplierBin[3]): continue; ### # Volume ### volume = leafCell.GetVolume(); totalVolume += volume; ### # Divide out non-unity multipliers ### multiplier = SafeDivide(volume, abs(multiplierBin[1])); ### # Multiply isotopic tallys by the number density ### if not forMicro: if leafCellMaterial.GetIsSingleIsotope(): zaid = next(iter(leafCellMaterial.GetZaids())); ### try: numberDensity = leafCell.GetZaidNumberDensity(zaid); except KeyError: numberDensity = 0; multiplier *= numberDensity; ### # [rxn/sn] or [rxn/sn·N] ### totalReactionRatePerNumberDensity += FloatHelper(tally.GetTallyResults(leafCell.GetNumber(), (leafCellMaterialNumber, reactionNumber))) * SafeDivide(multiplier, divisor); ### if not forMicro: totalVolume = 1.; ### return SafeDivide(totalReactionRatePerNumberDensity * self.GetSourceRate(), totalVolume); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberScalarFlux(self, cellNumber, mnemonic = 'f4'): '''Derive scalar flux for a cell.'''; ### # flux = track length / volume ### return SafeDivide(*self.GetCellNumberTrackLengthVolume(cellNumber, mnemonic)); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberTrackLengthVolume(self, cellNumber, mnemonic = 'f4'): '''Derive track length and volume for a cell.'''; totalTrackLength = totalVolume = 0; ### # Accumulate track lengths and volumes from each leaf cell ### for leafCell in self.FindLeafCells(cellNumber): ### # Volume; # Divide by the number of physical instantiations of leaf cell ### volume = leafCell.GetVolume(); if self.GetIsMultiplyRootedLeafCell(leafCell.GetNumber()): volume /= len(self.GetMultiplyRootedLeafCell(leafCell.GetNumber())); totalVolume += volume; ### # Track length ### trackLength = 0; for tally in self.GetTallys(mnemonic): if leafCell in tally: try: ### # [n·cm/sn] ### trackLength += tally.GetTallyResults(leafCell.GetNumber()) * volume; except KeyError: ### # Continue on fail ### continue; ### totalTrackLength += trackLength; ### return (totalTrackLength * self.GetSourceRate(), totalVolume); ### # Population methods ###
[docs] def Populate(self): '''Populate.'''; ### # Populate mcnp input file ### self.mcnpInputFile = McnpInputFile(self.GetFileName(), self.GetOutputRaw()); ### # Populate pointers to mcnp input file methods ### self.PopulateMcnpInputFileMethods(); ### # Populate tally results ### self.PopulateTallyResults(); ### # Populate kcode results ### if self.GetIsKcode(): self.PopulateMultiplicationResults(); ### return; ###
[docs] def PopulateMcnpInputFileMethods(self): '''Populate methods derived from MCNP input.'''; mcnpInputFileMethods = ( 'FindCell', 'FindCellMaterial', 'FindLeafCells', 'FindMaterial', 'FindSingleZaidMaterialNumber', 'GetCells', 'GetFissionCells', 'GetInputRaw', 'GetIsCoupled', 'GetIsKcode', 'GetIsMultiplyRootedLeafCell', 'GetMaterials', 'GetMultiplyRootedLeafCell', 'GetNewputRaw', 'GetPowerCells', 'GetTallys', 'GetTallyIndices', 'ReplaceNewputCard', 'ResetNewput', ); ### mcnpInputFile = self.GetMcnpInputFile(); ### for method in mcnpInputFileMethods: setattr(self, method, getattr(mcnpInputFile, method)); ### return; ###
[docs] def PopulateTallyResults(self): '''Populate tally results.'''; ### # Parse tally results ### tallyBlocks = ['1{}'.format(block) for block in ReCompile(r'^1', 2 | 8).split(self.GetOutputRaw()) if 'tally ' == block[ : 6] and 'f' != block[6]]; for tally in self.GetTallys(): reTally = ReCompile(r'^1tally *{}'.format(tally.GetNumber()), 2 | 8); ### for tallyBlock in tallyBlocks: if tally.PopulateResults(tallyBlock); ### break; ### return; ###
[docs] def PopulateMultiplicationResults(self): '''Populate multiplication factor results.'''; ### # Kick out if multiplication results don't exist ### if not ReCompile(r'final estimated', 2 | 8).search(self.GetOutputRaw()): Warning('Transport output does not contain multiplication factor results'); ### self.neutronsPerFission = self.multiplicationFactor = self.multiplicationFactorSigma = self.mevPerFission = None; return; ### # Neutrons per fission ### self.neutronsPerFission = float(ReCompile(r'the average number of neutrons produced per fission = ([\d\.]{5})', 2 | 8).search(self.GetOutputRaw()).group(1)); ### # Multiplication factor and its counting uncertainty ### multiplicationFactor, multiplicationFactorSigma = ReCompile(r'the final estimated.+([\d\.]{7}) with an estimated.+([\d\.]{7})', 2 | 8).search(self.GetOutputRaw()).groups(); ### self.multiplicationFactor = float(multiplicationFactor); self.multiplicationFactorSigma = float(multiplicationFactorSigma); ### # Effective fission Q ### fissionPower = sum(float(self.GetCellNumberFissionPower(cellNumber)) for cellNumber in self.GetFissionCells()); fissionRate = sum(float(self.GetCellNumberFissionRate(cellNumber)) for cellNumber in self.GetFissionCells()); ### self.mevPerFission = SafeDivide(fissionPower * mevPerJoule, fissionRate); ### return; ###
[docs] def PopulateSourceRate(self, sourceRate): '''Attach system total neutron source rate.'''; self.sourceRate = sourceRate; ### return; ### # Report methods ###
[docs] def Report(self, arguments): '''Offer summary or diagnostic reports to stdout.'''; ### if arguments.reportKeff: ### # Call __str__ method ### PrintNow(self); ### if arguments.writeEnergyDepositions: # FIXME Thermal energy? Decay heat too? ### pass; ### if arguments.writeFissionEnergyDepositions: ### # Fission-Energy-Deposition # F ### fileName = '{}.{}'.format(self.GetMcnpInputFile().GetFileName(), 'fedep'); tallyResults = {(cellNumber, ) : self.GetCellNumberFissionPower(cellNumber) for cellNumber in self.GetTallyIndices('f4')}; # FIXME This is a float instead of a TallyResult! ### baseUnits = 'J_f / source - '; if arguments.writeFissionEnergyDepositions in ('ebin', 'bin'): getter, units = 'GetPerBins', '{}Ebin'.format(baseUnits); elif arguments.writeFissionEnergyDepositions in ('energy', 'mev'): getter, units = 'GetPerEnergys', '{}MeV'.format(baseUnits); elif arguments.writeFissionEnergyDepositions in ('lethargy', 'leth'): getter, units = 'GetPerLethargys', '{}lethargy'.format(baseUnits); elif arguments.writeFissionEnergyDepositions in ('normalized', 'norm'): getter, units = 'GetNormPerLethargys', '1 / lethargy'; elif arguments.writeFissionEnergyDepositions in ('uncertainty', 'std'): getter, units = 'GetRelativeUncertaintys', '1 / \sigma / Ebin'; ### headerFormat = 'Fission-Energy-Deposition (cell {{}}) [{}]'.format(units); ### self.WritePhysicalQuantity(fileName, getter, headerFormat, tallyResults, arguments.downSample); ### if arguments.writeMicroscopicCrosssections: ### pass; ### if arguments.writeReactionRates: ### # Reaction-Rate # R ### fileName = '{}.{}'.format(self.GetMcnpInputFile().GetFileName(), 'rxn'); cellNumber2PossibleMaterialNumbers = self.GetCellNumber2PossibleMaterialNumbers(); tallyResults = {(cellNumber, materialNumber, reactionNumber) : self.GetCellNumberReactionRate(cellNumber, materialNumber, reactionNumber) for cellNumber, multiplierBins in self.GetTallyIndices('fm4').items() for materialNumber, reactionNumber in multiplierBins if materialNumber in cellNumber2PossibleMaterialNumbers[cellNumber]}; ### baseUnits = 'reactions / source - '; if arguments.writeReactionRates in ('ebin', 'bin'): getter, units = 'GetPerBins', '{}Ebin'.format(baseUnits); elif arguments.writeReactionRates in ('energy', 'mev'): getter, units = 'GetPerEnergys', '{}MeV'.format(baseUnits); elif arguments.writeReactionRates in ('lethargy', 'leth'): getter, units = 'GetPerLethargys', '{}lethargy'.format(baseUnits); elif arguments.writeReactionRates in ('normalized', 'norm'): getter, units = 'GetNormPerLethargys', '1 / lethargy'; elif arguments.writeReactionRates in ('uncertainty', 'std'): getter, units = 'GetRelativeUncertaintys', '1 / \sigma / Ebin'; ### headerFormat = 'Reaction-Rate (cell {{}}; material {{}}; reaction {{}}) [{}]'.format(units); ### self.WritePhysicalQuantity(fileName, getter, headerFormat, tallyResults, arguments.downSample); ### if arguments.writeScalarFluxes: ### fileName = '{}.{}'.format(self.GetMcnpInputFile().GetFileName(), 'flx'); ### # Scalar-Flux # \phi ### tallyResults = {(cellNumber, ) : self.GetCellNumberScalarFlux(cellNumber) for cellNumber in self.GetTallyIndices('f4')}; baseUnits = 'particles / source - cm^2 - '; ### if arguments.writeScalarFluxes in ('ebin', 'bin'): getter, units = 'GetPerBins', '{}Ebin'.format(baseUnits); elif arguments.writeScalarFluxes in ('energy', 'mev'): getter, units = 'GetPerEnergys', '{}MeV'.format(baseUnits); elif arguments.writeScalarFluxes in ('lethargy', 'leth'): getter, units = 'GetPerLethargys', '{}lethargy'.format(baseUnits); elif arguments.writeScalarFluxes in ('normalized', 'norm'): getter, units = 'GetNormPerLethargys', '1 / lethargy'; elif arguments.writeScalarFluxes in ('uncertainty', 'std'): getter, units = 'GetRelativeUncertaintys', '1 / \sigma / Ebin'; ### headerFormat = 'Scalar-Flux (cell {{}}) [{}]'.format(units); ### self.WritePhysicalQuantity(fileName, getter, headerFormat, tallyResults, arguments.downSample); ### # Call MCNP input file's report ### self.GetMcnpInputFile().Report(arguments); ### return; ###
[docs] def WritePhysicalQuantity(self, fileName, getter, headerFormat, tallyResults, downSample): '''Offer summary or diagnostic reports to file.'''; ### # Kick out null tally results ### if not tallyResults or not any(float(tallyResult) for tallyResult in tallyResults.values()): return; ### # Down-sample results ### while downSample: isNegative = downSample < 0; tallyResults = {key : tallyResult.HalfSample(isNegative) for key, tallyResult in tallyResults.items()}; downSample -= (-1) ** isNegative; ### # Header line ### headers = ['Neutron Energy [MeV]']; headers.extend(headerFormat.format(*key) for key in sorted(tallyResults)); ### # Data lines ### data = next(iter(tallyResults.values())).GetEnergys().reshape(-1, 1); data = Concatenate((data, Concatenate(list(getattr(tallyResults[key], getter)().reshape(-1, 1) for key in sorted(tallyResults)), axis = 1)), axis = 1); ### # Kick out null-valued data ### if not len(data): return; ### # Write .csv file ### WriteCsvFile(fileName, [headers], data); ### return; ### # ORIGEN2.2 output file parser ###
[docs]class OrigenCalculation: '''ORIGEN2 calculation.'''; def __init__(self, suffix, cellVolume, directory = ''): '''Construct a new instance.'''; self.suffix = suffix; self.volume = cellVolume; = directory; ### self.Populate(); ### return; ### # Generic getter methods ###
[docs] def GetBurnup(self): '''Return exposure accrued.'''; return self.burnup; ###
[docs] def GetDecayPower(self, za2WattsPerMole): '''Return decay power.'''; return sum(moles * za2WattsPerMole[Zaid2Za(zaid)] for zaid, moles in self.GetZaid2Moles().items() if Zaid2Za(zaid) in za2WattsPerMole); ###
[docs] def GetDirectory(self): '''Return working directory.'''; return; ###
[docs] def GetFlux(self): '''Return flux magnitude.'''; return self.flux; ###
[docs] def GetMoles(self): '''Return cell total moles.'''; return sum(self.GetZaid2Moles().values()); ###
[docs] def GetPower(self): '''Return transmute power.'''; return self.power; ###
[docs] def GetSuffix(self): '''Return nuclear library suffix.'''; return self.suffix; ###
[docs] def GetNumberDensity(self): '''Return cell total atoms per barn centimeter.'''; return sum(self.GetZaid2NumberDensity().values()); ###
[docs] def GetMassDensity(self): '''Return cell total grams per cubic centimeter.'''; return sum(self.GetZaid2MassDensity().values()); ###
[docs] def GetMicros(self): '''Return one-group microscopic cross-sections.'''; return self.micros; ###
[docs] def GetTableTotal(self, tableNumber): '''Return sum of a reported table.'''; return sum(self.GetZaidTableNumber2Value(tableNumber).values()); ###
[docs] def GetTAPE4(self): '''Return TAPE4.'''; return self.TAPE4; ###
[docs] def GetTAPE5(self): '''Return TAPE5.'''; return self.TAPE5; ###
[docs] def GetTAPE6(self): '''Return TAPE6.'''; return self.TAPE6; ###
[docs] def GetTAPE7(self): '''Return TAPE7.'''; return self.TAPE7; ###
[docs] def GetTAPE9(self): '''Return TAPE9.'''; return self.TAPE9; ###
[docs] def GetTAPE10(self): '''Return TAPE10.'''; return self.TAPE10; ###
[docs] def GetVolume(self): '''Return cubic centimeters.'''; return self.volume; ###
[docs] def GetZaid2AbsorptionFraction(self): '''Return dictionary mapping isotope to fractional absorption.'''; tableNumber = 19; totalAbsorptionRate = self.GetTableTotal(tableNumber); ### return {zaid : absorptionRate / totalAbsorptionRate for zaid, absorptionRate in self.GetZaidTableNumber2Value(tableNumber).items()}; ###
[docs] def GetZaid2AtomFraction(self): '''Return dictionary mapping isotope to atom fission.'''; totalMoles = self.GetMoles(); ### return {zaid : moles / totalMoles for zaid, moles in self.GetZaid2Moles().items()}; ###
[docs] def GetZaid2FissionFraction(self): '''Return dictionary mapping isotope to fractional fission.'''; tableNumber = 21; totalFissionRate = self.GetTableTotal(tableNumber); ### return {zaid : fissionRate / totalFissionRate for zaid, fissionRate in self.GetZaidTableNumber2Value(tableNumber).items()}; ###
[docs] def GetZaid2Moles(self): '''Return dictionary mapping isotope to moles.'''; return self.zaid2Moles; ###
[docs] def GetZaid2NumberDensity(self): '''Return dictionary mapping isotope to atoms per barn centimeter.'''; volume = self.GetVolume(); ### return {zaid : moles * avogadrosNumber / volume for zaid, moles in self.GetZaid2Moles().items()}; ###
[docs] def GetZaid2MassDensity(self): '''Return dictionary mapping isotope to grams per cubic centimeter.'''; volume = self.GetVolume(); ### return {zaid : moles * Zaid2MolarMass(zaid) / volume for zaid, moles in self.GetZaid2Moles().items()}; ###
[docs] def GetZaidTableNumber2Value(self, tableNumber): '''Return result table for a table number.'''; return self.zaid2TableNumber2Value[tableNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetZaid2WeightFraction(self): '''Return dictionary mapping isotope to weight fission.'''; totalMassDensity = self.GetMassDensity(); ### return {zaid : massDensity / totalMassDensity for zaid, massDensity in self.GetZaid2MassDensity().items()}; ### # Population methods ###
[docs] def AttachMicros(self, micros): '''Attach one-group microscopic cross-sections.'''; self.micros = micros; ### return; ###
[docs] def Populate(self): '''Populate.'''; ### # Read TAPE4.INP ### self.TAPE4 = ReadFile('{}TAPE4.INP'.format(self.GetDirectory()), display = not bool(arguments.isQuiet)); ### # Read TAPE5.INP ### self.TAPE5 = ReadFile('{}TAPE5.INP'.format(self.GetDirectory()), display = not bool(arguments.isQuiet)); ### # Read TAPE6.OUT ### self.TAPE6 = ReadFile('{}TAPE6.OUT'.format(self.GetDirectory()), display = not bool(arguments.isQuiet)); ### # Read TAPE7.OUT ### self.TAPE7 = ReadFile('{}TAPE7.OUT'.format(self.GetDirectory()), display = not bool(arguments.isQuiet)); ### # Read TAPE9.INP ### self.TAPE9 = ReadFile('{}TAPE9.INP'.format(self.GetDirectory()), display = not bool(arguments.isQuiet)); ### # Read TAPE10.INP ### self.TAPE10 = ReadFile('{}TAPE10.INP'.format(self.GetDirectory()), display = not bool(arguments.isQuiet)); ### # Extract isotopic moles from .pch file ### suffix = self.GetSuffix(); numbers = [float(number) for line in self.GetTAPE7().split('\n') for number in line[5 : ].split()]; self.zaid2Moles = {Zam2Zaid(int(numbers[index]), suffix) : numbers[index + 1] for index in range(0, len(numbers) - 4, 2) if numbers[index + 1] and numbers[index]}; ### # Extract burnup, flux, and power from .pch file ### self.burnup, self.flux, self.power = numbers[-3 : ]; ### # Extract absorption rate (19) and fission rate (21) from .out file ### reBlock = r'^0 +{}( .+\n){{,70}}^[01]'; reIsotopeValue = ReCompile(r'^([ A-Z]{3}[ 0-9]{3}M?) +( \d\.\d{3}e[+\-]\d\d)+$', 2 | 8); ### TAPE6 = self.GetTAPE6(); tableNumbers = (7, 15, 19, 21); # FIXME For when parsing Ci's and radiotoxicities tableNumbers = (19, 21); self.zaid2TableNumber2Value = {tableNumber : {Zam2Zaid(Isotope2Zam(isotope), suffix) : float(value) for block in ReCompile(reBlock.format(tableNumber), 2 | 8).finditer(TAPE6) for isotopeValue in reIsotopeValue.finditer( for isotope, value in [isotopeValue.groups()] if float(value) > 0} for tableNumber in tableNumbers}; ### return; ### # Random variable: float with uncertainty ###
[docs]class RandomVariable: '''Statistical random variable.'''; def __abs__(self): '''Return absolute value.'''; expected = abs(self.GetExp()); variance = self.GetVar(); ### return RandomVariable(expected, variance, isVar = True); def __bool__(self): '''Return if expected value is non-zero.'''; return bool(self.GetExp()); ### def __float__(self): '''Return expected value.'''; return self.GetExp(); ### def __init__(self, expected, uncertainty, isStd = False, isVar = False): '''Construct a new instance.'''; self.expected = float(expected); uncertainty = float(uncertainty); ### if isStd: self.variance = uncertainty ** 2; elif isVar: self.variance = uncertainty; else: self.variance = expected ** 2 * uncertainty ** 2; ### return; ### def __lt__(self, other): '''Compare with another.'''; return float(self) < other; ### def __str__(self): '''Return summary of expected value and standard deviation.'''; return '{:>+10.5f} ± {: >7.5f}'.format(self.GetExp(), self.GetStd()); ### # Mathematical operator overloaders ### def __add__(self, other): '''Add to another.'''; if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): ### # Expected is affected ### expected = self.GetExp() + other; ### # Variance is not affected ### variance = self.GetVar(); elif isinstance(other, self.__class__): ### # var = var_a + var_b + (2 * corr_ab * std_a * std_b) # Correlation is assumed as 0 for addition ### correlationCoefficient = 0; ### expected = self.GetExp() + other.GetExp(); variance = self.GetVar() + other.GetVar() + (2 * self.GetStd() * other.GetStd() * correlationCoefficient); elif isinstance(other, TallyResult): return other.__add__(self); ### return RandomVariable(expected, variance, isVar = True); ### def __mul__(self, other): '''Multiply with another.'''; if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): ### # Expected, variance is affected ### expected = self.GetExp() * other; variance = self.GetVar() * other ** 2; elif isinstance(other, self.__class__): ### # relvar = relvar_a + relvar_b + (2 * relstd_a * relstd_b * corr_ab) # Correlation is assumed as +1 for multiplication ### correlationCoefficient = +1; ### expected = self.GetExp() * other.GetExp(); variance = expected ** 2 * (self.GetRelVar() + other.GetRelVar() + 2 * self.GetRelStd() * other.GetRelStd() * correlationCoefficient); elif isinstance(other, TallyResult): return other.__mul__(self); ### return RandomVariable(expected, variance, isVar = True); ### def __truediv__(self, other): '''Divide another.'''; if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): return self * SafeDivide(1, other); elif isinstance(other, self.__class__): ### # relvar = relvar_a + relvar_b + (2 * relstd_a * relstd_b * corr_ab) # Correlation is assumed as -1 for division ### correlationCoefficient = -1; ### expected = SafeDivide(self.GetExp(), other.GetExp()); variance = expected ** 2 * abs(self.GetRelVar() + other.GetRelVar() - 2 * self.GetRelStd() * other.GetRelStd() * correlationCoefficient); ### return RandomVariable(expected, variance, isVar = True); ### def __pow__(self, other): '''Take to an exponent.'''; assert(isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float)); ### if other < 0: return (RandomVariable(1, 0) / self).__pow__(-1 * other); elif 0 == other: return 1; elif 0 == other % 2: return (self * self).__pow__(other / 2); else: return self * self.__pow__(other - 1); ### __radd__ = __add__; ### __rmul__ = __mul__; ### __rtruediv__ = lambda self, other: other * self.__pow__(-1); ### def __sub__(self, other): '''Subtract another.'''; return self.__add__(-other); ### def __rsub__(self, other): '''Subtract from another.'''; return -self.__sub__(other); ### def __pos__(self): '''Positive.'''; return self; ### def __neg__(self): '''Negate.'''; return -1 * self; ### def __eq__(self, other): '''Return if equal to another.'''; return float(self) == float(other); ### def __lt__(self, other): '''Compare to another.'''; return float(self) < float(other); ### # Getters ###
[docs] def GetExp(self): '''Return expected value.'''; return self.expected; ###
[docs] def GetRelStd(self): '''Return relative standard deviation.'''; return self.GetRelVar() ** 0.5; ###
[docs] def GetStd(self): '''Return standard deviation.'''; return self.GetVar() ** 0.5; ###
[docs] def GetRelVar(self): '''Return relative variance.'''; return SafeDivide(self.GetVar(), self.GetExp() ** 2); ###
[docs] def GetVar(self): '''Return variance.'''; return self.variance; ###
GetElements = GetTotalElement = GetExp; GetRelativeVariances = GetRelVar; GetRelativeUncertaintys = GetTotalRelativeUncertainty = GetRelStd; ### # Accelerated recycle calculation ###
[docs]class RecycleCalculation: '''Recycle calculation, held in memory during operation.'''; def __init__(self, arguments): '''Construct a new instance.'''; ### # Set argument attributes ### self.arguments = arguments; ### # Run recycle calculation ### self.Recycle(); ### return; ### # Generic getter methods ###
[docs] def GetArguments(self): '''Return runtime arguments.'''; return self.arguments; ###
[docs] def GetDisplayFiles(self): '''Return if file operations are verbose.'''; return not bool(self.GetArguments().isQuiet); ###
[docs] def GetIsPickleTransmute(self): '''Return if current depletion step is to be transmuted using pickles.'''; return self.isPickleTransmute; ###
[docs] def GetParameter(self, key): '''Return mocdown input file parameter for a key.'''; return self.GetParameters()[key]; ###
[docs] def GetParameters(self): '''Return mocdown input file parameters.'''; return mocDownInputFile.GetParameters(); ###
[docs] def GetRecycleIndex(self): '''Return index of current recycling step.'''; return self.recycleIndex; ###
[docs] def GetRecycleString(self): '''Return string for current recycling step.'''; return '{} recycle #{:d}'.format(['transport/transmute', 'transmute-only'][self.GetIsPickleTransmute()], self.GetRecycleIndex()); ### # Recycle methods ###
[docs] def Recycle(self): '''Execute MocDown recycling.'''; PrintNow('> {} will recycle to equilibrium'.format(__file__)); ### # First, a transport/transmute recycle is performed; # In order to preserve it for multiplication convergence, isConverged is set to True ### transportFile = depletionCalculation = None; ### self.recycleIndex = self.isPickleTransmute = False; isConverged = True; ### # Recycle until multiplication has converged ### while True: ### # Save previous calculation for multiplication convergence ### previousDepletionCalculation = depletionCalculation; ### # Recycle until isotopics have converged ### while True: ### # Prepare depletion calculation ### self.PrepareRecycle(transportFile); ### # Run depletion calculation ### PrintNow('> Depleting {}'.format(self.GetRecycleString())); depletionCalculation = DepletionCalculation(self.GetArguments(), isPickleTransmute = self.GetIsPickleTransmute()); ### # Switch off restarts following the first depletion cycle ### self.arguments.isRestart = False; ### # Save previous transport file for isotopics convergence ### previousTransportFile = transportFile; ### # Extract processed transport input raw for isotopics convergence ### transportFile = depletionCalculation.ProcessFuel(); ### # Archive depletion calculation recycle ### self.ArchiveRecycle(); ### # Kick out if isotopics have converged ### if isConverged: break; ### # Determine if BOEC isotopics have converged; # If so, kick out after one last transport/transmute recycle; # If not, continue transmute-only recycles ### isConverged = self.IsotopicsHaveConverged(previousTransportFile, transportFile); ### self.isPickleTransmute = not isConverged; ### # Increment recycle index ### self.IncrementRecycleIndex(); ### # Determine if EOEC multiplication has converged; # If so, kick out immediately; # If not, continue transmute-only recycles ### if self.MultiplicationHasConverged(previousDepletionCalculation, depletionCalculation): break; else: isConverged = False; ### self.isPickleTransmute = True; ### # Increment recycle index ### self.IncrementRecycleIndex(); ### # Prepare BOEC transport input ### self.PrepareRecycle(transportFile, finale = True); ### return; ###
[docs] def PrepareRecycle(self, transportFile, finale = False): '''Populate default recycling parameters.'''; ### # If this is a pickle transmute recycle, unarchive pickles from the previous recycle ### if self.GetIsPickleTransmute() and bool(self.GetRecycleIndex()) and not finale: PrintNow('> Unarchiving (linking) previous recycle'); directoryName = './{:03d}/'.format(self.GetRecycleIndex() - 1); linkFiles = (linkFile.replace(directoryName, '') for linkFile in Glob('{}/{}*.pkl*'.format(directoryName, arguments.transportFileName))); ### for linkFile in sorted(linkFiles): SymbolicLink('{}{}'.format(directoryName, linkFile), linkFile, display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### # Maybe write processed input ### if transportFile is not None: WriteFile(arguments.transportFileName, transportFile.GetNewputRaw(), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### return; ###
[docs] def ArchiveRecycle(self): '''Move files from previous recycling step to a folder.'''; PrintNow('> Archiving {}'.format(self.GetRecycleString())); ### # Create backup depletion directory ### directoryName = './{:03d}/'.format(self.GetRecycleIndex()); MakeDirectory(directoryName, self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### # Move depletion files ### transportFileName = arguments.transportFileName; moveFiles = [transportFileName, 'transport.log', 'transmute.log']; moveFiles.extend(fileName for extension in ('i', 'o', 'pkl', 'gz') for fileName in Glob('{}*.{}'.format(transportFileName, extension))); if '.' in transportFileName: removeExtension = transportFileName.split('.')[-1]; moveFiles.extend(fileName for extension in ('i', 'o', 'pkl', 'gz') for fileName in Glob('{}*.{}'.format(transportFileName.replace(removeExtension, ''), extension))); ### for moveFile in sorted(set(moveFiles), reverse = True): MoveFile(moveFile, '{}{}'.format(directoryName, moveFile), display = self.GetDisplayFiles()); ### return; ###
[docs] def IncrementRecycleIndex(self): '''Increment index of recycling iterations.'''; self.recycleIndex += 1; ### return; ###
[docs] def IsotopicsHaveConverged(self, transportOne, transportTwo): '''Return if isotopics of subsequent cycles have converged.'''; if transportOne is None or transportTwo is None: PrintNow('> Isotopics convergence: UNDEFINED during {} ... continue transmute-only recycle'.format(self.GetRecycleString())); ### return False; ### norm = abs(transportOne - transportTwo); ### normType = self.GetParameter('isotopicsConvergenceNormType'); if normType in ('1', 'one'): normCharacter = '1'; elif normType in ('2', 'two'): normCharacter = '2'; elif normType in ('inf', 'infinite', 'infinity'): normCharacter = '∞'; ### if norm > self.GetParameter('isotopicsConvergenceTolerance'): PrintNow('> Isotopics convergence: FAILURE (|Δiso|{} = {:.1E} > {:.1E}) during {} ... continue transmute-only recycle'.format(normCharacter, norm, self.GetParameter('isotopicsConvergenceTolerance'), self.GetRecycleString())); ### return False; else: PrintNow('> Isotopics convergence: SUCCESS (|Δiso|{} = {:.1E} ≤ {:.1E}) during {} ... perform one last transport/transmute recycle'.format(normCharacter, norm, self.GetParameter('isotopicsConvergenceTolerance'), self.GetRecycleString())); ### return True; ###
[docs] def MultiplicationHasConverged(self, depletionOne, depletionTwo): '''Return if multiplication of subsequent transport cycles have converged.'''; if depletionOne is None or depletionTwo is None: PrintNow('> Multiplication convergence: UNDEFINED during {} ... continue transmute-only recycle'.format(self.GetRecycleString())); ### return False; ### keffOne, kSigmaOne = depletionOne.MultiplicationFactor(), depletionOne.MultiplicationFactorSigma(); keffTwo, kSigmaTwo = depletionTwo.MultiplicationFactor(), depletionTwo.MultiplicationFactorSigma(); ### deltaK = abs(keffOne - keffTwo); deltaSigmaK = (kSigmaOne ** 2 + kSigmaTwo ** 2) ** 0.5; ### if deltaK > self.GetParameter('multiplicationFactorConvergenceTolerance'): PrintNow('> Multiplication convergence: FAILURE (Δk = {:.5f} ± {:.5f} > {:.5f}) during {} ... continue transmute-only recycle'.format(deltaK, deltaSigmaK, self.GetParameter('multiplicationFactorConvergenceTolerance'), self.GetRecycleString())); ### return False; else: PrintNow('> Multiplication convergence: SUCCESS (Δk = {:.5f} ± {:.5f} ≤ {:.5f}) during {} ... equilibrium search is finished'.format(deltaK, deltaSigmaK, self.GetParameter('multiplicationFactorConvergenceTolerance'), self.GetRecycleString())); ### return True; ### # Tally result ###
[docs]class TallyResult: '''MCNP tally parser.'''; def __bool__(self): '''Return if total is non-zero.'''; return bool(self.GetTotalElement()); ### def __float__(self): '''Return total.'''; return self.GetTotalElement(); ### def __init__(self, *args): '''Construct a new instance.'''; if 2 == len(args): ### # Match iterator and number of iterations ### matches, numberOfIterations = args; ### index = 0; self.energys, self.elements, self.variances = (Empty(numberOfIterations) for index in range(3)); ### for match in matches: if numberOfIterations > max(1, index): ### # Energys, elements, variances ### energy, element, relativeUncertainty = (float(number) for number in match.groups()); ### self.energys[index], self.elements[index], self.variances[index] = energy, element, element ** 2. * relativeUncertainty ** 2.; else: ### # Total element, total variance ### totalElement, totalRelativeUncertainty = (float(number) for number in, 3)); ### self.totalElement, self.totalVariance = totalElement, totalElement ** 2. * totalRelativeUncertainty ** 2.; ### ### index += 1; ### elif 5 == len(args): ### # Energys, elements, variances, total element, total variance ### self.energys, self.elements, self.variances, self.totalElement, self.totalVariance = args; ### return; ### def __len__(self): '''Return number of energy bins.'''; return len(self.GetEnergys()); ### # Mathematical operator overloaders ### def __add__(self, other): '''Add to another.'''; if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): ### # Elements and sum(elements) are affected ### elements = self.GetElements() + other; totalElement = self.GetTotalElement() + other; ### # Variances and sum(variances) are not affected ### variances = self.GetVariances(); totalVariance = self.GetTotalVariance(); ### elif isinstance(other, self.__class__): assert(len(self) == len(other) and all(self.GetEnergys() == other.GetEnergys())); ### # var = var_a + var_b + (2 * corr_ab * std_a * std_b) # Correlation is assumed as 0 for addition ### correlationCoefficient = 0; ### elements = self.GetElements() + other.GetElements(); variances = self.GetVariances() + other.GetVariances() + (2. * self.GetUncertaintys() * other.GetUncertaintys() * correlationCoefficient); totalElement = self.GetTotalElement() + other.GetTotalElement(); totalVariance = self.GetTotalVariance() + other.GetTotalVariance(); ### return TallyResult(self.GetEnergys(), elements, variances, totalElement, totalVariance); ### def __mul__(self, other): '''Multiply with another.'''; if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): ### # Elements, variances, sum(elements), sum(variances) are affected ### elements = self.GetElements() * other; variances = self.GetVariances() * (other ** 2.); totalElement = self.GetTotalElement() * other; totalVariance = self.GetTotalVariance() * (other ** 2.); elif isinstance(other, self.__class__) or isinstance(other, RandomVariable): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): assert(len(self) == len(other) and all(self.GetEnergys() == other.GetEnergys())); ### # relvar = relvar_a + relvar_b + (2 * relstd_a * relstd_b * corr_ab) # Correlation is assumed as 1 for multiplication ### correlationCoefficient = +1.; ### elements = self.GetElements() * other.GetElements(); variances = elements ** 2. * (self.GetRelativeVariances() + other.GetRelativeVariances() + (2. * self.GetRelativeUncertaintys() * other.GetRelativeUncertaintys() * correlationCoefficient)); ### if len(self): totalElement = sum(elements); ### totalVariance = sum(variances); else: totalElement = self.GetTotalElement() * other.GetTotalElement(); ### totalVariance = totalElement ** 2. * (self.GetTotalRelativeUncertainty() ** 2. + other.GetTotalRelativeUncertainty() ** 2. + (2. * self.GetTotalRelativeUncertainty() * other.GetTotalRelativeUncertainty() * correlationCoefficient)); ### return TallyResult(self.GetEnergys(), elements, variances, totalElement, totalVariance); ### def __truediv__(self, other): '''Divide another.'''; if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): return self * SafeDivide(1., other); elif isinstance(other, self.__class__) or isinstance(other, RandomVariable): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): assert(len(self) == len(other) and all(self.GetEnergys() == other.GetEnergys())); ### # relvar = relvar_a + relvar_b - (2 * relstd_a * relstd_b * corr_ab) # Correlation is assumed as 1 for division ### correlationCoefficient = +1.; ### elements = self.GetElements() / other.GetElements(); variances = elements ** 2. * abs(self.GetRelativeVariances() + other.GetRelativeVariances() - (2. * self.GetRelativeUncertaintys() * other.GetRelativeUncertaintys() * correlationCoefficient)); ### # Change nan's to zero's ### elements = Nan2Num(elements); elements[abs(elements) > 1e100] = 0; variances = Nan2Num(variances); variances[abs(variances) > 1e100] = 0; ### if len(self): totalElement = sum(elements); ### totalVariance = sum(variances); else: totalElement = SafeDivide(self.GetTotalElement(), other.GetTotalElement()); ### totalVariance = totalElement ** 2. * (self.GetTotalRelativeUncertainty() ** 2. + other.GetTotalRelativeUncertainty() ** 2. - (2. * self.GetTotalRelativeUncertainty() * other.GetTotalRelativeUncertainty() * correlationCoefficient)); ### return TallyResult(self.GetEnergys(), elements, variances, totalElement, totalVariance); ### __radd__ = __add__; ### __rmul__ = __mul__; ### def __sub__(self, other): '''Subtract another.'''; return self.__add__(-other); ### def __rsub__(self, other): '''Subtract from another.'''; return -self.__sub__(other); ### def __pos__(self): '''Positive.'''; return self; ### def __neg__(self): '''Negate.'''; return -1. * self; ### # Generic getter methods ###
[docs] def GetElements(self): '''Return energy bin values.'''; return self.elements; ###
[docs] def GetEnergys(self): '''Return energy bin boundaries.'''; return self.energys; ###
[docs] def GetTotalElement(self): '''Return total.'''; return self.totalElement; ###
[docs] def GetTotalVariance(self): '''Return total variance.'''; return self.totalVariance; ###
[docs] def GetVariances(self): '''Return variances for each energy bin.'''; return self.variances; ### # Algorithmic methods ###
[docs] def HalfSample(self, doAverage = False): '''Downsample energy bins by one half.'''; isOdd = len(self) % 2; ### energys = self.GetEnergys()[1 - isOdd : : 2]; ### elements = self.GetElements()[1 - isOdd : : 2] + Concatenate(((0., ) * isOdd, self.GetElements()[isOdd : : 2])); variances = self.GetVariances()[1 - isOdd : : 2] + Concatenate(((0., ) * isOdd, self.GetVariances()[isOdd : : 2])); totalElement = self.GetTotalElement(); totalVariance = self.GetTotalVariance(); ### if doAverage: elements[isOdd : ] /= 2.; variances[isOdd : ] /= 4; totalElement /= 2; totalVariance /= 4; ### return TallyResult(energys, elements, variances, totalElement, totalVariance); ### # Derived statistical getter methods ###
[docs] def GetUncertaintys(self): '''Return standard deviations for each energy bin.'''; return self.GetVariances() ** 0.5; ###
[docs] def GetRelativeUncertaintys(self): '''Return relative standard deviations for each energy bin.'''; return self.GetRelativeVariances() ** 0.5; ###
[docs] def GetRelativeVariances(self): '''Return relative variances for each energy bin.'''; return Nan2Num(SafeDivide(self.GetVariances(), self.GetElements() ** 2.)); ###
[docs] def GetTotalRelativeUncertainty(self): '''Return total relative variance.'''; return SafeDivide(self.GetTotalVariance(), self.GetTotalElement() ** 2.) ** 0.5; ###
[docs] def GetTotalUncertainty(self): '''Return total standard deviation.'''; return self.GetTotalRelativeUncertainty() * abs(self.GetTotalElement()); ### # Bin parameter getter methods ###
[docs] def GetEnergyBinMeans(self): '''Return energy bin means.'''; return self.GetEnergys() - 0.5 * self.GetEnergyPerBins(); ###
[docs] def GetEnergyPerBins(self): '''Return unit energy per energy bin.'''; return Concatenate((self.GetEnergys()[ : 1], Difference(self.GetEnergys()))); ###
[docs] def GetLethargyPerBins(self): '''Return unit lethargy per energy bin.'''; return Nan2Num(-NaturalLogarithm(1. - self.GetEnergyPerBins() / self.GetEnergys())); ### # Element per getter methods ###
GetPerBins = GetElements; ###
[docs] def GetPerEnergys(self): '''Return per unit energy.'''; return SafeDivide(self.GetPerBins(), self.GetEnergyPerBins()); ###
[docs] def GetPerLethargys(self): '''Return per unit lethargy.'''; return SafeDivide(self.GetPerBins(), self.GetLethargyPerBins()); ###
[docs] def GetNormPerLethargys(self): '''Return normalized per unit lethargy.'''; return SafeDivide(self.GetPerLethargys(), self.GetTotalElement()); ### ### Custom functions ### ### # Assert file exists ###
[docs]def AssertFileExists(fileName): '''Assert that a file exists.'''; try: assert(isinstance(fileName, str) and Exists(fileName) and FileStatus(fileName)[6]); except AssertionError: raise IOError('File `{}\' was not found or is empty'.format(fileName)); ### return; ### # Copy file ###
[docs]def CopyFile(pathOne, pathTwo, display = True): '''Copy a file, overwriting its destination.'''; if display: PrintNow('{} -> {}'.format(pathOne, pathTwo)); if Exists(pathTwo): RemoveFile(pathTwo, display); if Exists(pathOne): LibCopyFile(pathOne, pathTwo); ### return; ### # Run gnuplot; # Run epstopng; # Run epstopdf; # Delete .{dat?,plt?} ###
[docs]def DoGnuPlot(fileName, keepPlt = False): '''Execute gnuplot and convert the resulting eps to png and pdf.'''; gnuplot = '/usr/local/gnuplot422/bin/gnuplot'; print('Running gnuplot, epstopng, epstopdf, rm on `{}\'.'.format(fileName.replace('.plt', ''))); ### SystemCall('TMPDIR="/tmp" ; [ -e {eps} ] && rm -f {eps} ; {gnuplot} < {plt} > {eps} && convert -antialias -compress Lossless -density 350 -flatten -quality 95 {eps} {png} && epstopdf {eps} && rm -f {delete}'.format(gnuplot = gnuplot, delete = ['{} {}'.format(fileName, fileName.replace('.plt', '.dat')), ''][keepPlt], eps = fileName.replace('.plt', '.eps'), plt = fileName, png = fileName.replace('.plt', '.png'))); return; ### # File exists and is newer ###
[docs]def ExistsAndNewer(pathOne, pathTwo): '''Return if file exists and is newer.'''; AssertFileExists(pathTwo); return Exists(pathOne) and GetModificationTime(pathTwo) < GetModificationTime(pathOne); ### # Import supplementary libraries ###
[docs]def ImportLibraries(mocDownInputFile): '''Import supplementary libraries.'''; ### # Iterate over libraries ### for key, moduleFileName, values in mocDownInputFile.GetKeyValueValues(): ### # Kick out if not a MocDown library ### if 'supplementaryMocdownLibrary' != key: continue; ### # Strip whitespace from module filename ### moduleFileName = moduleFileName.strip(); ### # Import module ### module = __import__(moduleFileName); ### # Iterate over module contents ### for subModule in dir(module): ### # Attach module methods to MocDown ### for mocDownClass in (DepletionCalculation, RecycleCalculation, MocDownInputFile): if subModule in dir(mocDownClass): ### # Kick out builtin methods ### if '__' == subModule[ : 2] == subModule[-2 : ]: continue; ### setattr(mocDownClass, subModule, getattr(module, subModule)); ### # Attach functions and variables ### currentModule = Modules[__name__]; for variableName in ('Array', 'Exponent', 'LinearInterpolate', 'McnpInputFile', 'Nan2Num', 'NaturalLogarithm', 'NonZero', 'PrintNow', 'Warning', 'WordArrange', 'WriteFile', 'ZaIsActinide', 'Zeros', 'avogadrosNumber', 'epsilon', 'mocDownInputFile'): variable = getattr(currentModule, variableName); setattr(module, variableName, variable); ### # Convert isotope string -> ZAm ###
[docs]def Isotope2Zam(isotope): '''Convert isotope string -> ZAm.'''; m = 'M' == isotope[-1]; A =; Z = z2Element.index(isotope.rstrip('M').replace(A, '').strip().capitalize()); ### return int(Z) * 10000 + int(A) * 10 + m; ### # Reaction numbers of interest and the za's that cause them # Based upon ENDF/B-VII.0, Low-fidelity covariance library ###
[docs]def IsZaReactionNumberOfInterest(za, reactionNumber): '''Return if a reaction is of interested for an isotope.'''; z, a = za // 1000, za % 1000; ### # (n, n) can be significant for any isotope ### if 2 == reactionNumber: return True; ### # (n, n') can be significant for any isotope, but does not exist for some ### if 4 == reactionNumber: return za not in (1001, 1002, 1003, 2003, 2004, 4007, 4009, 23000, 28059, 33074, 39090, 91231, 91233, 98253, 99253); ### # (n, 2n) can be significant for any isotope, but does not exist for some ### if 16 == reactionNumber: return za not in (1001, 2003, 2004, 3006, 4007, 5010, 6000, 98253, 99253); ### # (n, 3n) is assumed only significant for actinides, but does not exist for some ### if 17 == reactionNumber: return ZaIsActinide(za) and za not in (92234, 92236, 93237, 94238, 94240, 94241, 94242, 95241, 95242, 95243, 96242, 96243, 96244, 96245, 98253, 99253); ### # (n, fission) is assumed only significant for actinides, but does not exist for some ### if 18 == reactionNumber: return ZaIsActinide(za) and za not in (89225, 89226, 99253); ### # (n, \gamma) can be significant for any isotope, but does not exist for some ### if 102 == reactionNumber: return za not in (1003, 2004, 4007); ### # (n, p) is assumed only significant for fission products, but does not exist for some ### if 103 == reactionNumber: return z < 89 and za not in (1001, 1002, 1003, 2004, 3007, 4007); ### # (n, t) is significant below 14.1 MeV for these isotopes ### if 205 == reactionNumber: return za in (3006, 3007, 4009, 5011, 7014, 7015, 9019); ### # (n, a) is assumed only significant for actinides ### if 107 == reactionNumber: return ZaIsActinide(za); ### # MCNP's -6 is equivalent to MT = 18 ### if -6 == reactionNumber: return IsZaReactionNumberOfInterest(za, 18); ### # 205 is a better MT than 105 ### if 105 == reactionNumber: return IsZaReactionNumberOfInterest(za, 205); ### # Unaccounted-for reactions are assumed to be not of interest ### return False; ### # Make directory ###
[docs]def MakeDirectory(directoryName, display = True): '''Make directory.'''; RemoveTree(directoryName, display = display); if display: PrintNow('{} ^^'.format(directoryName)); LibMakeDirectory(directoryName); ### return; ### # Make temporary directory ###
[docs]def MakeTemporaryDirectory(display = True): '''Make temporary directory.'''; directoryName = LibMakeTemporaryDirectory() + '/'; if display: PrintNow('{} ^^'.format(directoryName)); ### return directoryName; ### # Move file ###
[docs]def MoveFile(pathOne, pathTwo, display = True): '''Move file.'''; if display: PrintNow('{} -> {}'.format(pathOne, pathTwo)); if Exists(pathOne): LibMoveFile(pathOne, pathTwo); ### return; ### # Key for extracting numerics from strings ###
[docs]def NumericStringKey(string): '''Return hash from numerics in a string.'''; output = []; for character in string: if character in '0123456789': digit = int(character); if output and isinstance(output[-1], int): output[-1] = output[-1] * 10 + digit; else: output.append(digit); else: output.append(character.lower()); ### return output; ### # Print now ###
[docs]def PrintNow(*arguments, sep = '\n'): '''Print to stdout immediately.'''; print(*arguments, sep = sep); StdOut.flush(); ### return; ### # Q-fission of MCNP ###
[docs]def QFissionMCNP(ZA): '''Return Q-fission of MCNP.'''; za2Q = { 90232 : 171.91, 91233 : 175.57, 92233 : 180.84, 92234 : 179.45, 92235 : 180.88, 92236 : 179.50, 92237 : 180.40, 92238 : 181.31, 92239 : 180.40, 92240 : 180.40, 93237 : 183.67, 94238 : 186.65, 94239 : 189.44, 94240 : 186.36, 94241 : 188.99, 94242 : 185.98, 94243 : 187.48, 95241 : 190.83, 95242 : 190.54, 95243 : 190.25, 96242 : 190.49, 96244 : 190.49, }; ### try: return za2Q[ZA]; except KeyError: return 180; ### # Q-fission of MONTEBURNS2 ###
[docs]def QFissionMonteburns2(ZA): '''Return Q-fission of MONTEBURNS2.'''; za2Q = { 90227 : 0.9043, 90229 : 0.9247, 90232 : 0.9573, 91231 : 0.9471, 91233 : 0.9850, 92232 : 0.9553, 92233 : 0.9881, 92234 : 0.9774, 92235 : 1.0000, 92236 : 0.9973, 92237 : 1.0074, 92238 : 1.0175, 93237 : 1.0073, 93238 : 1.0175, 94238 : 1.0175, 94239 : 1.0435, 94240 : 1.0379, 94241 : 1.0536, 94242 : 1.0583, 95241 : 1.0513, 95242 : 1.0609, 95243 : 1.0685, 96242 : 1.0583, 96243 : 1.0685, 96244 : 1.0787, 96245 : 1.0889, 96246 : 1.0991, 96248 : 1.1195, 96249 : 1.1296, 98251 : 1.1501, 99254 : 1.1807, }; try: multiplier = za2Q[ZA]; except KeyError: multiplier = 1; ### return 200 * multiplier; ### # Q-fission of ORIGEN2.2 ###
[docs]def QFissionOrigen2(ZA): '''Return Q-fission of ORIGEN2.'''; Z, A = ZA // 1000, ZA % 1000; return 1.29927E-03 * (Z ** 2. * A ** 0.5) + 33.12; ### # Q-capture of ORIGEN-S ###
[docs]def QCaptureOrigenS(ZA): '''Return Q-capture of ORIGEN-S.'''; za2Q = { 1001 : 2.225, 5010 : 2.790, 8016 : 4.143, 26056 : 7.600, 28058 : 9.020, 40090 : 7.203, 40091 : 8.635, 40092 : 6.758, 40096 : 5.571, 42095 : 9.154, 43095 : 7.710, 44101 : 9.216, 45103 : 6.999, 45105 : 7.094, 47109 : 6.825, 54131 : 8.936, 54135 : 7.880, 55133 : 6.704, 55134 : 6.550, 60143 : 7.817, 60145 : 7.565, 61147 : 5.900, 61148 : 7.266, 62147 : 8.140, 62149 : 7.982, 62150 : 5.596, 62151 : 8.258, 62152 : 5.867, 63153 : 6.444, 63154 : 8.167, 63155 : 6.490, 90230 : 5.010, 90232 : 4.786, 90233 : 6.080, 91231 : 5.660, 91233 : 5.197, 92232 : 5.930, 92233 : 6.841, 92234 : 5.297, 92235 : 6.545, 92236 : 5.124, 92238 : 4.804, 93237 : 5.490, 93239 : 4.970, 94238 : 5.550, 94239 : 6.533, 94240 : 5.241, 94241 : 6.301, 94242 : 5.071, 94243 : 6.020, 95241 : 5.529, 95242 : 6.426, 95243 : 5.363, 96244 : 6.451, 96245 : 6.110, }; ### try: return za2Q[ZA]; except KeyError: return 5; ### # Q-fission of ORIGEN-S ###
[docs]def QFissionOrigenS(ZA): '''Return Q-fission of ORIGEN-S.'''; za2Q = { 90230 : 190.00, 90232 : 189.21, 90233 : 190.00, 91231 : 190.00, 91233 : 189.10, 92233 : 191.29, 92234 : 190.30, 92235 : 194.02, 92236 : 192.80, 92238 : 198.12, 93237 : 195.10, 94238 : 197.80, 94239 : 200.05, 94240 : 199.79, 94241 : 202.22, 94242 : 200.62, 95241 : 202.30, 95242 : 202.29, 95243 : 202.10, }; ### try: return za2Q[ZA]; except KeyError: return 200; ### # Read ascii file ###
[docs]def ReadFile(fileName, display = True, size = -1): '''Read and return ascii file.'''; try: AssertFileExists(fileName); except OSError: seconds = 3; if display: PrintNow('> File `{}\' does not exist ... waiting {:d} seconds and checking again ...'.format(fileName, seconds)); Sleep(seconds); ### AssertFileExists(fileName); ### with open(fileName, 'rb') as f: if display: PrintNow('{} >>'.format(fileName)); raw =; ### return raw.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'); ### # Read xsdir from DATAPATH ###
[docs]def ReadXsDir(path = None, display = True): '''Find, read, and return xsdir file.'''; ### # 1) Use xsdir in current directory # 2) Use path provided by argument # 3) Use DATAPATH path defined in env ### paths = ['xsdir', path]; ### try: from os import environ; ## paths.append('{}/xsdir'.format(environ['DATAPATH']).replace('//', '/')); except KeyError: pass; ### for path in paths: try: AssertFileExists(path); ### return ReadFile(path, display); except IOError: continue; Warning('xsdir was not found.'); ### # Parse MCNP5, MCNP6, or MCNPX input/output file ###
[docs]def ReadTransportFile(fileName): '''Read MCNP input or output file.'''; raw = ReadFile(fileName, False, 4000); ### if bool(ReCompile(r'^1mcnp', 2 | 8).search(raw)): return McnpOutputFile(fileName); else: return McnpInputFile(fileName); ### # Remove directory ###
[docs]def RemoveDirectory(directoryName, display = True): '''Remove directory.'''; if Exists(directoryName): if display: PrintNow('{} XX'.format(directoryName)); LibRemoveDirectory(directoryName); ### return; ### # Remove directory tree ###
[docs]def RemoveTree(directoryName, display = True): '''Remove directory tree.'''; if Exists(directoryName): if display: PrintNow('{}* XX'.format(directoryName)); LibRemoveTree(directoryName); ### return; ### # Remove file ###
[docs]def RemoveFile(fileName, display = True): '''Remove file.'''; if Exists(fileName): if display: PrintNow('{} XX'.format(fileName)); LibRemoveFile(fileName); ### return; ### # Safely divide two quantities ###
[docs]def SafeDivide(numerator, denominator): '''Safely divide two quantities.'''; try: return numerator / denominator; except ZeroDivisionError: return 0.; ### # Determine the slope of a set of points using a simple linear regression ###
[docs]def Slope(points): '''Determine the slope of a set of points using a simple linear regression.'''; return SafeDivide(sum(point.GetX() * point.GetY() for point in points) - SafeDivide(sum(point.GetX() for point in points), len(points)) * sum(point.GetY() for point in points), sum(point.GetX() ** 2 for point in points) - SafeDivide(sum(point.GetX() for point in points) ** 2, len(points))); ### # Symbolically link files ###
[docs]def UniqueDigits(numberOfDigits, forbiddenNumbers): '''Find a unique integer, given a number of digits and container of forbidden integers.'''; while True: output = RandomInteger(0, 10 ** numberOfDigits - 1); if output not in forbiddenNumbers: return output; ### # Arrange words of a given format within columns ###
[docs]def WordArrange(words, format = '', columnNumber = 80, prefix = '', indent = 5): '''Arrange words of a given format within columns.'''; output = ''; if '{' not in format: format = '{{{}}}'.format(format); line = [prefix]; for word in words: word = format.format(word); if len(line) + len(word) + sum(len(element) for element in line) > columnNumber: output += '\n' * bool(output) + ' '.join(line); line = [' ' * (indent - 1)]; line.append(word); output += '\n' * bool(output) + ' '.join(line); return output; ### # Display warning messages ###
[docs]def Warning(warningMessage): '''Display warning messages.'''; PrintNow('Warning:\t{}'.format('\n\t\t'.join(warningMessage.split('\n')))); return; ### # Write .csv file ###
[docs]def WriteCsvFile(fileName, *iterables): '''Write .csv file.'''; with open(fileName, 'w') as f: PrintNow('{} <<'.format(fileName)); writer = CsvWriter(f, lineterminator = '\n'); for iterable in iterables: writer.writerows(iterable); ### return; ### # Write ascii file ###
[docs]def WriteFile(fileName, raw, display = True): '''Write ascii file.'''; with open(fileName, 'w') as f: if display: PrintNow('{} <<'.format(fileName)); f.write(raw); ### return; ### # Z # --> Element ###
z2Element = ['n', 'H', 'He', 'Li', 'Be', 'B', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'Ne', 'Na', 'Mg', 'Al', 'Si', 'P', 'S', 'Cl', 'Ar', 'K', 'Ca', 'Sc', 'Ti', 'V', 'Cr', 'Mn', 'Fe', 'Co', 'Ni', 'Cu', 'Zn', 'Ga', 'Ge', 'As', 'Se', 'Br', 'Kr', 'Rb', 'Sr', 'Y', 'Zr', 'Nb', 'Mo', 'Tc', 'Ru', 'Rh', 'Pd', 'Ag', 'Cd', 'In', 'Sn', 'Sb', 'Te', 'I', 'Xe', 'Cs', 'Ba', 'La', 'Ce', 'Pr', 'Nd', 'Pm', 'Sm', 'Eu', 'Gd', 'Tb', 'Dy', 'Ho', 'Er', 'Tm', 'Yb', 'Lu', 'Hf', 'Ta', 'W', 'Re', 'Os', 'Ir', 'Pt', 'Au', 'Hg', 'Tl', 'Pb', 'Bi', 'Po', 'At', 'Rn', 'Fr', 'Ra', 'Ac', 'Th', 'Pa', 'U', 'Np', 'Pu', 'Am', 'Cm', 'Bk', 'Cf', 'Es', 'Fm', 'Md', 'No', 'Lr', 'Rf', 'Db', 'Sg', 'Bh', 'Hs', 'Mt', 'Ds', 'Rg', 'Cn', 'Uut', 'Fl', 'Uup', 'Lv', 'Uus', 'Uuo']; ### # ZA # --> Elemental natural abundance ( ### za2Abundance = { 1001 : 0.999885, 1002 : 0.000115, 2003 : 0.00000134, 2004 : 0.99999866, 3006 : 0.0759, 3007 : 0.9241, 4009 : 1., 5010 : 0.199, 5011 : 0.801, 6012 : 0.9893, 6013 : 0.0107, 7014 : 0.99636, 7015 : 0.00364, 8016 : 0.99757, 8017 : 0.00038, 8018 : 0.00205, 9019 : 1., 10020 : 0.9048, 10021 : 0.0027, 10022 : 0.0925, 11023 : 1., 12024 : 0.7899, 12025 : 0.1, 12026 : 0.1101, 13027 : 1., 14028 : 0.92223, 14029 : 0.04685, 14030 : 0.03092, 15031 : 1., 16032 : 0.9499, 16033 : 0.0075, 16034 : 0.0425, 16036 : 0.0001, 17035 : 0.7576, 17037 : 0.2424, 18036 : 0.003365, 18038 : 0.000632, 18040 : 0.996003, 19039 : 0.932581, 19040 : 0.000117, 19041 : 0.067302, 20040 : 0.96941, 20042 : 0.00647, 20043 : 0.00135, 20044 : 0.02086, 20046 : 0.00004, 20048 : 0.00187, 21045 : 1., 22046 : 0.0825, 22047 : 0.0744, 22048 : 0.7372, 22049 : 0.0541, 22050 : 0.0518, 23050 : 0.0025, 23051 : 0.9975, 24050 : 0.04345, 24052 : 0.83789, 24053 : 0.09501, 24054 : 0.02365, 25055 : 1., 26054 : 0.05845, 26056 : 0.91754, 26057 : 0.02119, 26058 : 0.00282, 27059 : 1., 28058 : 0.680769, 28060 : 0.262231, 28061 : 0.011399, 28062 : 0.036345, 28064 : 0.009256, 29063 : 0.6915, 29065 : 0.3085, 30064 : 0.48268, 30066 : 0.27975, 30067 : 0.04102, 30068 : 0.19024, 30070 : 0.00631, 31069 : 0.60108, 31071 : 0.39892, 32070 : 0.2038, 32072 : 0.2731, 32073 : 0.0776, 32074 : 0.3672, 32076 : 0.0783, 33075 : 1., 34074 : 0.0089, 34076 : 0.0937, 34077 : 0.0763, 34078 : 0.2377, 34080 : 0.4961, 34082 : 0.0873, 35079 : 0.5069, 35081 : 0.4931, 36078 : 0.00355, 36080 : 0.02286, 36082 : 0.11593, 36083 : 0.115, 36084 : 0.56987, 36086 : 0.17279, 37085 : 0.7217, 37087 : 0.2783, 38084 : 0.0056, 38086 : 0.0986, 38087 : 0.07, 38088 : 0.8258, 39089 : 1., 40090 : 0.5145, 40091 : 0.1122, 40092 : 0.1715, 40094 : 0.1738, 40096 : 0.028, 41093 : 1., 42092 : 0.1477, 42094 : 0.0923, 42095 : 0.159, 42096 : 0.1668, 42097 : 0.0956, 42098 : 0.2419, 42100 : 0.0967, 44096 : 0.0554, 44098 : 0.0187, 44099 : 0.1276, 44100 : 0.126, 44101 : 0.1706, 44102 : 0.3155, 44104 : 0.1862, 45103 : 1., 46102 : 0.0102, 46104 : 0.1114, 46105 : 0.2233, 46106 : 0.2733, 46108 : 0.2646, 46110 : 0.1172, 47107 : 0.51839, 47109 : 0.48161, 48106 : 0.0125, 48108 : 0.0089, 48110 : 0.1249, 48111 : 0.128, 48112 : 0.2413, 48113 : 0.1222, 48114 : 0.2873, 48116 : 0.0749, 49113 : 0.0429, 49115 : 0.9571, 50112 : 0.0097, 50114 : 0.0066, 50115 : 0.0034, 50116 : 0.1454, 50117 : 0.0768, 50118 : 0.2422, 50119 : 0.0859, 50120 : 0.3258, 50122 : 0.0463, 50124 : 0.0579, 51121 : 0.5721, 51123 : 0.4279, 52120 : 0.0009, 52122 : 0.0255, 52123 : 0.0089, 52124 : 0.0474, 52125 : 0.0707, 52126 : 0.1884, 52128 : 0.3174, 52130 : 0.3408, 53127 : 1., 54124 : 0.000952, 54126 : 0.00089, 54128 : 0.019102, 54129 : 0.264006, 54130 : 0.04071, 54131 : 0.212324, 54132 : 0.269086, 54134 : 0.104357, 54136 : 0.088573, 55133 : 1., 56130 : 0.00106, 56132 : 0.00101, 56134 : 0.02417, 56135 : 0.06592, 56136 : 0.07854, 56137 : 0.11232, 56138 : 0.71698, 57138 : 0.0009, 57139 : 0.9991, 58136 : 0.00185, 58138 : 0.00251, 58140 : 0.8845, 58142 : 0.11114, 59141 : 1., 60142 : 0.272, 60143 : 0.122, 60144 : 0.238, 60145 : 0.083, 60146 : 0.172, 60148 : 0.057, 60150 : 0.056, 62144 : 0.0307, 62147 : 0.1499, 62148 : 0.1124, 62149 : 0.1382, 62150 : 0.0738, 62152 : 0.2675, 62154 : 0.2275, 63151 : 0.4781, 63153 : 0.5219, 64152 : 0.002, 64154 : 0.0218, 64155 : 0.148, 64156 : 0.2047, 64157 : 0.1565, 64158 : 0.2484, 64160 : 0.2186, 65159 : 1., 66156 : 0.00056, 66158 : 0.00095, 66160 : 0.02329, 66161 : 0.18889, 66162 : 0.25475, 66163 : 0.24896, 66164 : 0.2826, 67165 : 1., 68162 : 0.00139, 68164 : 0.01601, 68166 : 0.33503, 68167 : 0.22869, 68168 : 0.26978, 68170 : 0.1491, 69169 : 1., 70168 : 0.0013, 70170 : 0.0304, 70171 : 0.1428, 70172 : 0.2183, 70173 : 0.1613, 70174 : 0.3183, 70176 : 0.1276, 71175 : 0.9741, 71176 : 0.0259, 72174 : 0.0016, 72176 : 0.0526, 72177 : 0.186, 72178 : 0.2728, 72179 : 0.1362, 72180 : 0.3508, 73180 : 0.00012, 73181 : 0.99988, 74180 : 0.0012, 74182 : 0.265, 74183 : 0.1431, 74184 : 0.3064, 74186 : 0.2843, 75185 : 0.374, 75187 : 0.626, 76184 : 0.0002, 76186 : 0.0159, 76187 : 0.0196, 76188 : 0.1324, 76189 : 0.1615, 76190 : 0.2626, 76192 : 0.4078, 77191 : 0.373, 77193 : 0.627, 78190 : 0.00014, 78192 : 0.00782, 78194 : 0.32967, 78195 : 0.33832, 78196 : 0.25242, 78198 : 0.07163, 79197 : 1., 80196 : 0.0015, 80198 : 0.0997, 80199 : 0.1687, 80200 : 0.231, 80201 : 0.1318, 80202 : 0.2986, 80204 : 0.0687, 81203 : 0.2952, 81205 : 0.7048, 82204 : 0.014, 82206 : 0.241, 82207 : 0.221, 82208 : 0.524, 83209 : 1., 90232 : 1., 91231 : 1., 92234 : 0.000054, 92235 : 0.007204, 92238 : 0.992742 }; ### # Convert ZA -> isotope string ###
[docs]def Za2Isotope(za, texFormat = False): '''Convert ZA -> isotope string.'''; za = int(float(za)); ### z, a = za // 1000, za % 1000; ### if texFormat: return '^{{{}}}{}'.format(a, z2Element[z]); ### return '{}-{}'.format(z2Element[z], a); ### # Extract molar mass for a given Z,A from xsdir ###
[docs]def Za2MolarMass(xsDir): '''Extract molar mass for a given Z,A from xsdir.'''; ### # Kick out if xsDir is null ### if xsDir is None: return {}; words = xsDir.split(); words = words[words.index('atomic') + 3 : words.index('directory') - 1]; return {int(float(words[index])) : float(words[index + 1]) * neutronMass for index in range(0, len(words) - 1, 2)}; ### # Convert ZA -> ZAm ###
[docs]def Za2Zam(za): '''Convert ZA -> ZAm.'''; ### # Change natural carbon to carbon-12 ### za += (za == 6000) * 12; ### # Determine Z, A, and m ### Z, A = za // 1000, za % 1000; ### # Switch Am-242 and Am-242m ### if 95242 == za: return 952421; elif 95642 == za: return 952420; ### # Decrement A according to metastable ### m = (A > 300) * (A - 2 * Z - 300) // 100; A -= (A > 300) * (300 + m * 100); ### return Z * 10000 + A * 10 + m; ### # Is za an actinide ###
[docs]def ZaIsActinide(za): '''Return if isotope is an actinide.'''; return za // 1000 > 88; ### # Extract temperature ID from ZAID ###
[docs]def Zaid2Id(zaid): '''Extract temperature ID from ZAID.'''; return zaid.split('.')[1]; ### # Convert a zaid string into an isotope string ###
[docs]def Zaid2Isotope(zaid, texFormat = False): '''Convert a zaid string into an isotope string.'''; return Za2Isotope(Zaid2Za(zaid)); ### # Extract molar mass for a given ZAID from xsdir ###
[docs]def Zaid2MolarMass(zaid): '''Extract molar mass for a given ZAID from xsdir.'''; try: return za2MolarMass[Zaid2Za(zaid)]; except KeyError: return Zaid2Zam(zaid) // 10 % 1000; ### # Extract temperature for a given ZAID from xsdir ###
[docs]def Zaid2Temperature(xsDir): '''Extract temperature for a given ZAID from xsdir.'''; lines = xsDir.split('\n'); ### # Find directory line index ### for index in range(len(lines)): if 'directory' in lines[index]: directoryIndex = index; ### # Filter out zaids ### zaidLines = (' '.join(word for word in line.split() if 'ptable' != word) for line in lines[directoryIndex + 1 : ] if line); ### # Build zaid --> temperature mapping ### zaid2Temperature = {zaidLine.split()[0] : zaidLine.split()[-1] for zaidLine in zaidLines}; ### return {zaid : float(temperature) for (zaid, temperature) in zaid2Temperature.items() if any(character in zaid.lower() for character in 'cm')}; ### # Convert ZAID -> ZA ###
[docs]def Zaid2Za(zaid): '''Convert ZAID -> ZA.'''; return int(float(str(zaid).split('.')[0])); ### # Convert ZAID -> ZAm ###
[docs]def Zaid2Zam(zaid): '''Convert ZAID -> ZAm.'''; return Za2Zam(Zaid2Za(zaid)); ### # Convert ZAm -> ZA ###
[docs]def Zam2Za(zam): '''Convert ZAm -> ZA.'''; return zam // 10; ### # Convert ZAm -> ZAID ###
[docs]def Zam2Zaid(zam, suffix): '''Convert ZAm -> ZAID.'''; za, m = zam // 10, zam % 10; ### # Change carbon-12 to natural carbon ### za -= (za == 6012) * 12; ### # Switch Am-242m and Am-242 ### if (95242, 1) == (za, m): return '95242.{}'.format(suffix); elif (95242, 0) == (za, m): return '95642.{}'.format(suffix); ### # Increment A according to metastable ### za += (m > 0) * (300 + 100 * m); ### return '{:d}.{}'.format(za, suffix); ### ### Script ### ### # Initiate argument parser and add custom arguments ###
[docs]def InterpretArguments(): '''Initiate argument parser and add custom arguments.'''; ### # Script name ### script = __file__.split('/')[-1].replace('.py', ''); script2Description = { 'MocDown' : 'MOCUP/MONTEBURNS rewritten in Python. Compatible with MCNP5, MCNP6, MCNPX, and ORIGEN2.2.', 'ParseMcnp' : 'Script for parsing MCNP5, MCNP6, and MCNPX input and output files.', }; ### assert(script in script2Description); ### parser = ArgumentParser(description = script2Description[script], epilog = 'Version {} | {} {}'.format(__version__, __author__, __year__)); parser.add_argument('--version', action = 'version', version = '%(prog)s {} | {} {}'.format(__version__, __author__, __year__)); ### action = 'store_true'; nargs = '?'; ### # Transport file argument ### parser.add_argument('transportFileName', nargs = nargs, default = 'inp1', help = 'MCNP input file (=inp1 by default)'); ### # MocDown input file argument ### parser.add_argument('mocDownInputFileName', nargs = nargs, default = 'mocdown.inp', help = 'MocDown input file (= mocdown.inp by default)'); ### # Optional arguments ### parser.add_argument('--isVerbose', '-v', action = action, help = 'Verbose operation'); parser.add_argument('--isQuiet', '-q', action = action, help = 'Hide file operation messages'); ### if script == 'MocDown': ### # MocDown arguments ### parser.add_argument('--isRestart', '-r', action = action, help = 'Restart depletion from last pickle'); elif script == 'ParseMcnp': ### # MCNP input | parsing stdout reports ### parser.add_argument('--reportCells', '--cel', action = action, help = 'Report problem cell summary'); parser.add_argument('--reportIsotopes', '--iso', action = action, help = 'Report problem isotope summary'); parser.add_argument('--reportTallys', '--tal', '--reportFulfilled', '--ful', action = action, help = 'Report problem tally summary'); parser.add_argument('--reportKeff', '--keff', action = action, help = 'Report problem keff summary'); ### # MCNP output | physical quantity .csv reports ### choices = ('lethargy', 'leth', 'ebin', 'bin', 'energy', 'mev', 'normalied', 'norm', 'uncertainty', 'std'); parser.add_argument('--writeEnergyDepositions', '--edep', nargs = nargs, const = choices[0], choices = choices, help = 'Write energy depositions .csv'); parser.add_argument('--writeFissionEnergyDepositions', '--fedep', nargs = nargs, const = choices[0], choices = choices, help = 'Write fission energy depositions .csv'); parser.add_argument('--writeMicroscopicCrosssections', '--micro', nargs = nargs, const = choices[0], choices = choices, help = 'Write microscopic cross sections .csv'); parser.add_argument('--writeReactionRates', '--rxn', nargs = nargs, const = choices[0], choices = choices, help = 'Write reaction rates .csv'); parser.add_argument('--writeScalarFluxes', '--flx', nargs = nargs, const = choices[0], choices = choices, help = 'Write scalar fluxes .csv'); ### # MCNP output | result down-sampling ### choices = list(range(1, 16, +1)); choices.extend(range(0, -16, -1)); parser.add_argument('--downSample', '--dwn', nargs = nargs, const = choices[0], choices = choices, type = int, help = 'Down-sample results by a factor of 2 ** n. If n is negative, results will be averaged instead of summed.'); ### arguments = parser.parse_args(); arguments.script = script; ### return arguments; ### # Main() ###
if __name__ == '__main__': ### # Interpret arguments ### arguments = InterpretArguments(); ### # Read MocDown input file ### mocDownInputFile = MocDownInputFile(arguments); ### # Import supplementary MocDown library(s) and overwrite DepletionCalculation, RecycleCalculation, and MocDownInputFile methods ### ImportLibraries(mocDownInputFile); ### # Populate MocDown input file ### mocDownInputFile.Populate(); ### # Parse xsdir ### xsDir = ReadXsDir(path = mocDownInputFile.GetParameter('mcnpXsdirPath'), display = not bool(arguments.isQuiet)); za2MolarMass = Za2MolarMass(xsDir); ### if arguments.script == 'MocDown': ### if mocDownInputFile.GetParameter('recycleToEquilibrium'): ### # Run accelerated depletion/recycle calculation ### recycleCalculation = RecycleCalculation(arguments); else: ### # Run simple depletion calculation ### depletionCalculation = DepletionCalculation(arguments); elif arguments.script == 'ParseMcnp': ### zaid2Temperature = Zaid2Temperature(xsDir); ### # Parse transport file ### mcnpFile = ReadTransportFile(arguments.transportFileName); ### # Execute desired reports ### mcnpFile.Report(arguments); else: ### # Empty arguments ### arguments = Class(); arguments.isQuiet = arguments.isVerbose = False; ### # Empty MocDown input file ### mocDownInputFile = MocDownInputFile(arguments); mocDownInputFile.Populate(); ### # Parse xsdir ### xsDir = ReadXsDir(display = not bool(arguments.isQuiet)); za2MolarMass = Za2MolarMass(xsDir);