Source code for RbwrTh

#! /usr/bin/env python3

### Library imports

if 'Offline' in __file__.split('/')[-1].replace('.py', ''):
    from MocDown import Array,\

### Custom classes

# Void-fraction and critical power ratio calculation results
[docs]class BoilingCalculation: '''Coolant density calculation for a single boiling channel.'''; def __init__(self, cellNumbers, cellNumber2PreviousMassDensity, cellNumber2MassDensity, axialPowers, axialQualitys, axialVoidFractions, finePositionCPRs, minimumCriticalPowerRatio, minimumCriticalPowerRatioQuality, minimumCriticalPowerRatioLocation, criticalPowerRatioLimit, flowLengths, axialPressureDrops, transportOutputFile): '''Construct a new instance.'''; self.cellNumbers = cellNumbers; self.cellNumber2PreviousMassDensity = cellNumber2PreviousMassDensity; self.cellNumber2MassDensity = cellNumber2MassDensity; ### # Iterate over cell # ### self.cellNumber2ThermalPower = {}; self.cellNumber2Quality = {}; self.cellNumber2VoidFraction = {}; self.cellNumber2PressureDrop = {}; for index in range(len(self.GetCellNumbers())): cellNumber = self.GetCellNumbers()[index]; ### self.cellNumber2ThermalPower[cellNumber] = axialPowers[index]; self.cellNumber2Quality[cellNumber] = axialQualitys[index]; self.cellNumber2VoidFraction[cellNumber] = axialVoidFractions[index]; self.cellNumber2PressureDrop[cellNumber] = axialPressureDrops[index]; ### self.flowLengths = flowLengths; ### self.finePositionCPRs = finePositionCPRs; self.minimumCriticalPowerRatio = minimumCriticalPowerRatio; self.minimumCriticalPowerRatioQuality = minimumCriticalPowerRatioQuality; self.minimumCriticalPowerRatioLocation = minimumCriticalPowerRatioLocation; self.criticalPowerRatioLimit = criticalPowerRatioLimit; ### self.multiplicationFactor = transportOutputFile.GetMultiplicationFactor(); self.multiplicationFactorSigma = transportOutputFile.GetMultiplicationFactorSigma(); ### return; ### def __str__(self): '''Return summary string.'''; lines = ['< Void fraction and pressure drop calculation outlet summary >']; ### attributeName = ( ('cellNumber2PreviousMassDensity', 'ρorg [kg/m³]', 'G'), ('cellNumber2Quality', 'x', '.1%'), ('cellNumber2VoidFraction', 'α', '.1%'), ('cellNumber2MassDensity', 'ρ [kg/m³]', 'G'), ('cellNumber2PressureDrop', 'ΔP [MPa]', 'G'), ); ### cellNumber = self.GetOutletCellNumber(); for attribute, name, format in attributeName: lines.append('{{:<13s}} = {{:>13{}}}'.format(format).format(name, getattr(self, attribute)[cellNumber])); ### lines.append('< Minimum critical power ratio calculation summary >'); attributeName = ( ('minimumCriticalPowerRatio', 'MCPR', 'G'), ('minimumCriticalPowerRatioQuality', 'x(MCPR)', '.1%'), ('minimumCriticalPowerRatioLocation', 'z(MCPR) [m]', 'G'), ); for attribute, name, format in attributeName: lines.append('{{:<13s}} = {{:>13{}}}'.format(format).format(name, getattr(self, attribute))); ### if self.GetMinimumCriticalPowerRatio() < self.GetCriticalPowerRatioLimit(): lines.append('Warning: The MCPR limit of {} is violated'.format(self.GetCriticalPowerRatioLimit())); ### return '\n'.join('{:^59}'.format(line) for line in lines); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumbers(self): '''Return cell numbers.'''; return self.cellNumbers; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberAccumulatedFlowLength(self, cellNumber): '''Return accumulated active length of a cell.'''; return sum(self.flowLengths[ : self.GetCellNumbers().index(cellNumber) + 1]); ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberFlowLength(self, cellNumber): '''Return active length of a cell.'''; return self.flowLengths[self.GetCellNumbers().index(cellNumber)]; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberPressureDrop(self, cellNumber): '''Return pressure drop over a cell.'''; return self.cellNumber2PressureDrop[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberPreviousMassDensity(self, cellNumber): '''Return previous mass density for a cell.'''; return self.cellNumber2PreviousMassDensity[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberThermalPower(self, cellNumber): '''Return thermal power for a cell.'''; return self.cellNumber2ThermalPower[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberLinearHeatRate(self, cellNumber): '''Return linear heat rate for a cell.'''; return self.GetCellNumberThermalPower(cellNumber) / self.GetCellNumberFlowLength(cellNumber) / 1e2; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberQuality(self, cellNumber): '''Return quality for a cell.'''; return self.cellNumber2Quality[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberVoidFraction(self, cellNumber): '''Return void fraction for a cell.'''; return self.cellNumber2VoidFraction[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCellNumberMassDensity(self, cellNumber): '''Return current mass density for a cell.'''; return self.cellNumber2MassDensity[cellNumber]; ###
[docs] def GetCriticalPowerRatioLimit(self): '''Return critical power ratio limit.'''; return self.criticalPowerRatioLimit; ###
[docs] def GetFinePositionCPRs(self): '''Return list of critical power ratios.'''; return self.finePositionCPRs; ###
[docs] def GetMinimumCriticalPowerRatio(self): '''Return magnitude of minimum critical power ratio.'''; return self.minimumCriticalPowerRatio; ###
[docs] def GetMinimumCriticalPowerRatioLocation(self): '''Return location of minimum critical power ratio.'''; return self.minimumCriticalPowerRatioLocation; ###
[docs] def GetMinimumCriticalPowerRatioQuality(self): '''Return quality of minimum critical power ratio.'''; return self.minimumCriticalPowerRatioQuality; ###
[docs] def GetMultiplicationFactor(self): '''Return multiplication factor.'''; return self.multiplicationFactor; ###
[docs] def GetMultiplicationFactorSigma(self): '''Return multiplication factor standard deviation.'''; return self.multiplicationFactorSigma; ###
[docs] def GetPressureDrop(self): '''Return total pressure drop.'''; return self.GetCellNumberPressureDrop(self.GetOutletCellNumber()); ###
[docs] def GetOutletCellNumber(self): '''Return outlet cell number.'''; return self.GetCellNumbers()[-1]; ###
[docs] def GetUpdateCellNumbers(self): '''Return cells to be updated.'''; return [cellNumber for cellNumber in self.cellNumber2MassDensity]; ### # Steam thermodynamic properties ###
[docs]class Steam: '''Steam thermodynamic properties.'''; def __init__(self, pressure, temperature, massFlowRate, heatedDiameter, hydraulicDiameter, flowArea): '''Construct a new instance.'''; ### # Import IAPWS97 steam properties library ### import iapws; ### # Gravitational accelration [m/s²] ### self.gravity = 9.80665; ### # Critical pressure [MPa] ### self.criticalPressure = iapws.Pc; ### # Pressure [MPa] ### self.pressure = pressure; ### # Temperature [K] ### self.temperature = temperature; ### # Mass flow rate [kg/s] ### self.massFlowRate = massFlowRate; ### # Heated diameter [m] ### self.heatedDiameter = heatedDiameter; ### # Hydraulic diameter [m] ### self.hydraulicDiameter = hydraulicDiameter; ### # Cross-sectional flow area [m²] ### self.flowArea = flowArea; ### # Mass flux [kg/m²·s] ### self.massFlux = self.massFlowRate / self.flowArea; ### # Sub-cooled, saturated liquid, and saturated vapor ### inlet = iapws.IAPWS97(P = self.pressure, T = self.temperature); liquid = iapws.IAPWS97(P = self.pressure, x = 0); vapor = iapws.IAPWS97(P = self.pressure, x = 1); ### # Mass density [kg/m³] ### self.densityInlet = inlet.rho; self.densityLiquid = liquid.rho; self.densityVapor = vapor.rho; ### # Specific enthalpy [kJ/kg] ### self.enthalpyInlet = inlet.h; self.enthalpyLiquid = liquid.h; self.enthalpyVapor = vapor.h; ### # Surface tension [N/m] ### self.surfaceTension = liquid.sigma; ### # Dynamic viscosity [Pa·s] ### liquid = iapws.IAPWS97(P = self.pressure, T = liquid.T - 1e-9); vapor = iapws.IAPWS97(P = self.pressure, T = vapor.T + 1e-9); self.dynamicViscosityInlet =; self.dynamicViscosityLiquid =; self.dynamicViscosityVapor =; ### return; ### def __str__(self): '''Return summary string.'''; lines = ['< Steam thermodynamic properties summary >']; ### attributeName = ( ('gravity', 'g [m/s²]'), ('criticalPressure', 'Pcrit [MPa]'), ('pressure', 'Psat [MPa]'), ('temperature', 'Tin [K]'), ('massFlowRate', 'mdot [kg/s]'), ('heatedDiameter', 'Dh [m]'), ('hydraulicDiameter', 'De [m]'), ('flowArea', 'A [m²]'), ('densityInlet', 'ρin [kg/m³]'), ('densityLiquid', 'ρl [kg/m³]'), ('densityVapor', 'ρv [kg/m³]'), ('enthalpyInlet', 'hin [kJ/kg]'), ('enthalpyLiquid', 'hl [kJ/kg]'), ('enthalpyVapor', 'hv [kJ/kg]'), ('surfaceTension', 'σ [N/m]'), ('dynamicViscosityInlet', 'μin [Pa·s]'), ('dynamicViscosityLiquid', 'μl [Pa·s]'), ('dynamicViscosityVapor', 'μv [Pa·s]'), ); ### for attribute, name in attributeName: lines.append('{:<13s} = {:>13G}'.format(name, getattr(self, attribute))); ### return '\n'.join('{:^59}'.format(line) for line in lines); ### ### Custom functions ### ### # Library-specific MocDown input parameters ###
[docs]def GetLibraryParametersConverters(self): '''Return default values and parsing functions for RBWR-Th parameters.'''; ### # Default parameter values ### parameters = { # # 'criticalPowerRatioFallbackIndex' : 41, # #.# # # 'coolantDensityDampingCoefficient' : 1, 'coolantFlowArea' : 0.030115717, # [m²] 'coolantHeatedDiameter' : 0.004692958, # [m] 'coolantHydraulicDiameter' : 0.00397346, # [m] 'coolantInletPressure' : 7.25, # [MPa] 'coolantInletTemperature' : 555.71, # [K] 'coolantMassFlowRate' : 29.68, # [kg/s] 'criticalPowerRatioLimit' : 1.3, 'thermalHydraulicConvergenceTolerance' : 5e-2, # ''.lower() 'criticalPowerRatioCorrelation' : 'm-cise', 'pressureDropCorrelation' : 'epri', 'thermalHydraulicConvergenceNormType' : '2', 'voidFractionCorrelation' : 'relap', # [#] 'coolantBypassCells' : [], # [#.#] 'coolantFlowLengths' : [], # [m] # fuels -> cools 'assemblyFuelsToCools' : [], }; ### # Default converters ### Bool = lambda value, values: bool(int(value)); Float = lambda value, values: float(value); FuelsToCools = lambda value, values: [tuple({tuple(int(float(fuel)) for fuel in fuels.strip('( )').split()) : tuple(int(float(cool)) for cool in cools.strip('( )').split())} for fuels2Cools in value.split(',') for fuels, cools in [fuels2Cools.split(':')])]; Int = lambda value, values: int(float(value)); ### def ListInt(value, values): out = []; for index in range(len(values)): if '..' in values[index]: lo, hi = values[index].split('.')[0 : 3 : 2]; out.extend(range(int(float(lo)), int(float(hi)) + 1)); else: out.append(int(float(values[index].strip(',')))); return out; ### def ListFloat(value, values): out = []; for index in range(len(values)): if 'r' in values[index]: repeat, number = values[index].split('r'); out.extend([float(number)] * int(float(repeat))); else: out.append(float(values[index].strip(','))); return out; ### Lower = lambda value, values: value.strip().lower(); Return = lambda value, values: value.strip(); ### converters = { # # 'criticalPowerRatioFallbackIndex' : Int, # #.# 'coolantDensityDampingCoefficient' : Float, 'coolantFlowArea' : Float, 'coolantHeatedDiameter' : Float, 'coolantHydraulicDiameter' : Float, 'coolantInletPressure' : Float, 'coolantInletTemperature' : Float, 'coolantMassFlowRate' : Float, 'criticalPowerRatioLimit' : Float, 'thermalHydraulicConvergenceTolerance' : Float, # ''.lower() 'criticalPowerRatioCorrelation' : Lower, 'pressureDropCorrelation' : Lower, 'thermalHydraulicConvergenceNormType' : Lower, 'voidFractionCorrelation' : Lower, # fuels -> cools 'assemblyFuelsToCools' : FuelsToCools, # [#] 'coolantBypassCells' : ListInt, # [#.#] 'coolantFlowLengths' : ListFloat, }; ### return parameters, converters; ### # RBWR-Th recycling scheme ###
[docs]def RbwrThRecycle(bocTransportFile, eocTransportFile): '''Override fuel processing.'''; ### # Hard code the blanket and seed cell parameters ### numberOfUpperBlanketCells = 15; numberOfUpperSeedCells = 30; numberOfLowerSeedCells = 0; numberOfLowerBlanketCells = 10; ### lowerSeedRemovalFraction = 0.5; ### # This is a switch for: (True) Jeff's vanilla cell numbering and (False) Chris and George's cell numbering ### if True: firstCellNumber = 3; ### # Define the blanket and seed cell numbers ### previous = firstCellNumber; upperBlanketCellNumbers = list(range(previous, previous + numberOfUpperBlanketCells)); previous = max(upperBlanketCellNumbers) + 1; upperSeedCellNumbers = list(range(previous, previous + numberOfUpperSeedCells)); previous = max(upperBlanketCellNumbers + upperSeedCellNumbers) + 1; lowerSeedCellNumbers = list(range(previous, previous + numberOfLowerSeedCells)); previous = max(upperBlanketCellNumbers + upperSeedCellNumbers + lowerSeedCellNumbers) + 1; lowerBlanketCellNumbers = list(range(previous, previous + numberOfLowerBlanketCells)); else: firstCellNumber = 1001; ### # Define the blanket and seed cell numbers ### previous = firstCellNumber; lowerBlanketCellNumbers = list(range(previous, previous + numberOfLowerBlanketCells)); previous = max(lowerBlanketCellNumbers) + 1; lowerSeedCellNumbers = list(range(previous, previous + numberOfLowerSeedCells)); previous = max(lowerBlanketCellNumbers + lowerSeedCellNumbers) + 1; upperSeedCellNumbers = list(range(previous, previous + numberOfUpperSeedCells)); previous = max(lowerBlanketCellNumbers + lowerSeedCellNumbers + upperSeedCellNumbers) + 1; upperBlanketCellNumbers = list(range(previous, previous + numberOfUpperBlanketCells)); ### # Isotopic ZA strings ### oxygen = 8016; thorium = 90232; ### # Calculate the number of BOEC seed heavy-metal moles; # This number is conserved across recycles ### chargeMoles = sum(moles for cellNumber in upperSeedCellNumbers + lowerSeedCellNumbers for za, moles in bocTransportFile.FindCell(cellNumber).GetZa2Moles().items() if ZaIsActinide(za)); ### # Construct the seed charge: # First, EOEC heavy metal moles are accumulated; # Second, any mole deficit or surplus is made up with thorium # Third, add twice as many oxygen moles as heavy metal moles ### za2ChargeMoles = {}; for cellNumber in upperBlanketCellNumbers + upperSeedCellNumbers + lowerSeedCellNumbers + lowerBlanketCellNumbers: for za, moles in eocTransportFile.FindCell(cellNumber).GetZa2Moles().items(): if ZaIsActinide(za): try: za2ChargeMoles[za] += moles; except KeyError: za2ChargeMoles[za] = moles; ### deviation = chargeMoles - sum(za2ChargeMoles.values()); try: za2ChargeMoles[thorium] += deviation; except KeyError: za2ChargeMoles[thorium] = deviation; assert(za2ChargeMoles[thorium] > 0); ### za2ChargeMoles[oxygen] = 2 * chargeMoles; ### # Distribute the seed charge: # First, split moles evenly between (equal-volumed) seed cells # Second, remove a fraction of the lower seed cell transthorium moles, replacing them with thorium # Third, distribute the removed moles among the upper seed cells, displacing thorium # Fourth, match BOEC moles for each cell by adjusting thoria moles ### numberOfSeedCells = numberOfUpperSeedCells + numberOfLowerSeedCells; cellNumber2Za2ChargeMoles = {cellNumber : {za : moles / numberOfSeedCells for za, moles in za2ChargeMoles.items()} for cellNumber in upperSeedCellNumbers + lowerSeedCellNumbers}; ### fromLowerSeed = {}; for cellNumber in lowerSeedCellNumbers: for za, moles in cellNumber2Za2ChargeMoles[cellNumber].items(): if za not in (oxygen, thorium): minusMoles = moles * lowerSeedRemovalFraction; cellNumber2Za2ChargeMoles[cellNumber][za] -= minusMoles; cellNumber2Za2ChargeMoles[cellNumber][thorium] += minusMoles; try: fromLowerSeed[za] += minusMoles; except KeyError: fromLowerSeed[za] = minusMoles; ### for cellNumber in upperSeedCellNumbers: for za, moles in fromLowerSeed.items(): cellNumber2Za2ChargeMoles[cellNumber][za] += moles / numberOfUpperSeedCells; cellNumber2Za2ChargeMoles[cellNumber][thorium] -= moles / numberOfUpperSeedCells; ### for cellNumber in upperSeedCellNumbers + lowerSeedCellNumbers: bocCell = bocTransportFile.FindCell(cellNumber); deviation = bocCell.GetMoles() - sum(cellNumber2Za2ChargeMoles[cellNumber].values()); try: cellNumber2Za2ChargeMoles[cellNumber][thorium] += deviation * 1 / 3; cellNumber2Za2ChargeMoles[cellNumber][oxygen] += deviation * 2 / 3; except KeyError: cellNumber2Za2ChargeMoles[cellNumber][thorium] = deviation * 1 / 3; cellNumber2Za2ChargeMoles[cellNumber][oxygen] = deviation * 2 / 3; assert(cellNumber2Za2ChargeMoles[cellNumber][thorium] > 0); ### # Distribute the blanket charge: # Simply grab the BOEC moles ### cellNumber2Za2ChargeMoles.update({cellNumber : bocTransportFile.FindCell(cellNumber).GetZa2Moles() for cellNumber in upperBlanketCellNumbers + lowerBlanketCellNumbers}); ### # Recharge cells ### for cellNumber in upperBlanketCellNumbers + upperSeedCellNumbers + lowerSeedCellNumbers + lowerBlanketCellNumbers: za2ChargeMoles = cellNumber2Za2ChargeMoles[cellNumber]; ### # Replace cell cards ### cell = eocTransportFile.FindCell(cellNumber); ### numberDensity = sum(za2ChargeMoles.values()) / cell.GetVolume() * avogadrosNumber; cellCard = cell.GetMaterialDensityRegex().sub('{:+10.7f}'.format(numberDensity), cell.GetRaw()); ### eocTransportFile.ReplaceNewputCard(cell, cellCard); ### # Replace material cards ### material = eocTransportFile.FindCellMaterial(cellNumber); ### suffix = cell.GetSuffix(); totalMoles = sum(za2ChargeMoles.values()) / 3; zaid2AtomFraction = {'{}.{}'.format(za, suffix) : moles / totalMoles for za, moles in za2ChargeMoles.items()}; materialCard = WordArrange(words = ('{:>10} {:+.5E}'.format(zaid, atomFraction) for zaid, atomFraction in sorted(zaid2AtomFraction.items(), key = lambda item: (item[1], item[0]), reverse = True)), prefix = '\nm{:<6d}'.format(material.GetNumber()), indent = 8); ### eocTransportFile.ReplaceNewputCard(material, materialCard); ### return eocTransportFile; ### # Polynomial interpolation ###
[docs]def PolynomialInterpolation(x, xp, yp, order): '''Perform polynomial interpolation.'''; from numpy import polyfit, polyval; ### return polyval(polyfit(xp, yp, order), x); ### # Multi-batch core keff @ EOC ###
[docs]def MultiBatchCoreKeffEoc(self): '''Return batch-averaged EOC multiplication factor.'''; ### # Extract coarse times, keffs, and powers ### coarseIndex = [index for index in range(len(self)) if self.GetDepletionCalculationPickle().multiplicationFactors[index] is not None]; ### coarseTimes = [self.GetParameter('depletionStepTimeEnds')[index] for index in coarseIndex]; coarsePowers = [self.GetParameter('depletionStepPowers')[index] for index in coarseIndex]; coarseKeffs = [self.GetDepletionCalculationPickle().multiplicationFactors[index] for index in coarseIndex]; ### # Construct core keffs from coarse keffs (which may or may not coincide with batch keffs) # Right now, it is assumed that each batch produces the same power # Later, we will modify this using coarseTimes/coarsePowers values interpolated # Also, get rid of the E_f and nu assumptions via the memo ### # FIXME Address this coreTimes, coreKeffs = MultiBatchHarmonicMean(coarseTimes, coarseKeffs); ### return coreKeffs[-1]; ### # Multi-batch harmonic mean ###
[docs]def MultiBatchHarmonicMean(times, values, order = 4, weights = None, timeSteps = 500, batches = 5): '''Perform a harmonic mean for a time-series.'''; ### # If not provided, assume equal power fractions between batches ### if weights is None: weights = [1 / batches] * batches; ### period = max(times) / batches; ### if True: ### # Reactivity is interpolated with an nth order polynomial fit ### return [period * timeStep / timeSteps for timeStep in range(timeSteps + 1)], [1 / sum(PolynomialInterpolation(period * (timeStep / timeSteps + index), times, weights[index] / Array(values), order) for index in range(batches)) for timeStep in range(timeSteps + 1)]; else: ### # Reactivity is interpolated with a piecewise linear fit ### return [period * timeStep / timeSteps for timeStep in range(timeSteps + 1)], [1 / sum(LinearInterpolate(period * (timeStep / timeSteps + index), times, weights[index] / Array(values)) for index in range(batches)) for timeStep in range(timeSteps + 1)]; ### # Multi-batch core keff(t) as a function of time ###
MultiBatchCoreKeff = MultiBatchHarmonicMean; ### # Multi-batch core keff @ EOC, with varied cycle lengths ###
[docs]def MultiBatchCoreKeffEocCycleStretch(times, values, order = 4, minimum = 0., maximum = 2., number = 500): '''Return batch-averaged EOC multiplication factors for many batch lengths.'''; ### # Linear interpolation/extrapolation ### def InterpExtrap(xp, yp, x, order): x = Array(x); ### if True: ### # Polynomial interpolation ### y = PolynomialInterpolation(x, xp, yp, order); else: ### # Piece-wise linear interpolation ### y = LinearInterpolate(x, xp, yp); ### # Linear extrapolation ### if any(x < xp[0]): y[x < xp[0]] = yp[0] + (x[x < xp[0]] - xp[0]) / (xp[1] - xp[0]) * (yp[1] - yp[0]); if any(x > xp[-1]): y[x > xp[-1]] = yp[-1] + (x[x > xp[-1]] - xp[-1]) / (xp[-2] - xp[-1]) * (yp[-2] - yp[-1]); ### return y; ### maxTime = max(times); ### harmonicTimes = []; harmonicMeans = []; ### for index in range(number + 1): newTime = maxTime * (minimum + (maximum - minimum) * (index / number)); ### newTimes = [time for time in times if time < newTime] + [newTime]; newValues = values[ : len(newTimes) - 1] + list(InterpExtrap(times, values, [newTime], order)); ### junk, means = MultiBatchHarmonicMean(newTimes, newValues, timeSteps = 1); ### harmonicTimes.append(newTime); harmonicMeans.append(means[-1]); ### return harmonicTimes, harmonicMeans; ### # Generic void fraction correlation (Carey, p.512) ###
[docs]def VoidFractionGeneric(x, rhol, rhov, mul, muv, Bb, n1, n2, n3): '''Retrurn generic void fraction correlation (Carey, p.512).'''; ### return 1 / (1 + Bb * ((1 - x) / x) ** n1 * (rhov / rhol) ** n2 * (mul / muv) ** n3); ### # Homogeneous void fraction correlation (Carey, p.512) ###
[docs]def VoidFractionHomogeneous(steam, quality): '''Perform homogeneous void fraction correlation (Carey, p.512).'''; ### # Extract steam properties ### x = quality; rhol = steam.densityLiquid; rhov = steam.densityVapor; mul = steam.dynamicViscosityLiquid; muv = steam.dynamicViscosityVapor; ### return VoidFractionGeneric(x = x, rhol = rhol, rhov = rhov, mul = mul, muv = muv, Bb = 1, n1 = 1, n2 = 1, n3 = 0); ### # Zivi void fraction correlation (Carey, p.512) ###
[docs]def VoidFractionZivi(steam, quality): '''Perform Zivi void fraction correlation (Carey, p.512).'''; ### # Extract steam properties ### x = quality; rhol = steam.densityLiquid; rhov = steam.densityVapor; mul = steam.dynamicViscosityLiquid; muv = steam.dynamicViscosityVapor; ### return VoidFractionGeneric(x = x, rhol = rhol, rhov = rhov, mul = mul, muv = muv, Bb = 1, n1 = 1, n2 = 2 / 3, n3 = 0); ### # Wallis void fraction correlation (Carey, p.512) ###
[docs]def VoidFractionWallis(steam, quality): '''Perform Wallis void fraction correlation (Carey, p.512).'''; ### # Extract steam properties ### x = quality; rhol = steam.densityLiquid; rhov = steam.densityVapor; mul = steam.dynamicViscosityLiquid; muv = steam.dynamicViscosityVapor; ### return VoidFractionGeneric(x = x, rhol = rhol, rhov = rhov, mul = mul, muv = muv, Bb = 1, n1 = 0.72, n2 = 0.4, n3 = 0.08); ### # Lockhart and Martinelli void fraction correlation (Carey, p.512) ###
[docs]def VoidFractionLM(steam, quality): '''Perform Lockhart and Martinelli void fraction correlation (Carey, p.512).'''; ### # Extract steam properties ### x = quality; rhol = steam.densityLiquid; rhov = steam.densityVapor; mul = steam.dynamicViscosityLiquid; muv = steam.dynamicViscosityVapor; ### return VoidFractionGeneric(x = x, rhol = rhol, rhov = rhov, mul = mul, muv = muv, Bb = 0.28, n1 = 0.64, n2 = 0.36, n3 = 0.07); ### # Thom void fraction correlation (Carey, p.512) ###
[docs]def VoidFractionThom(steam, quality): '''Perform Thom void fraction correlation (Carey, p.512).'''; ### # Extract steam properties ### x = quality; rhol = steam.densityLiquid; rhov = steam.densityVapor; mul = steam.dynamicViscosityLiquid; muv = steam.dynamicViscosityVapor; ### return VoidFractionGeneric(x = x, rhol = rhol, rhov = rhov, mul = mul, muv = muv, Bb = 1, n1 = 1, n2 = 0.89, n3 = 0.18); ### # Baroczy void fraction correlation (Carey, p.512) ###
[docs]def VoidFractionBaroczy(steam, quality): '''Perform Baroczy void fraction correlation (Carey, p.512).'''; ### # Extract steam properties ### x = quality; rhol = steam.densityLiquid; rhov = steam.densityVapor; mul = steam.dynamicViscosityLiquid; muv = steam.dynamicViscosityVapor; ### return VoidFractionGeneric(x = x, rhol = rhol, rhov = rhov, mul = mul, muv = muv, Bb = 1, n1 = 0.74, n2 = 0.65, n3 = 0.13); ### # Generic drift-flux void fraction correlation ###
[docs]def VoidFractionDriftFlux(x, rhol, rhov, G, C0, Vvj): '''Perform generic drift-flux void fraction correlation.'''; ### return 1 / (C0 * (1 + (1 - x) / x * rhov / rhol) + Vvj * rhov / x / G); ### # Bestion void fraction correlation ###
[docs]def VoidFractionBestion(steam, quality): '''Perform Bestion void fraction correlation.'''; ### # Extract steam properties ### x = quality; g = steam.gravity; G = steam.massFlux; De = steam.hydraulicDiameter; rhol = steam.densityLiquid; rhov = steam.densityVapor; rholv = rhol - rhov; ### # Calculate intermediate variables ### jv = G * x / rhov; jl = G * (1 - x) / rhol; ### jgst = jv * (rhov / (g * De * rholv)) ** 0.5; C0 = 1.; ### Vvj = 0.188 * jv / jgst; ### # Return drift-flux void fraction ### return VoidFractionDriftFlux(x = x, rhol = rhol, rhov = rhov, G = G, C0 = C0, Vvj = Vvj); ### # Liao/Parlos/Griffith (LPG) void fraction correlation ###
[docs]def VoidFractionLPG(steam, quality): '''Peform Liao/Parlos/Griffith (LPG) void fraction correlation.'''; ### # Extract steam properties ### x = quality; g = steam.gravity; G = steam.massFlux; De = steam.hydraulicDiameter; rhol = steam.densityLiquid; rhov = steam.densityVapor; rholv = rhol - rhov; sigma = steam.surfaceTension; ### # Calculate intermediate variables ### jv = G * x / rhov; jl = G * (1 - x) / rhol; ### jgst = jv * (rhov / (g * De * rholv)) ** 0.5; ### boundary = 2.34 - 1.07 * (g * sigma * rholv / rhol ** 2.) ** 0.25; ### # Instantiate void fraction ### alpha = Array([0.] * len(quality)); ### # Iterate over spatial regions ### for index in range(len(x)): ### # Determine flow regime ### if jl[index] > boundary: regime = 0; elif jgst[index] > 1: regime = 1; else: regime = 2; ### # Use value of prior cell as a first guess for the void fraction, if it exists ### if index: alpha[index] = alpha[index - 1]; ### # Fixed-point iteration ### difference = epsilon; while difference >= epsilon: previous = alpha[index]; if 0 == regime: ### # Bubbly ### C0 = 1.; Vvj = 1.53 * (1. - alpha[index]) ** 2. * (g * sigma * rholv / rhol ** 2.) ** 0.25; elif 1 == regime: ### # Annular ### C0 = 1. + (1. - alpha[index]) / (alpha[index] + 4. * (rhov / rhol) ** 0.5); Vvj = (C0 - 1.) * (g * De * rholv * (1 - alpha[index]) / (0.015 * rhol)) ** 0.5; elif 2 == regime: ### # Churn/slug ### C0 = 1.2 - 0.2 * (rhov / rhol) ** 0.5 * (1. - Exponent(-18. * alpha[index])); Vvj = 0.33 * (g * sigma * rholv / rhov ** 2.) ** 0.25; ### alpha[index] = VoidFractionDriftFlux(x = x[index], rhol = rhol, rhov = rhov, G = G, C0 = C0, Vvj = Vvj); ### difference = abs(previous - alpha[index]); ### # Smooth discontinuities between flow-regimes ### if 0 == regime: alphaBubbly = alpha[index]; elif 1 == regime: try: alpha[index] = max(alpha[index], alphaSlug); except UnboundLocalError: alpha[index] = max(alpha[index], alphaBubbly); elif 2 == regime: alphaSlug = alpha[index]; ### # Return drift-flux void fraction ### return alpha; ### # Chexal-Lellouche void fraction correlation ###
[docs]def VoidFractionChexalLellouche(steam, quality): '''Perform Chexal-Lellouche void fraction correlation.'''; ### # Extract steam properties ### x = quality; g = steam.gravity; G = steam.massFlux; De = steam.hydraulicDiameter; rhol = steam.densityLiquid; rhov = steam.densityVapor; rholv = rhol - rhov; rhovOl = rhov / rhol; sigma = steam.surfaceTension; mul = steam.dynamicViscosityLiquid; muv = steam.dynamicViscosityVapor; P = steam.pressure; Pcrit = steam.criticalPressure; ### # Calculate static variables ### Rel = G * (1 - x) * De / mul; Rev = G * x * De / muv; ### B1 = Array([min(0.8, 1 / (1 + Exponent(-max(Rel[index], Rev[index]) / 6e4))) for index in range(len(x))]); K0 = B1 + (1 - B1) * rhovOl ** 0.25; r = (1 + 1.57 * rhovOl) / (1 - B1); C1 = 4 * Pcrit ** 2. / P / (Pcrit - P); ### C3 = Array([max(0.5, 2 * Exponent(-abs(Rel[index]) / 6e4)) for index in range(len(x))]); C5 = (150 * rhovOl) ** 0.5; if 1 / rhovOl <= 18: C2 = 0.4757 * (-NaturalLogarithm(rhovOl)) ** 0.7; else: if C5 >= 1: C2 = 1; else: C2 = 1 / (1 - Exponent(-C5 / (1 - C5))); ### C7 = (0.09144 / De) ** 0.6; if C7 >= 1: C4 = 1; else: C4 = 1 / (1 - Exponent(-C5 / (1 - C5))); ### # Instantiate void fraction ### alpha = Array([0.] * len(quality)); ### # Iterate over spatial regions ### for index in range(len(x)): ### # Use value of prior cell as a first guess for the void fraction, if it exists ### if index: alpha[index] = alpha[index - 1]; ### # Fixed-point iteration ### difference = epsilon; while difference >= epsilon: previous = alpha[index]; C9 = (1 - alpha[index]) ** B1[index]; Vvj = 2 ** 0.5 * (g * sigma * rholv / rhol ** 2.) ** 0.25 * C2 * C3[index] * C4 * C9; L = (1 - Exponent(-C1 * alpha[index])) / (1 - Exponent(-C1)); C0 = L / (K0[index] + (1 - K0[index]) * alpha[index] ** r[index]); ### alpha[index] = VoidFractionDriftFlux(x = x[index], rhol = rhol, rhov = rhov, G = G, C0 = C0, Vvj = Vvj); difference = abs(previous - alpha[index]); ### # Return drift-flux void fraction ### return alpha; ### # Chexal-Lellouche void fraction correlation ###
VoidFractionRELAP = VoidFractionChexalLellouche; ### # MIT-modified CISE-4 critical power ratio correlation ###
[docs]def CriticalPowerRatioMITCISE4(steam, axialPowers, flowLengths, endIndex): '''Perform MIT-modified CISE-4 critical power ratio correlation.'''; ### # Extract steam properties ### mdot = steam.massFlowRate; G = steam.massFlux; Dh = steam.heatedDiameter; De = steam.hydraulicDiameter; P = steam.pressure; Pcrit = steam.criticalPressure; hfg = steam.enthalpyVapor - steam.enthalpyLiquid; dhsub = steam.enthalpyLiquid - steam.enthalpyInlet; Pz = Array([axialPower for axialPower in axialPowers]); dz = flowLengths; ### # Define correlation limits ### limits = { 'G' : (100, 2035), 'De' : (0.00235, 0.00703), 'P' : (1, 8.6), }; ### # Check limits ### try: assert(min(limits['G']) <= G <= max(limits['G'])); except AssertionError: PrintNow('Mass flux violates MCPR correlation limits'); ### try: assert(min(limits['De']) <= De <= max(limits['De'])); except AssertionError: PrintNow('Hydraulic diameter violates MCPR correlation limits'); ### try: assert(min(limits['P']) <= P <= max(limits['P'])); except AssertionError: PrintNow('System pressure violates MCPR correlation limits'); ### # Apply safety margin ### mdot *= 0.95; G *= 0.95; Pz *= 1.25; ### # Determine the location of the onset of boiling for a peaked channel ### onsetIndex = NonZero(Pz.cumsum() / mdot >= dhsub)[0][0]; ### # Calculate static variables ### b = 0.199 * (Pcrit / P - 1) ** 0.4 * G * De ** 1.2; Gstar = 3375. * (1 - P / Pcrit) ** 3.; if G <= Gstar: a = (1 + (1 - P / Pcrit) ** -3. * 0.7 * G / 6750.) ** -1.; else: a = (1 - P / Pcrit) / (0.7 * G / 1000.) ** (1. / 3.); ### # Iterate over spatial regions ### criticalQuality = Zeros(Pz.shape); criticalPowerRatio = Zeros(Pz.shape); boilingLength = 0; thermalPower = sum(Pz[ : onsetIndex]); for index in range(onsetIndex + 1, endIndex): boilingLength += dz[index]; thermalPower += Pz[index]; ### criticalQuality[index] = (De / Dh) * a / (1 + b / boilingLength); criticalPowerRatio[index] = mdot * hfg * criticalQuality[index] / thermalPower; ### return criticalQuality, criticalPowerRatio; ### # Hitachi-modified CISE-4 critical power ratio correlation ### ##### FIXME: This is a proprietary correlation. Please run to patch this file. ### # Generic two-phase pressure drop correlation ###
[docs]def PressureDropTwoPhase(steam, quality, voidFraction, massDensity, flowLengths, twoPhaseFrictionMultiplier): '''Perform generic two-phase pressure drop correlation.'''; ### # Extract steam properties ### x = quality; alpha = voidFraction; rhomix = massDensity; dz = flowLengths; phi2 = twoPhaseFrictionMultiplier; g = steam.gravity; G = steam.massFlux; De = steam.hydraulicDiameter; rhol = steam.densityLiquid; rhov = steam.densityVapor; mul = steam.dynamicViscosityLiquid; ### # Calculate intermediate variables; # One over the dynamic density; # Fanning friction factor ### vm = Nan2Num(x ** 2. / rhov / alpha + (1 - x) ** 2. / rhov / (1 - alpha)); flo = 0.079 * (G * De / mul) ** -0.25; ### # Iterate over spatial regions ### dP = Zeros(x.shape); for index in range(1, len(x)): ### # Accumulate; # Acceleration; # Gravitational; # Frictional ### dP[index] = dP[index - 1] + \ G ** 2. * (vm[index] - vm[index - 1]) + \ g * 0.5 * (dz[index - 1] + dz[index]) * 0.5 * (rhomix[index - 1] + rhomix[index]) + \ 2. * flo * G ** 2. / De / rhol * 0.5 * (dz[index - 1] + dz[index]) * 0.5 * (phi2[index - 1] + phi2[index]); ### return dP; ### # EPRI two-phase friction multiplier correlation ###
[docs]def PressureDropEPRI(steam, quality, voidFraction, massDensity, flowLengths): '''EPRI pressure drop correlation.'''; ### # Extract steam properties ### x = quality; G = steam.massFlux; rhol = steam.densityLiquid; rhov = steam.densityVapor; P = steam.pressure; Pcrit = steam.criticalPressure; ### # Calculate two-phase friction multiplier ### if P >= 4.14: Cf = 1.02 * x ** -0.175 * (G / 1356.) ** -0.45; else: Cf = 0.357 * x ** -0.175 * (G / 1356.) ** -0.45 * (1. + 10. * P / Pcrit); twoPhaseFrictionMultiplier = 1. + (rhol / rhov - 1.) * x * Nan2Num(Cf); ### return PressureDropTwoPhase(steam = steam, quality = quality, voidFraction = voidFraction, massDensity = massDensity, flowLengths = flowLengths, twoPhaseFrictionMultiplier = twoPhaseFrictionMultiplier); ### # RBWR-Th boiling calculation ###
[docs]def RbwrThBoilingCalculation(self, transportOutputFile): '''Override coolant density calculation.'''; ### # Kick out if density updates are not requested ### if not self.GetParameter('updateCoolantDensities'): return; ### # Kick out if decay step or transmute-only ### if self.GetIsDecayStep() or self.GetIsPickleTransmute(): return; ### # Cell # -> Wth ### cellNumber2ThermalPower = {cellNumber : self.GetCellNumberThermalPower(transportOutputFile, cellNumber, includeDecayHeat = True) for cellNumber in transportOutputFile.GetPowerCells()}; ### PrintNow('> Calculating coolant densities for {}: {:.2f} MWth'.format(self.GetDepletionString(), sum(cellNumber2ThermalPower.values()) / 1e6)); ### # Fuel -> Cool ### assemblys = self.GetParameter('assemblyFuelsToCools'); ### # Extract steam properties ### steam = Steam(pressure = self.GetParameter('coolantInletPressure'), temperature = self.GetParameter('coolantInletTemperature'), massFlowRate = self.GetParameter('coolantMassFlowRate'), heatedDiameter = self.GetParameter('coolantHeatedDiameter'), hydraulicDiameter = self.GetParameter('coolantHydraulicDiameter'), flowArea = self.GetParameter('coolantFlowArea')); ### if self.GetIsVerbose(): PrintNow(steam); ### # Iterate over assemblies ### assemblyIndex = 0; assemblyIndex2VoidFractionCalculation = {}; for assembly in assemblys: ### # Extract original water densities ### cellNumbers = [cool for fuels2Cools in assembly for cools in fuels2Cools.values() for cool in cools]; cellNumber2PreviousMassDensity = {cellNumber : transportOutputFile.FindCell(cellNumber).GetMassDensity() for cellNumber in cellNumbers + self.GetParameter('coolantBypassCells')}; ### # Build axial power list; # Coolant is heated by fuels AND by cools ### axialZones = len(assembly); axialPowers = [sum(cellNumber2ThermalPower[fuel] for fuels in fuels2Cools for fuel in fuels if fuel not in fuels2Cools[fuels]) + sum(cellNumber2ThermalPower[cool] for cools in fuels2Cools.values() for cool in cools) for fuels2Cools in assembly]; ### # Distribute missing powers ### allFuels = {fuel for fuels2Cools in assembly for fuels in fuels2Cools for fuel in fuels}; allCools = {cool for fuels2Cools in assembly for cools in fuels2Cools.values() for cool in cools}; missingCellNumbers = set(cellNumber2ThermalPower.keys()) - (allFuels | allCools); if missingCellNumbers: missingPower = sum(cellNumber2ThermalPower[cellNumber] for cellNumber in missingCellNumbers); PrintNow('> Distributing {:.0f} Wth from cell #\'s {:s} among {:d} cells in assembly #{:d}'.format(missingPower, ' '.join(str(missingCellNumber) for missingCellNumber in missingCellNumbers), axialZones, assemblyIndex)); missingPower /= axialZones; axialPowers = [axialPower + missingPower for axialPower in axialPowers]; ### # Slice axial power array; ### zoneSlices = 500; axialPowers = Array([axialPower / zoneSlices for axialPower in axialPowers for index in range(zoneSlices)]); ### # Convert axial powers Wth -> kWth ### axialPowers /= 1e3; ### # Initialize axial quality, void fraction, and density ### axialQualitys = Zeros(axialPowers.shape); axialVoidFractions = Zeros(axialPowers.shape); axialMassDensitys = Zeros(axialPowers.shape); ### # Determine the locations of the onset of boiling and end of heating ### onsetIndex = NonZero(axialPowers.cumsum() / steam.massFlowRate >= (steam.enthalpyLiquid - steam.enthalpyInlet))[0][0]; ### for endIndex in range(len(assembly)): fuels2Cools = assembly[-(endIndex + 1)]; if set(next(fuels for fuels in fuels2Cools)) != set(next(cools for cools in fuels2Cools.values())): break; endIndex = None; ### if endIndex is None: endIndex = 0; endIndex = (axialZones - endIndex) * zoneSlices; ### onePhaseSlice = slice(0, onsetIndex); twoPhaseSlice = slice(onsetIndex, axialZones * zoneSlices); ### # Calculate axial qualities ### latentHeat = steam.enthalpyVapor - steam.enthalpyLiquid; axialQualitys[twoPhaseSlice] = Array([axialPowers[twoPhaseSlice] / steam.massFlowRate / latentHeat]).cumsum(); ### # Calculate axial void fractions ### voidFractionCorrelation = self.GetParameter('voidFractionCorrelation'); ### if voidFractionCorrelation in ('bestion', ): VoidFractionCorrelation = VoidFractionBestion; elif voidFractionCorrelation in ('lpg', 'bestest', 'liao'): VoidFractionCorrelation = VoidFractionLPG; elif voidFractionCorrelation in ('relap', ): VoidFractionCorrelation = VoidFractionRELAP; elif voidFractionCorrelation in ('hom', 'homogeneous'): VoidFractionCorrelation = VoidFractionHomogeneous; elif voidFractionCorrelation in ('zivi', ): VoidFractionCorrelation = VoidFractionZivi; elif voidFractionCorrelation in ('wallis', ): VoidFractionCorrelation = VoidFractionWallis; elif voidFractionCorrelation in ('lm', 'lockhart', 'martinelli'): VoidFractionCorrelation = VoidFractionLM; elif voidFractionCorrelation in ('thom', ): VoidFractionCorrelation = VoidFractionThom; elif voidFractionCorrelation in ('baroczy', ): VoidFractionCorrelation = VoidFractionBaroczy; else: raise ValueError('Void fraction correlation `{}\' is unrecognized'.format(voidFractionCorrelation)); axialVoidFractions[twoPhaseSlice] = VoidFractionCorrelation(steam, axialQualitys[twoPhaseSlice]); ### # Calculate axial mass densitys # Linearly interpolate density until boiling onset ### axialMassDensitys[onePhaseSlice] = steam.densityInlet + Array([(index / onsetIndex) * (steam.densityLiquid - steam.densityInlet) for index in range(onsetIndex)]); axialMassDensitys[twoPhaseSlice] = axialVoidFractions[twoPhaseSlice] * steam.densityVapor + (1 - axialVoidFractions[twoPhaseSlice]) * steam.densityLiquid; ### # Construct slice flow lengths ### flowLengths = [flowLength / zoneSlices for flowLength in self.GetParameter('coolantFlowLengths') for index in range(zoneSlices)]; ### # Calculate critical quality and critical power ratio ### criticalPowerRatioCorrelation = self.GetParameter('criticalPowerRatioCorrelation'); ### if criticalPowerRatioCorrelation in ('m-cise', ): CriticalPowerRatioCorrelation = CriticalPowerRatioMITCISE4; elif criticalPowerRatioCorrelation in ('h-cise', ): CriticalPowerRatioCorrelation = CriticalPowerRatioHitachiCISE4; else: raise ValueError('Critical power ratio correlation `{}\' is unrecognized'.format(criticalPowerRatioCorrelation)); axialCriticalQualitys, axialCriticalPowerRatios = CriticalPowerRatioCorrelation(steam, axialPowers, flowLengths, endIndex); ### # Determine the minimum critical power ratio, its quality, and its location ### from numpy import nanargmin as NanArgMin; ### CPR = Array([element for element in axialCriticalPowerRatios]); CPR[NonZero(CPR == 0)] = None; ### # Find initial CPR peak to ignore ### for peakIndex in range(len(CPR) - 1): if CPR[peakIndex + 1] < CPR[peakIndex]: break; ### peakIndex = None; if peakIndex is None: ### # If the CPR monotonically increases, fall back onto an a priori index ### Warning('There is no valid MCPR ... the CPR at the fallback location is chosen instead'); peakIndex = self.GetParameter('criticalPowerRatioFallbackIndex') * zoneSlices; ### troughIndex = peakIndex + NanArgMin(CPR[peakIndex : ]); ### minimumCriticalPowerRatio = axialCriticalPowerRatios[troughIndex]; minimumCriticalPowerRatioLocation = sum(flowLengths[ : troughIndex]); minimumCriticalPowerRatioQuality = axialCriticalQualitys[troughIndex]; ### # Calculate pressure drop ### pressureDropCorrelation = self.GetParameter('pressureDropCorrelation'); ### if pressureDropCorrelation in ('epri', 'reddy', 'vipre', 'cobra'): PressureDropCorrelation = PressureDropEPRI; else: raise ValueError('Pressure drop correlation `{}\' is unrecognized'.format(pressureDropCorrelation)); axialPressureDrops = PressureDropCorrelation(steam, axialQualitys, axialVoidFractions, axialMassDensitys, flowLengths); ### # Collapse axial power, quality, void fraction, density, and pressure drop arrays ### def Collapse(array, indexs, jndexs): return Array([array[(index) * jndexs : (index + 1) * jndexs].mean() for index in range(indexs)]); ### axialPowers = Collapse(axialPowers, axialZones, zoneSlices) * zoneSlices; axialQualitys = Collapse(axialQualitys, axialZones, zoneSlices); axialVoidFractions = Collapse(axialVoidFractions, axialZones, zoneSlices); axialMassDensitys = Collapse(axialMassDensitys, axialZones, zoneSlices); axialPressureDrops = Collapse(axialPressureDrops, axialZones, zoneSlices); finePositionCPRs = [(sum(flowLengths[ : index]), axialCriticalPowerRatios[index]) for index in range(len(axialCriticalPowerRatios))]; ### # Convert axial power kWth -> Wth; # Convert density kg/m³ -> g/cc; # Convert pressure drop Pa -> MPa ### axialPowers *= 1e3; axialMassDensitys /= 1e3; axialPressureDrops /= 1e6; ### # Cell # -> mass density ### # FIXME Fix for multiple coolant cells cellNumber2MassDensity = {cellNumbers[index] : axialMassDensitys[index] for index in range(len(cellNumbers))}; ### # Average previous and current water density estimates ### theta = self.GetParameter('coolantDensityDampingCoefficient'); for cellNumber, massDensity in cellNumber2MassDensity.items(): cellNumber2MassDensity[cellNumber] = theta * massDensity + (1 - theta) * cellNumber2PreviousMassDensity[cellNumber]; ### # Set bypass density to that of the inlet ### inletMassDensity = cellNumber2MassDensity[next(iter(cellNumbers))]; cellNumber2MassDensity.update({cellNumber : inletMassDensity for cellNumber in self.GetParameter('coolantBypassCells')}); ### # Calculate convergence norm ### relativeDifferences = Array([abs(cellNumber2MassDensity[cellNumber] / cellNumber2PreviousMassDensity[cellNumber] - 1) for cellNumber in cellNumbers + self.GetParameter('coolantBypassCells')]); ### normType = self.GetParameter('thermalHydraulicConvergenceNormType'); if normType in ('1', 'one'): norm = relativeDifferences.mean(); normCharacter = '1'; elif normType in ('2', 'two'): norm = (relativeDifferences ** 2.).mean() ** 0.5; normCharacter = '2'; elif normType in ('inf', 'infinite', 'infinity'): norm = relativeDifferences.max(); normCharacter = '∞'; ### # If unconverged, signal transport file update ### tolerance = self.GetParameter('thermalHydraulicConvergenceTolerance'); ### if norm > tolerance: PrintNow('> Coolant density {}-norm {:.1%} > {:.1%} ... assembly #{:d} needs updating for {}'.format(normCharacter, norm, tolerance, assemblyIndex, self.GetDepletionString())); ### # Record the need for updates ### transportOutputFile.ResetNewput(); else: PrintNow('> Coolant density {}-norm {:.1%} ≤ {:.1%} ... assembly #{:d} has converged for {}'.format(normCharacter, norm, tolerance, assemblyIndex, self.GetDepletionString())); ### boilingCalculation = BoilingCalculation(cellNumbers = cellNumbers, cellNumber2PreviousMassDensity = cellNumber2PreviousMassDensity, cellNumber2MassDensity = cellNumber2MassDensity, axialPowers = axialPowers, axialQualitys = axialQualitys, axialVoidFractions = axialVoidFractions, finePositionCPRs = finePositionCPRs, minimumCriticalPowerRatio = minimumCriticalPowerRatio, minimumCriticalPowerRatioQuality = minimumCriticalPowerRatioQuality, minimumCriticalPowerRatioLocation = minimumCriticalPowerRatioLocation, criticalPowerRatioLimit = self.GetParameter('criticalPowerRatioLimit'), flowLengths = self.GetParameter('coolantFlowLengths'), axialPressureDrops = axialPressureDrops, transportOutputFile = transportOutputFile); if self.GetIsVerbose(): PrintNow(boilingCalculation); ### assemblyIndex2VoidFractionCalculation[assemblyIndex] = boilingCalculation; ### assemblyIndex += 1; ### # FIXME Multiple assemblies!?! return assemblyIndex2VoidFractionCalculation; ### ### Replacement for DepletionCalculation methods ### ### # DepletionCalculation.ProcessFuel() ###
ProcessFuel = lambda self : RbwrThRecycle(self.GetOriginalTransportFile(), McnpInputFile(self.GetFileName('i', withoutTH = True))); ### # DepletionCalculation.MultiplicationFactor() ### MultiplicationFactor = MultiBatchCoreKeffEoc; ### # DepletionCalculation.UpdateCoolantDensitys() ### UpdateCoolantDensitys = RbwrThBoilingCalculation; ### ### Offline helper functions ### ### # Coolant density calculation ### # FIXME Implement this? We will probably have to strip out the meat of RbwrThBoilingCalculation and point to that
[docs]def UpdateCoolantDensitysOffline(): '''Offline coolant density update helper.'''; UpdateCoolantDensitys; ### return; ### # Process fuel ###
[docs]def ProcessFuelOffline(bocFileName, eocFileName, newFileName): '''Offline fuel processing helper.'''; newInputFile = RbwrThRecycle(McnpInputFile(bocFileName), McnpInputFile(eocFileName)); ### WriteFile(newFileName, newInputFile.GetNewputRaw()); ### return;